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Otto's dangling heart finally let go.

"However, the little white-haired girl next to her is quite cute. She is wearing a nun's uniform. I even pinched her face, which is soft."

? ?

I've never pinched Teresa's face!

No, I must fight for you today!

6 Sister Bronya is the eternal god!

Just when Otto was about to expose himself, Xiao Chen patted him on the back, causing Otto to lose his temper in an instant, and said, "Okay! You're just talking too much! Let's stop chatting here, you've finished asking all your questions. If so, let's start filming now!"


Otto was shot by Xiao Chen and almost fell to the ground.

Although Xiao Chen's strength was not great, it was too deadly to his soul steel body, which was powered by the collapse.

This body could have competed with the S-rank Valkyrie who didn't hold the God Key, but in Xiao Chen's place, it wasn't even as good as a child.

His God's Key, Void Wanzang, couldn't even copy a decent weapon. Even if he copied it, he could only deal with ordinary people, and it would have no effect on Xiao Chen at all.

Otto had already tried to hypnotize Xiao Chen with Yu Duchen, which was copied by Void Wanzang, but his appearance was not affected at all.

The same goes for trying to remove and lighten his gravity with a duplicated Star of Eden.

His body seemed to be completely cut off from Kokai.

Normally, the Herrscher's utilization rate of Houkai should be 100%, but his body could not feel a trace of Houkai's energy.

Although he didn't know much about the Herrscher of Binding in the previous world, the Herrscher in front of him was obviously abnormal.

And Xiao Chen's purpose of going to the extreme east should not be simple.

After he mentioned the issue of copyright fees, Xiao Chen first mentioned Siberia, where the second collapse came, and then St. Freya College, which could prove the existence of destiny.

This proves that he not only knows what happened in the past, but even what happened in the present.

It's just that he didn't dare to confirm, so he went to Siberia to find Honkai, but he didn't know that his identity as a Herrscher could suppress Honkai.

It can be seen from his St. Freya Academy and his party that the doubts in his heart have been eliminated a lot, but he still has some doubts.

For this reason, he went to St. Freya College, which should be to confirm the existence of Theresa.

It's just that Deresa didn't meet Xiao Chen in person for some reason, but let Wuliang Takizi pretend to be the principal, which made Xiao Chen completely dispel the idea that the world is collapsing.

I don't know why Teresa didn't report this to him, but it was thanks to him that he was so close to the Herrscher of Binding.

Although it is not known from where he knew what happened in the past and the present, it is certain that he did not know that these things were real things.

Secondly, Otto was very concerned about what Xiao Chen said.

"Ah? Her name is Infinite Tajizi. I even asked her to film with her next time when I arrive in extreme winter."

Infinite Tajiko is nothing but an A-rank Valkyrie of Destiny.

Although her past has something to do with the collapse, she definitely does not meet the conditions for making a movie, so the scene that Xiao Chen wants to make is likely to come from the future...

That said, he probably knew where the future was going, and even wrote them into a script.

As long as you have this information to a certain extent, you will know what will happen in the future!

Of course, these are just his guesses now.

If you want to verify his guess, you have to see the scripts of his later plays...

I don't know when I can get the script simply by filming. If I can get the computer he usually uses, there may be the next plot in it!

As Otto almost fell, all kinds of guesses flashed through his mind, and after he finally stood up, his slightly lowered face showed a sinister expression of planning.

It's just that when he felt the swaying silicone fake chest on his chest, and when he opened his eyes to see the towering deep valley, the expression on his face just now froze, like air-dried cement that someone stepped on.

After adjusting his mentality, Alto stood up again and used his soul steel body to send a signal to the hidden Valkyries around him, asking them to find an opportunity to seize Xiao Chen's computer.

He was biting his head and started filming.

It's all for Karen!

Otto hypnotized himself in his heart.

Then he walked to his place in Xiao Chen's shouting.

"Can you help me? My foot seems to be twisted..."

On the darkened street, Otto pretended to fall and half sat on the ground, as pitiful as a little match girl, and spoke in that tender voice.

He must be thankful now that the Valkyrie around the theater was going to steal the computer, otherwise he would be really embarrassed.

As for acting, Otto has confidence in himself.

He was able to become a bishop, not only because of his smart brain, he dared to say that he was definitely more professional than a professional in terms of acting skills!

Then he heard Xiao Chen's voice.

"Crack! The sound is wrong! The angle doesn't match the camera! Start again!"

"Clam??" Okay, the first time I was just unskilled!

"Crack! Come back!"

snort! I'm just trying to buy time for those Valkyries! It was just deliberately messed up!



Woohoo! I'm wrong! Filming is so hard!

At the same time as Otto's side was deflated, the Valkyries who were in charge of the sneak work were not going well. Every time they were discovered by the crew before sneaking in, they were thrown out of the theater on the grounds that the audience could not approach.

The physical abilities that the Valkyries are proud of cannot be brought into play here, and they also found that many of the people in this group have also received professional training.

Not only are they superior in detection ability and vigilance, but they are also definitely at a disadvantage who cannot use Honkai in a real fight.

The order Otto gave them was also to copy all the data on the computer without being discovered, but now it seems that this task is almost impossible to complete.

