First Boss Part 2

" Who are you pointing at, you unknown armored Hollow Spirit? " Raymond as he sees Auto-Shiro pointing his sword at him and the tracker.

When the two see Shiro, Tracker 101 immediately noticed that his Astral Tracker just beeps so hard.

" The Astral Tracker just beeps... "

" And this signal... " Tracker 101 then murmurs.

" Captain Raymond! "

" The Astral Tracker had found a potential power of 'Madness' from that Hollow! " he says which shocks Captain Raymond as he then stares at Shiro in disbelief.

" The power of 'Madness' signal..., came from this one... " he asks as he then approached Shiro who is still in his position.

< 01: 23:20>

< 01: 23:19>

< 01: 23:18>

While Auto-Shiro chooses to stand still, captain Raymond then approached him and takes a look closer at Shiro for he is still confused and suspicious about him at the same time.

" Be careful, Captain... "

" That's a Hollow Spirit. "

" I have not discerned what rank and how monstrous this Hollow is, but... "

" He's different, I can sense it. " Raymond tells as he can sense that something is different about Shiro.

" Wha... " Tracker asks.

" What do you mean by that, Captain? " he wonders for Raymond just casually approached Shiro and did some quick check on him.

" I see... "

" Another of the not-supposed-to-be Spirit, aren't you? " Raymond asks as he then sheathes his word.

" I have seen this before... "

" A Spirit who had the ability to use Astral Weapons such as us, Souls... " Raymond says.

" I see... "

" Hey, Spirit... "

" I do not know who your name is, but... "

" Are you somehow had some sense of humanity inside you? " Raymond asks while knocking Shiro with his hand as to knock some senses off from Shiro.

" Captain, what are you...? "

" It's fine, it's fine... " Raymon sheath his weapon on his back again.

" This one didn't see us as his enemy... " Raymond says after noticing that Shiro seems doesn't attack him at all in his defenseless state.

" See... " Raymond says while laughing as he then pats Shiro's back off while Tracker 101 shakes in fear after seeing it.

" Captain... *trembles*," he says as he fears that the reason Shiro doesn't want to attack him is because he fears that Shiro only plays silent in order to kill Captain Raymon without him noticing.

During that time, the other Soul Knights then glide into the place after hearing Captain Raymond's hard laugh which they can all immediately hear from far away.

" There he is..., captain...! " they all say while gliding down as they approached the two.

" Captain, have you defeated the Incursor Hollow, Didn't you... whoa!!! "

" Captain what is that beside you!? " the Soul Knights were immediately shocked to see Shiro beside Captain Raymond who is not using his weapon.

As the Knights were alarmed, Raymond immediately use his 'Astral Pressure' to stop his men from drawing their weapons.

" Halt your hands, this one is not dangerous...! " he says with his utmost pressure, pressuring his men to prevent them from making some unwanted trouble.

As he manages to hold them, he then looks at Shiro and says this.

" Hey, I don't know if you can hear me or not... "

" But can you please show my men that you're not dangerous..., "

" To prove myself right... " Raymond asks Shiro which the System, who is currently in control then scans the whole Situation as it concludes that the people who just arrived are not Astral Player Shiro's enemy, for now.

Using the System's Skill, it then gets the conclusion that Astral Player Shiro's consciousness needs to return in order to assure the Soul Knights that Shiro is not dangerous in their eyes.

< System's decision >

< Disable Auto-Control >

< Stoping the Execution of Order #55 >

< Returning Astral Player's consciousness. >

As it happens, Shiro then returns to his Spiritual Body and sees the Soul Knights had surrounded him and Captain Raymond beside him.

" You're awake now? " he asks.

" Who...? " Shiro then gives the Question but suddenly the System shows him the scenes, the records during the Auto-Control state that it records for Shiro in order to be quickly informed of what's going on.

< Giving the Astral Player the Auto-Control State Record. >

< Auto-Control state Record Cutscene #1 opened. >

As it happens, Shiro was given a quick view of what happened during the System's full control and he immediately grasp the whole point since the System deliver the whole thing perfectly, making him understand quickly without any questions needing to be asked the System.

" I see now... " Shiro says as he then decides to unequip his weapon (but still maintain his armor for safety) he decided to show his hands above his hands, the only thing he knows that will ensure the others he is safe or...

"( With this, they won't see me as a dangerous person... )"

"( Or should I say instead that this will make me look 'vulnerable' to them, to these people no, these Souls... )" Shiro says at this moment as he only does the only thing that people would think him safe, which is to surrender formally, not because of fear, but in order to give these already have suspicious minds Souls a little bit of insurance, if it can.

Shiro can only do that, probably after seeing Captain Raymond beside him that is not offensive towards him right now and the only person who is currently backing him up, which is an opportunity he can't let go of easily since he really needs another person other than the System to guide him in this Astral World.

"( I hope with this, I can at least assure them that I'm not dangerous to them, for now. )"

"( Especially... )" Shiro says while looking at Raymond.

"( This man seems trustable. )"

"( I hope he doesn't vote for me for other reasons... )" he hopes that and after some time, the Soul Knights who see him surrendering then decide to sheath their weapons again as they now know that Shiro is not the enemy that needs to be eliminated, but.

" But you, Unknown Hollow Spirit... "

" Since you have shown us your worth, you will still need to answer more questions that we will ask... "

" Captain...? " they say to Raymond as he then says to Shiro that Shiro needs no worries and that the questions will be simple basic template questions.

" Don't worry, the questions are not hard... " he assures Shiro.

" Just answer it truthfully and... huh...! " Raymond's words were interrupted as suddenly a high-tense Astral Pressure rose up from nowhere.

" This pressure... " Shiro says as he realized that this belongs to...

" All of you, draw your weapons again! " Shiro shouts while Raymond and the other Souls ask him why during the moment, a stab can be heard, and at that moment, all of the astral present there were shocked as one of them is being stabbed by a humanoid hollow Spirit.

" Ah yes, this feels like after I somehow become an Ascendente in just a few years back then... "

" This is marvelous... ahahahahaha... " the humanoid hollow woman says as her bug features also follow her.

" It can't be...! " Shiro says as he sees her.

" Carroñero Queen!!! "