WebNovelBYE BYE35.71%


This made Otto, who wanted to take the opportunity to talk to him, flinch.

During the meal, Otto spoke several times, but Xiao Chen's indifferent attitude ended the conversation.

Just when Otto was about to say something again, an employee walked by with a notebook in his hand and said, "Boss!"

Who dares to disturb my plan! Didn't you see I was about to succeed!

Otto turned his head impatiently, just to see the employee holding his dream notebook in his arms, and said in a very relaxed tone.

"The boss borrows your laptop to send a message to your girlfriend."

How could such an important notebook agree? !

Just when Otto thought so, Xiao Chen glanced up and said, "Oh, good. It's the old rules, don't chat for too long, don't touch other things, remember to delete the chat history after chatting, don't let Bronny Ya misunderstood."

? ?

It's that simple? ?

Then I thought about it for a long time, what is it for? ?

In this era, notebooks are not so popular, and long-distance telephone charges are also very expensive. In line with the mentality of being able to pay for free, everyone will use Xiao Chen's notebook when they want to communicate with their families. This is also a tradition for their crew;

It's just this tradition that makes Otto fall into a short-lived state of thinking about life.

wrong! Now is not the time to be depressed! Since it's so simple! Then, why don't you just borrow a notebook from him directly!

"Boss, I came out in a hurry this time. I haven't said hello to my family yet. Can I use your laptop to contact my family!"

Otto stood up a little excitedly.

Can he not be excited? The future you have always dreamed of is just around the corner!

Xiao Chen looked at Otto's reaction and did not answer directly, but silently pointed in one direction.

Otto looked in the direction of Xiao Chen's finger, and saw that there was a long line behind the guy who was chatting with his girlfriend, throwing a bucket of cold water on Otto who was very excited.

? ?

10 Create a new folder

In this era when there are not so many laptops, if you want to meet your relatives, you need to use Xiao Chen's computer.

Although some things can be solved on the phone, the international long distance is too expensive, and the face-to-face is not available.

The most important thing is that Xiao Chen is very talkative. In this regard, he never has any constraints on his subordinates. After one person proposes it first, the others follow along, and finally it becomes the tradition of the crew.

I don't know that the traditional Otto just reacted now and honestly stood at the end of the line. He could only wait for the video with his girlfriends to finish, and then he shoved a few mouthfuls of dog food and stood at the end of the line watching a man. Another couple.

Where has Otto received this kind of treatment, but thinking that he has waited for five hundred years, these dozens of minutes are nothing...

Well, maybe more than an hour.

Well, a few hours are within the range.

Can I use this computer today?

After a long wait, Otto finally came to the top of the line, and there was no one else behind him.

This means that he can watch future scripts without being disturbed!

It was worth the long wait!

Otto had a feeling of tears in his eyes for a moment, but he was using a soul steel body that did not have the function of shedding tears.

After adjusting his current mood, Otto put his hands on the computer and opened a ready-to-chat software, and then pretended to be chatting.

At the same time, he started to scan the folders in Xiao Chen's computer. Xiao Chen's computer has a lot of memory space, but most of it is loaded with various games.

Otto put down a pile of hidden deep data in the folder of this pile of games. Those files seem to be a pair of games that have not been cleaned up, but in fact there is a mystery inside. Find.

This is also the biggest secret of this computer. Although there are some locked places in other places, they are all things that he can crack at a glance. Those things are more like a blindfold to cover up this deeper secret.

Makes you think you've seen all the secrets of this computer!

However, this can't fool him Otto!

After simple operations and modifications, Otto successfully cracked the biggest secret in this computer. Compared to this, this should be where Xiao Chen usually used to hide scripts!

He actually made a software specially for a script, and even disguised it as a game! Be cautious!

However, this is not difficult for me Otto!

Otto put a smile on his face, then clicked on the game, and suddenly a dialog box popped up.

[Are you over eighteen years old? ]

"Huh??" Otto suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, but he still had a trace of expectation in his heart, expecting this to be one of the tricks.

At the moment he silently clicked - "Yes".


