The Sins and Virtue

The hazy lights of the sun phased through the stained glass windows. They were long and narrow, with colorful glasses that joined together to form the silhouette of the lunar goddess; a giant wolf with crimson eyes.

Similar windows hung around the hall, they were five and each represented a different patron of the heavenly cities. The lunar goddess watched over wolves, while the dragon lord had blessed the dragons, wanderer of woods was the title of the god of fae and he was represented in his huge stag form, the crimson ember was the title the goddess of kitsune went by and the phoenix of the desert was the patron of keepers.

Aesther felt nostalgic as she watched these forgotten pieces of her past while kneeling over the cold hard floor.

She had no pleasant memories in The Sins and Virtue hall, but it was an unforgettable place. The alpha liked to punish her here, where the walls were engraved in thousands of rules and obligations of anyone directly sworn to the patrons.

And he liked to punish her a lot.

Those were times she deeply despised but now as she lived through those deep scars of the past again, Aesther felt nothing.

Instead, her thoughts wandered through her broken memories. She thought about Ezrahl, the sole dragon in the Alkazar.

When she was very young, Aesther remembered the first signs of conflict reappearing between the two sworn enemies. The wolf and the dragons were always at war with each other since times were unknown.

The priestess of the shrine used to tell Aesther that it was simply fate, some things couldn't be changed and the hatred between the two races was too deep to be resolved.

But there have been attempts from both sides and after the third war that resulted in the complete annihilation of the fae lands and mass casualties on all sides, the dragon and wolves signed a treaty.

The first arkhon was made, and he is said to be the cause of peace that lasted for years to come.

Until it didn't…

Tensions rose between the two races when a mysterious breach occurred in the barrier. It let ghouls and evil spirits inside Nesmeria and countless lives were lost. Investigations found out that the breach was not caused by natural means nor were the dark spirits known to be able to breach on their own.

The barrier that protects Nesmeria, carries the essence of a dragon lord. She made the wards that keep the barrier intact and only someone with dragon blood can cause a tear within them.

Suspicions arose.

And the tension silently grew inside the town.

The city which was built together by both wolves and dragons soon split. It was subtle and done under the guise of protection but the dragons were required to move to a specially administered area.

It helped little with the growing tension.

To ease it all, the alpha allows the dragons to be trained within the Alkazar even though the castle was initially limited to wolves. Ezrahl was the only disciple, and there were a few dragons in the lunar armies.

He joined the castle pretty early but became a well-known name pretty soon. Ezrahl was a child prodigy, different from the rest, and born with an envious natural talent.

The other disciples and knights admired him, they even called him charming and unparalleled.

As Aesther thought about that, she couldn't help but snicker.

He was a devil.

Ezrahl was a cold, indifferent, and frightful monster who deceived everyone. When he became the youngest knight some years ago, he was given the choice of selecting one of the elite residences around Alkazar.

They say he liked the peace and that's why he chose a place secluded from the rest. But what peace can a man like him ever want? Aesther was convinced that he carried dark secrets that were hidden in his place.

A feminine voice interrupted, "What are you smiling about? Get up and hurry!"

Inez stood near the gates with a frown. Her silver hair was tied high, and her gaze was concerned.

Aesther was surprised, "The alpha changed his mind?"

He had let her go easily with a simple kneeling punishment of a day. It was amusing for Aesther to see him not take things lightly but she thought he would at least for some time before settling their dues.

Inez groaned and helped Aesther get back on her feet.

She almost staggered.

Aesther's feet felt as if cold led was molten inside, they were too heavy and numb but Inez wasn't surprised.

She was used to it.

They left the room and Inez couldn't bring herself to say anything for a while. She and Aesther shared a small bond.

Inez was as old as Aesther but was always entrusted with watching Aesther through her punishments.

The alpha knew she would keep her silence because of their old family debts.

"His Grace was called by the council," Inez said, "We can just return to my room, they won't know anything."

Aesther stopped. "But if they see you doing this―"

"I know what I am doing."

"It's nothing serious," Aesther sighed, "After all, kneeling is too mild for the sins I am accused of."

Inez bitterly smiled, "Don't expect me to believe you did all that! Was there even a proper investigation? I heard Hazel took you to Ezrahl."

Aesther grimaced at his mention, "Actually the alpha did send some people to verify at the pleasure house."

He was too stunned to comprehend the things Hazel revealed. The Alpha had little faith in Aesther but he must have had his expectations to be so shocked.

And so he investigated and her name came up. Oddly enough, Nigel's cover still remained intact.

Perhaps Nigel had previously bribed the people involved, or perhaps he bought the house's silence.

But since he was clearly discovered to be drinking, Kazmir assumed that his words about Aesther's theft and all were delusional.

He was lashed fifty times.

And Aesther's punishment wasn't as worse as it could have been because her 'sins' were revealed later and the alpha appeared to be in hurry to go somewhere. No one besides him was in the position of 'disciplining' a luna.

"Still," Inez shook her head, "I am not sure if His Grace will let you go so easily. Remain low, Rose, his temper might burst upon you."

"He will only punish me like any other disciple," Aesther chuckled to ease Inez's worries.

"That's not fair."

"Why not? Because I am Luna?"

If truth be told, no one was allowed to harm Luna. Aesther hadn't been officially inaugurated yet but she still bore the mark of the chosen one.

A luna was rare, only one woman of a generation was blessed with the mark of the goddess. They were treasured.

"Because you're weak." Inez's words hurt more than Aesther's punishment, "You have the body of a human! The punishments we receive are much worse on you!"

She was frustrated now, even more than before to see Aesther not take it seriously.

"Ah…" Aesther was troubled, she didn't want to have that conversation. It felt like an embarrassing scar of the past that is better forgotten.

"You couldn't walk last time for a week."

Inez reminded her.

"Then what do you say I do, my dearest companion?" Aesther rolled her eyes, " It's not helping. You do not need to bring those things up."

Inez folded her hands, her gaze averted as she mumbled something incoherent under her breath. She had always been against those punishments. But there was nothing she could do and since Aesther, in her past life, seldom complained, Inez did that on her behalf.

However, what could two mere girls do against THE alpha? He was the strongest among wolves, second only to the arkhon.

They could erase him.