What's Wrong With The Attitude?

In a room with bright shades, because white paint dominates it, two lovers dance while accompanied by lilting tempo music.

The two move to adjust to the song's beat, one step to the right, one step to the left, then one step back, and one step forward.

The gaze of the two eyes entangled each other, sharing the feelings of love that bloomed in the heart. A gentle look, a warm smile, and a fast heartbeat make the two people dissolve in the nuances of romance.

"I promised not to leave you, didn't I?" asked the man in the middle of their dance activity.

The woman smiled shyly. On no signal, she immediately hugged the man's body tightly, messing with their dance rhythm.

"I know. You've told me a thousand times. I trust you, Sean. I believe you will not leave me," whispered the woman softly.

The man named Sean lifted the woman's chin using his thumb. And thus, at this moment, their faces look so close. Even their breaths also swept the surface of the skin to each other.

A gentle and loving smile instantly rose on the man's face as his thumb caressed the woman's tender red lips.

The sight of the man's eyes began to be enveloped by fog. The woman's soft lips felt so seductive in his eyes.

"Amber, can I kiss you?" asked the man for permission, although he already could not resist the great temptation in his eyes.

Amber put her hands around Sean's neck. A moment later, she nodded. Give the green light to him. "Do whatever you want to do, Sean. I'm yours. And it will always be that way."

Sean looked at her with an adoring look. Without saying anything more, he tilted his face, preparing to kiss her.

Amber deftly closed her eyes, waiting for the lips of her beloved lover to come.

The distance between the two faces gradually began to erode.

Five centimeters...

Three centimeters...

One centimeter...


"CUT!" someone interrupted their activities.

A moment later, a roar of applause immediately filled the room.

A couple of lovers who had previously wanted to kiss each other immediately distanced their bodies from each other like they didn't wish to be stuck in that position for a long time.

"Good! This is what I wanted to see from the beginning! Your chemistry has improved a lot! Celine, Jayden, I'm delighted!" Simon exclaimed again as he stood up from his chair.

Yeah. Over an hour ago, Celine and Jayden performed a scene from The Beautiful Sky and You Too, at Simon's request.

Celine got the role of Amber, while Jayden got the part of Sean. The Beautiful Sky and You Too tell the story of two lovers living together in a small house on the city's outskirts.

Sean has a job as a Senior High School teacher. Meanwhile, Amber is just a homely woman waiting for Jayden's return after being tired from work.

The reason why Amber does not work is due to her weak physique. She has leukemia and fights the deadly disease with her beloved boyfriend, Sean.

Now Simon is standing in front of Celine and Jayden. He still applauded as if to tell that he was delighted with the appearance of Jayden and Celine just now.

"You two are great! You haven't even lived together for a week, but I already felt the change. I feel good about this drama if your chemistry continues to show a positive trend. Everyone will love it!" Simon smiled, showing a row of neatly arranged teeth.

"Is that right?" Celine asked for sure.

Throughout the acting process, Celine tried to control the nervousness in her heart. She wants to prove that she deserves the role she gets. She doesn't want to be underestimated or doubted. This is the right time for her to demonstrate her skills!

"If not, then why can all this drama crew applaud? We are all applauding because the interaction between the two of you is so romantic! It looks like my plan to get you to stay at Jayden's house worked out. Celine, you managed to fix all your flaws in record time!"

Celine's heart suddenly blossomed. She had wanted to hear this praise for a long time. And now, for all the pressure she had gotten, it all seemed to disappear. She was happy.

And then, she glanced at Jayden, who was standing beside her with a strapping and flat face. She wondered why he was so quiet. Besides that, she also expected praise from him for today's fantastic work!

"I don't think that's enough. She must pay little attention to the details," Jayden criticized when his eyes met Celine's eyes. After that, he walks away and feels like what he said isn't wrong.

Celine's feelings, which had soared into the sky, were blown to the ground. Her heart ached at the humiliation Jayden had given her. And now, she was a wonder. Why was he not able to praise her hard work today at all?! Has he lost his mind?!

Simon smiled. His hand stretched out and gently patted Celine's right shoulder after knowing that Celine was dissatisfied with the sentimental criticism Jayden gave her. "Despite all that, your acting looks much better this time. I feel good. At the very least, you've proven I wasn't wrong to give you this role. For the rest, we can fix it together. You still have time."

