WebNovelBYE BYE14.29%


The memory of Otto Apocalis, who now has a mechanical body, cannot be wrong!

Especially the memory with Karen!

As long as he wants to, he can even do it with the same expression, tone, and movement at the time!

Does anyone know the situation better than me?

It's just that Otto overlooked one thing, art originates from reality but is higher than life.

This is like the difference between the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the history of the Three Kingdoms.

Since it is something to be sold, it naturally needs to undergo some artistic processing.

After getting Otto's affirmative answer, Xiao Chen walked over and patted Otto's shoulder with a serious face, and said, "I know this is your first time acting, and I can understand your eagerness to come to the scene wearing women's clothing. ."

? ?

How can you make me say the same as a pervert in women's clothes?

Can you really understand my pain?

Otto looked at Xiao Chen with a resentful expression on his face, the latter did not notice Otto's gaze, but took out the script and told Otto a play, said.

"This episode is about Otto wearing women's clothes to attract the attention of the guards in order to cover his lover Karen, you know that."


Otto nodded.

"The story behind that is that one of the guards brought Otto in women's clothing to a room to rest."

Xiao Chen said that there was a slight pause here, and then continued to speak.

"And he started to act maliciously on Otto in women's clothing, and shouting may be remembered by Karen's plan... eh? Why is your face so strange? Do you know the plot I'm talking about? ?"

"Huh??" When did this plot happen?

I do not know how? ?

Otto's face turned green.

You are so clear about the patterns on my women's clothes, you should know the plot!

Can you please stop acting like this for me? !

Or is it that there is some discrepancy between what he saw and what really happened?

Otto stared at the ugly face and forced a smile, and said, "Director, isn't this inappropriate? In the background at that time, there should not be many civilians who felt that the nobles took action."

He originally thought that Xiao Chen would speak out and refute as before.

But what Otto didn't expect was that after hearing his words, Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Well, it's true in normal situations, but there is a hidden foreshadowing in front of this, you don't know that you will say this kind of thing. It's normal too."

"Foreshadowing?? What foreshadowing??" Otto asked curiously.

"In the setting, the owner of the house that Karen stole is a male noble named Victor, whose job is to tax the poor and enjoy it, and is a complete villain in the play. "

Otto nodded. In his memory, Xiao Chendong's description was indeed in line with Victor's setting. Originally, he didn't have any impression, but when Xiao Chen said this, he remembered that there was indeed such a person.

"The audience of such a villain will feel a sense of boredom when they see it, and everyone will look forward to what kind of lesson the villain will learn, but stealing Karen alone cannot fully teach the villain. He is still at large, so I am in the When designing the character, I added a setting to him."

"That is, he loves his wife dearly, but he doesn't know that the wife he loves has an affair with the guard at his door. And he is also a man of destiny, Victor's current experience also hints at Otto's future."

? ?

I feel offended? ?

Otto felt that the green hat on his head was a little heavier, and then heard Xiao Chen continue.

"And that guard is a very greedy and arrogant person, thinking that all noble ladies are the same as Victor's wives. After seeing Otto in women's clothing, he thought he could handle this noble lady just like Victor's wife. Start experimenting with Otto in womenswear."

"And Otto, who was afraid to alert other guards to the impression of Kalen, really couldn't shout, which made the guards have an illusion of drama, which made it even worse..."

Seeing that he almost lost his virginity, Otto hurriedly said: "Director, if you keep saying that, can the movie really pass the trial??"

"It's not a big deal, and it's a three-level film. I believe that with my strength, some people will watch it."

"Huh??" I was really scared.

Before Otto saw Xiao Chen, he always thought that Herrscher was just a tool for him to resurrect Karen, a chess piece in his hand, but now he is really afraid...

Xiao Chen looked at Otto's expression and laughed, and said, "Don't worry, I won't shoot something so heavy. I just added something like this for the purpose of making the show a little funny."

"That's good, that's good." Otto said with a slight sigh of relief.

Then I suddenly thought that even if there is nothing serious about it, this episode is also a man doing something to himself, right?

no! Your body is Karen's thing! How can other people be allowed to move their feet!

5 I, Otto, must fight with you today!

no! Your body is Karen's thing! How can other people be allowed to move their feet!

Otto subconsciously raised his hands between his chest and looked at Xiao Chen with some vigilance. The latter nodded with satisfaction at his reaction.

At the same time, he patted his exposed shoulder, which made Otto even more frightened and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"How old are you? Are you still so shy? I don't think you understand it at all."

It's not just Xiao Chen's disturbing remarks.

When Xiao Chen's palm touched his shoulder just now, his soul steel body felt disconnected for a moment.

Although there is no self-awareness, the Herrscher of restraint is still the Herrscher, and his soul steel body can't fight at all.

This body also carries a lot of information about Xiao Chen. If it is lost here, it will not only expose itself, but also lose information about Xiao Chen.

