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? ?

Otto looked at Xiao Chen with a shocked expression, as if he hadn't thought about this kind of manipulation, and the latter looked at his expression with some puzzlement and said.

"What era is it now? How convenient is the editing software? Many of the film and television works require post-dubbing. Now it's not a problem to just combine the intact video and sound!"

Then why did you make me act so many times? ?

"Okay, everyone has worked hard today, pack up and go back to the hotel."

Otto stared at the progress bar that was about to reach 100%. Seeing someone disconnected the laptop's network cable, the progress bar just stopped in place...

The ultimate mystery for all hackers - disconnecting the network cable.

This is only the ultimate move of physical hacking. Even a strong hacker, no matter how strong a computer, can't do anything about this move!

"it is good!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Lord Otto, who had turned gray and white, knelt directly on the ground, and the whole person froze in place like a stone statue.

Other employees thought that it was the first time Otto was filming and it was not applicable, so the two people who acted as guards directly put him on the van, and put some equipment that could not be bumped on the van where Otto was.

It also includes the notebook that Xiao Chen used to write the script...

8 The Lawful Xiao Chen


At first, Otto hadn't realized that his dream notebook was in front of him, and he was shaking with the van like a pile of scrap metal.

The whole person is still the gray-white appearance before, as if life has lost its purpose all of a sudden, as if it will become dust and dissipate when it is blown by the wind.

The location where the crew was filming was not too far from the hotel they had contracted, and it didn't take long for everyone to get into the car and arrive at the hotel.

Before they were ready to leave, Xiao Chen had already contacted the hotel and asked the people in the hotel to prepare the meals.

When everyone came to the hotel, it was just time to eat.

Otto felt the car stop, his body shook for a while, and his consciousness gradually recovered. He first glanced at the surrounding environment, and his eyes fell on the van's notebook for a few seconds...

After a while, he looked away at the brightly lit inn outside the car window.

Although this hotel is not big, the decoration is very homey, giving people a very warm feeling.

Otto looked at the light in front of him, and was very unfamiliar with this feeling.

As the youngest son of the Bishop of Heaven, he is the young master of the Apocalis family.

Among the three families in charge of the Mandate of Heaven, the Apocalis family is the "bishop", and its head is also destined to be the Mandate of Heaven.

It was just that the young Otto was frail and sickly, and did not have the talent to be a good fighter.

In other respects, his qualifications are also mediocre, and he has no outstanding features. This made Otto disliked in the Apokalis family who was eager to fight the collapse at the time, and the members of the Destiny Organization only regarded him as an ignorant young master.

Because of the unfavorable relationship, he did not get any affection from his father and brother (thinks himself).

Even one day, he was found by his brother while playing with the mechanical paper kite he made. Otto's brother taunted Otto after destroying the paper kite, and threw it into the yard of Kaslana's house next door.

At that time, Otto also cried because of this, but now he knows that his brother just doesn't want him to play with sawdust and those props to aggravate his condition, but he is not good at expressing.

But those old things don't matter to him anymore. He is very grateful to which brother now, because if he hadn't threw the mechanical paper kite opposite, he wouldn't know Karen.

The only time he felt affection was after Teresa was born.

The appearance of Theresa gave him a feeling that if he and Karen had a daughter, it would probably be like this.

Otto stared at the lights outside the window in a trance for a moment, and seemed to see Karen walking towards him with a smile on his face.

When he came back to his senses, it was Xiao Chen's face with sunglasses outside the car window.

Otto rubbed his eyes, Xiao Chen and Karen can be said to have no similarities.

Karen has white hair and Xiao Chen has black hair.

As for the color of the eyes, because Xiao Chen has been wearing a pair of sunglasses, he can't see clearly, but it fits his identity as a director very well.

Otto was curious about how he could see these things clearly in the dark with such a pair of sunglasses.

"Clang! Clang!"

While he was thinking, Xiao Chen knocked on the car window and said.

"Get out of the car..."

Otto opened the car door only after realizing it, and when he got out of the car, he looked back at the notebook in the car. He always felt that this notebook was a bit familiar, a bit like the notebook that Xiao Chen usually brought.

