First Boss Part 1

Shiro was still in his Auto mode, but in this mode, despite his levels being just around twenty, he immediately utilized what he could to attack the Carroñero Petrolero (Carroñero Tanker) armada that she brought with her.

< Name: Carroñero Petrolero (Carroñero Tanker) >

< Astral Manifestation: Spirit >

< Astral Race: Hollow >

< Hollow Type: Carroñero Aparecer >

< Hollow Society: Colmena (Hive) >

< Evolution Stage: Incursor (Raider) >

< Level: 30 >


< Enemy Counted >

< Enemy: (20/20) >

" Advance my Petroleros! " she orders.

" Desecrate this Ordinario at once! " the Queen commands after seeing Shiro massacre all of her Carroñeros with his boosted power.

" Kill... " Shiro says as he then quickly destroys many of the Petroleros with the help of the < [Astral Aegis Blade] >, slicing them up ferociously without any control, emotions, or regards like he usually does since the System is now in its direct control over his body to fulfill Order #55 it was implanted with.

< Order #55 in progress. >

< Continue execution until the Astral Player's consciousness awakens. >

< Progress Time limit: >

< 01: 34:56 >


< You Leveled Up >

< You Leveled Up >

" Die!!! "

As Auto-Shiro slices and dices the Petrolero one by one, the Carroñero Queen begins to get angry as she has no choice but to join the battle herself, after seeing her Petrolero sliced one by one due to Shiro's blade being a different kind of blade.

Despite, the Queen's help and Shiro's massacre. The remaining Petrolero still put up the fight as they use their big body to ram Shiro, using their sting to attack him like bullets, but Shiro blocks it using his broad < [Astral Aegis Blade] > and continues to attack the Petroleros as he then slices one up again.

< You Leveled Up >

< You are now Level 30 >

As he slices one again, Auto-Shiro was then immediately hit by the Carroñero Queen so hard as it blasts him into the ceilings of the Carroñero Queen's Nest.

" Enough! "

" Just who do you think you are, suddenly massacring my spawns while you're nothing but a defenseless bug just many hours ago? "

" You are but a weakling fool, you think just because you had already massacred many of my spawns, you are now able to withstand me? "

" Think again! " she says as she then takes her breath, opening her mouth as she begins to do what an Ascendente Hollow could do, especially her, the Ascendente who will be a Monarca after a long time of being in that state.

" [ Descarga Explosión ] " she says as she uses her blasting ability to obliterate Shiro as she aims it in Shiro's direction.

As she discharged it, Auto-Shiro automatically leaps down to avoid the very explosion which shocks the Queen as she thought that her punch already disarmed or stunned him.

" How is this possible? "

" How can an Ordinario, huh? " she asks as she sees Auto-Shiro's sharp eyes.

< Progress Time limit: >

< 01: 25:30>

" Kill... " Auto-Shiro says as that's the only word that his mouth and tongue could muster in that state, only spoke that one threatening word and immediately make the enemy gets pissed just after hearing so.

" Grrhhh.... " the Queen was immediately enraged, as she then tries to attack Shiro, ramming towards him to obliterate his tiny armored body once and for all.

When she did that, she and her remaining Petrolero army charged in Shiro's direction, unleashing their fangs during the approach while Auto-Shiro just points the < [Astral Aegis Blade] > in their direction as if he felt no fear at all.

" Come. " Auto-Shiro which pisses the Carroñero Queen more.

" I'll make you pay for that, you insolent Ordinario! "

" I haven't yet asked your name, but whoever you are, whatever your name is. "

" Let me tell you something... "

" No one f**king insults a Queen! " she says as she explains the rules of the Insect Monsters back in the world of the living, where the Queen is basically the god for the insects as they were the core of the insect monster's hive.

" So, ... " Auto-Shiro responds as he then looked upwards.

< Auto-mode Skill: Prediction >

" Does it matter...? " he says.

After he says that, from above, they all can hear a crack in the Subterraneo's ceilings and as the crack gets louder, a boom can be heard as something falls on top of the Carroñero Queen and her Petroleros.

As it lands, the thing that falls then comes out from the smoke as he smokes his cigarette.

" Okay, where am I? " he says while smoking to control the coldness of his ice.

As he smokes, from above, a voice can be heard calling him.

" Captain Raymond, are you alright!? " Tracker 101 asks as he then uses his glide to follow the Soul Knight Captain.

" Of course, after all... "

" The Raider Hollow is done for," he says as he looks to Cráneos Buitres who he stabs using a large lance of ice that he makes using his ability.

" Dammit... " Cráneos Buitres says as he was immediately done for to even daring to fight Raymond.

" How can you do it? "

" How did you manage to defeat me during my...? " he asks while Raymond then comes to step on him.

" During your sandstorm? "

" Of course, I can! "

" Everybody knows that those who cast sandstorms are usually vulnerable inside the shell of the stormy wind. " Raymond explains to him.

" So to get inside that vulnerable space of yours, I've decided to create the largest ice I could make to weigh myself on striking in your sandstorm tornadoes, thus making my entry to your vulnerable domain as soon as possible to give you the final blow. " Raymond as he then uses another of his ice ability.

[ Freeze Spike ]

As he makes it, from his hands was immediately crafted a large spike of ice that stabs the Incursor Hollow and freezes for good, after he was frozen, the ice immediately shatters, destroying his very Spiritual Body and Core immediately without any mercy.

" May the Freeze shatters the tainted out of you. " Raymond chants while Tracker 101 enters his place.

" This place, where are we? " Tracker asks.

" You don't know? " Raymond as he then senses something. "

" Hmmm... " Raymond says as he sees Auto-Shiro still pointing his sword in his direction, immediately making Raymond confused as he saw a Hollow using weapons such as a sword before.

" And who might you be? " Raymond asks Auto-Shiro who just stands there.

< Another individual had entered the party. >

< Scanning >

< Name: Raymond Warren >

< Astral Manifestation: Soul >

< Caste: Soul Knight >

< Rank: Soul Knight Captain >

< Level: 70 >