Naturally, they could not have imagined that some of these people in the crew were former mercenaries that Xiao Chen had found in Siberia, and the person who trained them was the once-famous Ural Silver Wolf...

These people are usually trained by top assassins to protect Xiao Chen's safety!

The infiltration of these Valkyries was only paediatric to them.

Under the harsh training of Bronya.

Let them have a kind of, these Valkyries are not infiltrated at all, maybe they are really doing something wrong?

Even if you really want to make trouble.

Judging by cloth standards, these people are really amateur.

There is no threat to them at all.

Miss Bronya is a real professional!

Big sister head forever God!

Otto didn't know that his proud Valkyrie unit was despised by a group of filmmakers, and he was still struggling with a problem.

"Can anyone explain, what the **** is the clip sound in the parentheses of this line??"

7 pairs of hacker mystery!

Because of his self-esteem, Otto did not choose to ask Lu Chen the first time after seeing the word clip sound, but tried several voices himself.

In the process of correcting his movements and the camera to test Xiao Chen's reaction, and then adjusting his voice, all attempts ended in failure.

Alto never understood what the so-called clip sound was.

In the end, he finally gave in to the facts, pointed to this line in the script, and asked, "Director, what does this clip sound mean?"

The surrounding employees shook their heads helplessly when they looked at each other when they heard Otto's question. They were used to these words created by Xiao Chen, and most of them could understand what he wanted to express.

It's normal for this newcomer to not understand. It's just that he insists on asking until now. This self-esteem is a little too high.

The director should also consider this issue before waiting to explain.

"Clip tone is to speak with one's throat tucked in, inarticulate, and at the same time to raise the tone, coupled with nasal resonance, these small skills can make the originally thick voice line extremely thin, making people listen to it. Scalp tingling."

Xiao Chen simply explained to Otto.

Indeed, my scalp has started to tingle...

Otto listened to Xiao Chen's description and felt that his soul steel brain began to experience phantom pain.

He has encountered countless attacks so far, including the old fist of Siegfried, and the old fist of Walter the First Herrscher, but none of them have ever crossed the soul steel body and directly directed his soul (x_x).

"Can you help me? My foot seems to be twisted... (clip sound


"Well... Although the expression is wrong, the voice is at least right, let's do it again." Xiao Chen said with some dissatisfaction.

"Huh?" Before Otto could ask a question mark, Xiao Chen followed.

"action (start)!"

The person in charge of holding the placard is the recorder and the recorder. The role of the recorder and the recorder is mainly to facilitate post-editing.

And as the slate fell, Otto cooperated with the camera and had to pretend to fall again. At the same time, he also received the news that the Valkyrie mission failed. At this time, he can be said to have an explosion of mentality, and he was not in the state at all. He shot several times in succession. Xiao Chen was not satisfied.


After trying two or three times in a row, Xiao Chen also saw that Otto was not in a good state and waved his hand lightly, saying, "Crack, that's it for today."

"Director, let me continue, I can persist." Otto stood up from the ground again and said.

Although the possibility of obtaining intelligence from external intrusions was cut off, Otto simply changed his mind.

Since it's something on the computer, I'll just hack into it and make a copy of it and it's over!

What time is it now! Who still uses physical means to steal information! That set of methods is long overdue! Now is the information age!

Damn, it's all because of the scenes in front of me, making me think this place was still 500 years ago!

If I had thought of this earlier, would I have had to suffer this crime?

As soon as I find your prophecy I'll run away! Then I'm thinking of a way to slowly solve your problem!

It's just... Otto looked at the slow progress bar and thought to himself, isn't this a civilian computer?

Why is my destiny's network able to resist for so long? Does the other party have a master hacker who is good at it?

Otto naturally didn't know that in order to prevent the treasures in his computer from being seen by the children at home, Xiao Chen specially strengthened the computer's security system.

However, it is only a matter of time to overcome this protective wall, as long as you give me three minutes! I can find all the information in his computer!

Although Otto hated his teeth so much, on the surface he still wanted to show that I could continue filming.

"You have a good spirit of insisting that the trick is finished, but you have to do what you can. Your body obviously can't support it, right?"

That's not because you patted me twice because you didn't have anything to do, causing the collapse in my body to pass!

Otto roared in his heart.

He had never been pushed so hard by one person before.

"Even if your body can continue to persevere, you have to consider other people's conditions. Everyone is already very tired. Let's rest today, and we'll talk about what we have to do tomorrow."

"What about this episode?! I finally found the state, what if I am not in the state tomorrow?" Otto didn't want to give up the plan that was so close at hand and continued to speak: "Give me a chance! This time I will It must be good!"

Xiao Chen attaches so much importance to filming, he believes that as long as he says so, he will definitely agree that he is filming once! Just give him some time! He can crack the computer Xiao Chen used to write the script!

As for those actions, after so many contacts, he has long been familiar with them!

Whether it's facial expressions or physical movements, his soul steel body can perfectly express his previous actions!

Just when he was thinking about it, Xiao Chen scratched his head, turned to the person who was manipulating the computer beside him, and asked, "Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, the voice just now has been recorded."

"Well, it's recorded."

"Then take out the sound separately and splicing it with the video that has passed the previous action."