It's just that Otto didn't think too much. How could such an important thing be put together with a newcomer like him.

Otto smiled lightly, and then saw Xiao Chen get into the place he was sitting, took out the notebook in front of him and put it on his waist, then turned to look at Otto who was frozen in place, and asked : "What are you still doing? Go in."

? ?

So I've been with the script the whole time just now? ?

Otto recalled that he had walked all the way, and the driver in the front couldn't see what happened in the back of the van under the isolation of a lot of equipment in the middle of the van.

As long as he wanted to, he didn't even need any technology, he didn't need any disguise, he opened Xiao Chen's computer and he could directly see the script inside.

At most, a password is required to power on, but this is not a problem for Otto at all.

It's just that this best opportunity was just missed by him!

Don't mention how much regret Otto has in his heart!

Could it be that I think too badly about people? !

Or this person in front of him has no defense at all!

Otto looked at Xiao Chen's back, kept a certain distance from him and walked behind him, and the two walked into the hotel one after the other.

The rest of the crew had basically arrived to start eating, and Xiao Chen and Otto were the last two.

Otto followed Xiao Chen's footsteps and crossed the noisy crowd to a corner of the hotel restaurant.

Xiao Chen turned his head to look at Otto who was following behind him, and said somewhat puzzled: "What are you doing with me?"

Otto was at a loss for words when he heard this question, and he hesitated: "I also like a quieter place."

He couldn't say that he wanted to take the opportunity to peek at the script on the computer, right?

"Oh?" Xiao Chen sat down without thinking too much, then looked up at Otto, and said, "Don't you change your women's clothes? It's fine if you like to wear them, but the crew doesn't have many spare costumes. Be careful when you eat, don't get your costumes dirty."

? ?

Who likes to wear it! Didn't you make me wear it! Don't you wrong people!

Otto vehemently denied it in his heart.

But thanks to Xiao Chen's reminder, he noticed that he was still wearing the women's clothes when he was filming, and he looked around in a panic to find where his original clothes were.

Xiao Chen looked at his reaction and reminded kindly.

"The clothes that the actors usually wear have been put in the first room of the hotel, where should your clothes be."

Otto hurried to the room to change clothes after hearing the words.

When he finished changing his clothes and walked out of the room, Xiao Chen had already taken off his sunglasses and sat in a quieter corner of the hotel to eat.

Otto walked directly to the position opposite him. Xiao Chen, who was eating, also raised his head and glanced at him.

Otto looked into his eyes, and the familiar pupil reminded him of the Herrscher of the Sky he saw a few years ago, which made Otto a little surprised.

He finally knew why Xiao Chen had been wearing sunglasses, these eyes were really too conspicuous outside.

Although his eyes are somewhat similar to the Herrscher of the Sky, the whole is more like a cross, but the corners are relatively smooth, and it looks like a quadrilateral with four sides sunken.

This familiar feeling reminded Otto of Judas' vows, and it's no wonder that he thought of Karen as he got out of the car.

It's just that he thought that Xiao Chen was not fully awakened, and his power would appear in a strange form, but the changes in his eyes were obviously a manifestation of complete Herrscher transformation!

Then how did he manage to keep his rational intelligence free from the control of the Honkai Energy under the condition of Herrscher transformation?

Otto originally thought that the biggest surprise Xiao Chen gave him was the script that could predict the future, but he didn't expect that Xiao Chen's existence would also be a huge surprise for him.

If you can master the secret of keeping Xiao Chen sane under the law, then you will be one step closer to Kalian's resurrection!

Xiao Chen, who was eating opposite Otto, suddenly felt Otto's scorching gaze, he was chewing the food, and moved to the side a little scared, thinking in his heart.

Didn't this guy say he has someone he likes?

Why are you still looking at me like this?

Could it be... a double? ? All men and women? ?

9 This chicken soup is very precious

Xiao Chen was numb from Otto's gaze, moved his body to the side uncomfortably, looked at Otto with suspicious eyes and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Only then did Otto notice that his gaze was a little too far, he waved his hand quickly, then wiped his mouth again, and said, "Ah? I know that your eyes are very strange."