This body of oneself fell down, and the next body ran over without knowing anything. If he was trapped by him and put on women's clothes, wouldn't it be a big loss!

At the moment, Otto pretended to be calm and kept a certain distance from Xiao Chen, and said, "Director, be normal, I'm afraid."

Seeing Otto's reaction, Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Although the girl you just covered your chest with your hands did well, you have to remember that Otto is still a man in essence. Although you can wear it for your beloved Karen. Women's clothes, but he's still a man at heart.

There's no way to interpret that girly feeling, your chest-covering reaction just now is a bit too much. The kind of reaction you had to me just now was just right, don't let it go when you're acting. "

"Huh?!" Otto looked at Xiao Chen slightly in surprise.

Although this guy doesn't look serious, he has seriously thought about acting.

If you think about your own experience with Karen, it's hard to change it into a movie.

He really thought about adding so many plots. It is really difficult to make a movie based on his real experience with Karen.

Xiao Chen's magical changes are not without reason...

Otto thought so, and suddenly reacted.

What are you trying to excuse Xiao Chen? ? It's not bad that he didn't collect royalties from Xiao Chen! Just be tough on yourself!

As the bishop of destiny, the representative of mankind! You can't lose to a lawyer!

At the moment, Otto asked with a smile on his face.

"Director, what if... I mean, if this happened in reality, what if someone claimed to be Otto's descendant came to you for royalties after your film was made?"

After Xiao Chen heard this question, he suddenly laughed loudly and said, "Smile to death, how could Otto have descendants?"

? ?

You're insulting me, be careful I'm trying to expose my soul steel body too...

"He likes Karen so much, how could he marry another woman."

I want to show you some fireworks too!

"I said yes." Otto said happily.

Although he didn't know Otto was so happy, the question he asked really made him laugh, Xiao Chen thought about it for a moment, and then said, "In my setting, Otto can live for a long time, at least he can live to us. In this day and age, if he actually saw the film and came to me for royalties."

Having said this, he paused for a moment and continued: "As long as he just admitted to the whole destiny, he did wear women's clothing five hundred years ago. Let alone the copyright fee, I can give all the money I make from filming this movie. He used it to sell women's clothing! I asked, if I dare to give it, does he dare to admit it?"

"Clam?!" Why didn't I think of that!

Now it's just acting, and no one realizes that it's okay that what really happened.

If you admit it...

Wouldn't that be tantamount to admitting that he was really a women's clothing tycoon?

If you admit to all the Valkyries about women's clothing, then your days as a bishop of destiny should be over, right?

How would Teresa see herself?

Is his grandfather not his own grandfather, just an unrequited lover, or a pervert in women's clothing?

Don't do this!

Otto shuddered at the thought of Deresa's disgusted look at him, and gave up this idea instantly.

Naturally Xiao Chen didn't know Otto's mental activity, so he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't worry, there's nothing broken at this time. I even went to Siberia to see it, it's just a little cold there, wild animals. A little more, not so scary at all."

You are the Herrscher, or the Herrscher of Constraints, those Honkai Beasts naturally dare not do anything to you.

Otto groaned in his heart.


Otto suddenly noticed a problem, that is, he had been to Siberia before he became a Herrscher, but he still did not find Honkai.

Could it be that he has already become a lawyer? The Honkai explosion this time just turned his power into a large enchantment, making all nearby Honkai Energy disappear.

What happened during this period? What happened to his body? Or what did someone do to him?

Otto was thinking about this question, and then suddenly heard Xiao Chen speak suddenly and continue.

"By the way, I even went to the extreme east to take a look."

Far East?

Otto was slightly taken aback when he heard the word.

What's in the Far East?

The Far Eastern Branch of the Mandate of Heaven...

St. Freya Academy? !

Is it Teresa? !

What did you do to my granddaughter? !

Otto's heart suddenly lifted, and he looked at Xiao Chen with a bad look on his face, ready to expose himself to die with him at any time.

"There is St. Freya's girls' academy over there. I went there to film and film. When I proposed the location, the principal over there was very enthusiastic about me, and I bet she was definitely interested in me."

Especially enthusiastic? ?

interesting? ?

It seems that we need to have a good talk.

Otto almost revealed himself directly.

For the sake of his granddaughter, what is the loss of memory and this information!

"Alas, it's a pity that she's in such a good shape, if it weren't for the fact that she had a wife like that, it would be nice."

"Clam?" In good shape? ?

Teresa's flat figure is also considered good? ?

Are you a little sick?

If it weren't for his unique taste...

Otto suddenly thought of a possibility and asked.

"I don't know what the name of the principal of that college is?"

"Ah? Her name is Infinite Tajizi. I even asked her to film with her next time when I arrive in extreme winter."

Xiao Chen touched his chin.

Oh? That's fine.