Celine nodded. Although she felt annoyed by Jayden, she still maintained her sweet smile in front of Simon." I understand. After this, let me know what I lack. As much as possible, I'll fix it."

"Sure. In the end, I'll give you a note. Let's start again in the coming hour."

"Mn. Thank you!"


"Well, drink up." Celine gave Jayden a can of soda. However, instead of accepting, he stared at the soda drink strangely.

"What? I'm not putting poison in here. You won't die even if you drink it!" Celine suddenly felt annoyed by the sharp gaze given by Jayden. It's like she was slandered for putting poison into this drink. She came with good intentions!

Today's activity finished five minutes ago. Since she had already asked Lucia to buy many cold soda drinks so she could distribute them to everyone present. Including Jayden. And now, everyone is getting ready to go home after a hard day's work. Celine and Jayden are no exception who are in the corner of the room there is a long sofa.

"Here is the drink. I'm sorry I'm late," someone said suddenly. Closing Celine's mouth that had been open to express her dissatisfaction to Jayden.

He's Mike, Jayden's manager.

The thing that makes Celine even more upset is that Mike handed Jayden a can of soda with the same brand as she was holding. However, Jayden immediately accepted the soda drink without first looking sarcastically at Mike as he did at her.

After a few seconds, Mike finally realized Celine's presence there. He could not help but feel awkward and apologized and went to pack all of Jayden's belongings not far from there.

Celine snorted. She pulled another can of soda that he handed Jayden and chose to sit next to him with a grim look.

"You're smart to offend others, huh?" Celine asked sarcastically. The insinuated person was just silent while downing a soda drink in his hand. He didn't seem to listen to her.

With a deadly look that she gave, Celine said arrogantly, "What about my acting today? Are you annoyed that my acting is so good that Simon praises me? This will answer your doubts that I am worthy of this role. I've experienced a lot of improvement!"

Jayden put the soda can on the counter with a slight slam. Then he turned his head to Celine, making their eyes meet.

There was a strange feeling when Celine stared at Jayden's blue eyes. Whether it was just her feelings or not, he looked like he was upset.

But to whom was he upset?

Isn't she the only person who deserves to be upset?

"What is there to be proud of for that? You're not that good. Simon's still giving you a lot of notes."

"It's because I want it! Just admit it if my acting was good and you feel reluctant to give me compliments because you don't have the courage. Didn't you?" Celine insisted, eager to hear Jayden's flattery.

Jayden switched to playing with his cell phone, too lazy to look at Celine for a long time. Then, he muttered, "Control your heartbeat again. That doesn't feel comforting. It annoyed me. Do you think I'm going to kiss you? Your heart beats like you're a marathon for ten kilometers. Don't you feel ashamed of that?"

Celine's heart broke. His words felt like the pounding of a pointed spear stuck in her heart. It hurts.

"Isn't that part of the role? You said I had to animate my role. So I did. Or don't tell me you're secretly nervous about the ticking—"

"Nonsense!" Jayden interrupted, not letting Celine finish her speech.

Jayden stood up immediately after. He had already put the phone he was playing with a while ago in his pants pocket.

At the same time, Mike walked closer to the two of them while carrying Jayden's equipment.

"Well, I've taken care of everything," Mike handed over.

Jayden muttered, "Mn."

Celine stood up. "Are you home now? Wait a minute, Lucia hasn't finished packing my things."

Jayden sarcastically retorted, "Go home alone. I don't want to give you a ride."

After that, Jayden left with Mike following behind him, leaving Celine, who is still standing in her place with her mouth wide open, unable to believe that she was getting such a cruel rejection.

"Where's Jayden?" Lucia, who had just come in there, asked, confused when she did not find Jayden anywhere.

It's not like Celine wants to be with him all the time. Today, her car is being repaired in the workshop. So this morning, she left here with Jayden.

She looked at Lucia. A second later, she laughed wryly. Laugh at her miserable fate.

"He's already gone. So, you have to take me home."

Lucia stiffly nodded her head. "A—ah, okay. But why? Did you two fight?"

"Never mind. Have you packed all my things? Where's my sweater?"

"Ah It's in the next room! I forgot about it. Wait a minute."

Celine sat back in the chair. She drank her sodas greedily to vent her anger.

After that, she murmured, "Tsk. What's wrong with that guy? Even during that kissing scene, I also heard his heart racing like mine. He wanted me to bring out my best acting skills, and when I did, why did he look so unhappy? That man is peculiar!"