He can see


"Who was that lady?"

I blinked, Milo was still standing there so I know I'm not imagining this. I stepped closer to him, crouching and opening my arms. He walked into and I lifted him up. "What woman?"

"The one you were talking too." 


My eyes burged. He shouldn't be able to see her? I thought Milo was a…. Wait, is Milo. He's not an alpha, I don't see the lines for that. And Omega? Beta? He's too sweet to be a zeta? I can't believe I forgot what he was. Or did he change? He should not be able to see opal.

Instead of freaking out like I'm doing internally, I tried to play this cool. I pecked his cheek.

"Ah, she was just a friend visiting."

"Sometimes I see my momma." He yawns, pressing his head into my neck. My whole body is fighting not to freeze. Milo can see the dead?

"You do?" I rocked him, rubbing his back to help distract myself.