

"The members of the society, are stupid." I stated. It was practically time for us to sleep, yet we were hurled up in this room hoping to anyone who would listen that lightening would strike every member of that freakish club to death. Okay, so maybe I'm the only one hoping that but I bet if I asked the guys would totally agree. 

Every time I hear something about them, it only gets dumber. There are too many stupid people in this world who claim to be smart. It's getting ridiculous. Why didn't the brainless eat them?

The storm was calming down slowly, but I had a feeling it would pick up soon enough. At least I can hear myself think properly. The claps of thunder had gone ear deafening to mildly relaxing. 

Lucifer had brought another back of potato chips, only this time he hugged it so I wouldn't steal it from him. Can you believe this guy? It's adorable how he thinks I can't get what I want.