The act of wiping your mouth just now was completely unconvincing!

Xiao Chen was a little scared, but in fact, Otto couldn't be blamed for this.

It's fine when he usually hides it intentionally. Although he doesn't realize Honkai Energy, the Honkai Energy around him will change with his mental changes.

When Xiao Chen intentionally hides, the Houkai energy around him will be very calm, in a harmless state.

But after Xiao Chen took off his glasses, his spirit relaxed a bit, and his strength also overflowed, and everything that depended on collapse energy would be suppressed again.

Otto's soul steel body dropped his chin just now because of the suppression of Xiao Chen's eyes, which caused some problems in the mental system of Soul Steel's head area, which caused Otto to make a drool-like action.

Although Otto noticed his gaffe, he smiled embarrassedly and said, "I'm sorry, this chicken soup is so delicious, I can't help it... By the way, haven't you seen a doctor with your eyes?"

Although Xiao Chen still had doubts in his eyes, he still accepted Otto's statement on the surface and explained: "You mean these eyes? Of course I have seen a doctor, and the doctor said that it may be some kind of rare eye disease. It can be a little difficult to treat.

Because it doesn't affect my eyesight, I don't care too much, but I usually wear sunglasses in order to attract unnecessary attention when I travel. "

Seeing this, Otto couldn't wait to open his mouth and said: "In this case, I know a good private hospital and recommend it to you later."

The hospital that Otto mentioned is naturally the research laboratory of the destiny.

It's just that if Xiao Chen is coming, he must pretend to be good, and then use the excuse of treatment to study it.

It's a pity that Xiao Chen didn't have this plan. When he heard Otto's proposal, he simply waved his hand and said, "No, I'm quite satisfied with this eye, don't you think this cross is cool? ?"

"Indeed..." Otto replied in disappointment, but soon a bad idea came out of his stomach.

Since the injury on the eye is not important, what about the injury elsewhere?

As long as there is a little accident in the filming, it is normal, right?

For example, something suddenly fell and hit the head, and the filming scene collapsed after a long time of failure.

In this case, you need to find a hospital for medical treatment, but in this case, you usually find a nearby hospital, but for the destiny that has been rooted in Europe for a long time.

Replacing one's own medical team with a doctor in a certain hospital is no easy task.

It can be said that as long as Xiao Chen rushes to the hospital for treatment, it is equivalent to falling into the palm of Otto!

It's just that there is no rush about this matter. The most urgent thing now is to get the script about the future!

Just when Otto was thinking about getting the script on the computer, Xiao Chen looked at Otto in a daze and asked suspiciously.

"Why don't you eat it? Eat it while it's hot. Didn't you say this chicken soup is delicious? Why don't you drink it? This is the chicken I brought from Shenzhou along the way. It's very precious! You are busy today. How hard it is, hurry up and finish the chicken soup and rest early."

With that said, Xiao Chen weighed a bowl of chicken soup for Otto and handed it to Otto.

Otto inexplicably felt a kind of malice, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Xiao Chen had also drank this bowl of chicken soup. There should be no possibility of poisoning, and his soul steel body was also not afraid of toxins. Where does malice come from?

He didn't understand, but if he didn't drink the chicken soup in front of him, his behavior just now was really hard to explain.

And... normal people should really be hungry after so many scenes, and even not eating will cause suspicion.

His soul steel body naturally does not need to eat, but in order to disguise there is still a space inside that can accommodate food.

At the moment, Otto hesitated for a moment, but after a short period of time, the tableware and chopsticks began to eat gracefully.

Xiao Chen expressed surprise that Otto picked up the bowls and chopsticks. He wondered if he was surprised that Otto, as a European, could use chopsticks, or how elegantly he could decompose a chicken leg.

Just before Xiao Chen asked, Otto took the initiative to explain.

"I learned from a friend in China before."

"Oh." Xiao Chen replied casually, with a lack of interest, and ended the topic.