Face changer


Milo was in snuggled up into my side, and Lucy was being pissy because I made him sleep on the floor. Lynx had come to say goodnight to all three of us. She wanted to join us but Dante used dad guilt to change her mind. He's a good father. We're good parents. I tried to fall asleep but my mind was a wandering mess as it kept coming back to the thought of Milo's mother watching him. I feel like I've heard about this from somewhere before, but unfortunately my mind has blanked on it. Sighing a little, I checked the time. Just fter midnight, and I was yet to fall asleep. What if I can't see her when she shows up?

What does she want with my baby? 

I'm yet to tell Dante what Opal said, I feel like keeping that to myself for now. While we figure out what's going on with Milo. He's too young and sweet for this.