Before the computer was about to make a strange noise, Otto quickly turned off the sound and quit the game, then slammed the table hard.


But a little butter! Is it hidden so deep? I didn't expect you to play this with such a beautiful thing!

I bother! Is this the Herrscher of Binding? I can't even restrain my lower body, it's funny enough.

Otto first gave Xiao Chen a strange anger in his heart, and then started to search for the files, but this time he learned to behave.

In the folder of the computer, I easily found the folder with the word "script" written on it.

After clicking on the folder, dozens of files are listed in order in the folder.

Five hundred years ago—Purple Yuan, Sakura, Chi Yuan, Second Collapse, Escape from the Sky City, Anti-Entropy Invasion, Moon Shadow…

1 Chapter 1 Twilight Maiden Battleship;

2 Chapter 2 Voices in Dreams;

3 Chapter 3 The Poem of Wind and Color;

4 Chapter 4 Betrayal is a silver smile;

Chapter 5: The Snowfield Reunion;

6 Chapter 6 The Prisoner of Babylon;

Chapter 7 Raise the sword of rebellion to the sky;

8 Chapter 8 The Queen Comes;

9 Chapter 9 The road to tomorrow;

10 Chapter 9 - Chapter 1 The Stalker of the Vault of Heaven;

11 Chapter 9 - Chapter 2 The serpent walks from the darkness;

12 Chapter 10 Under the Abyss;

13 Chapter Eleven till the end of the deep sea;

14 Chapter 11 - The sky of the void, the moon of loneliness;

15 Chapter 12 The other side of light and shadow;

16 Chapter Thirteen The Long Night Dark Sky;

17 Chapter 14 Dark Dawn;

18 Chapter 15: Lost Dust;

19 Chapter 16 The rainstorm is coming;

20 Chapter 17 When thunder pierces the sky;

21 The eighteenth chapter condenses from the frost;

22 Chapter nineteen melts into the rock crevice;

23 Chapter 20 The Millennium Feather;

24 Chapter 21 Wings of the Newborn;

25 Chapter twenty-two with me alone;

26 Chapter 23 The Theater of One Person;

27 Chapter 24 The stage of a thousand people;

28 The twenty-fifth chapter ignites the flame of tomorrow;

29 Chapter 26 The Birth of Tragedy;

30 Chapter 27 The Dusk of the Fool;

After seeing the last word, Otto groaned in his heart.

He didn't even need to guess too much, he instinctively felt that this fool was talking about himself, and what did dusk represent...

This requires him to click on it and take a look.

Otto opened the folder with slightly trembling hands—

There is also a folder inside the folder.

[new folder]

Otto clicked open the folder in confusion, and he was surprised to find that there was nothing in it? ?

Is it really a new folder? ?

Doing it, doing it (new folder).

Otto's mood at this time is like seeing the update of his favorite novel, and then happily clicking on it, only to find that it is an announcement that a chapter has been delayed.

The mentality exploded and I wished I could go upstairs directly to face Xiao Chen.

Otto unbelievingly clicked on the other sheets in front of him, and then he was surprised to find that the folders after Changkong City were all blank!

Then you have nothing to create, so what do you do with the folder? ?

Is there something wrong? ?

Otto covered his head with his hands and lay on the table to calm down for a while before he recovered. He raised his head again and his eyes flashed with determination.

Since Xiao Chen can predict the future, this can be confirmed.

Then he will accompany him to shoot with him!

As long as he shoots fast enough! Can't catch up with me in the future!

Otto thought about calling his phone at Destiny and said, "Hey, Amber? Let the person in charge of finance come over, I want to invest in a film and television company... Dedicate all of Destiny's strength to help me with the first few films. Filming is over!"

Speaking of which, Otto seemed to have thought of something, and sent these words between his teeth, adding;

"By the way, I'm giving each of these employees a laptop!"

"Notify this! Then you come here with my spare body, Amber, and I want you to touch someone."

11 Lord Otto, don't add a new hat to yourself!

Amber is a mysterious white-haired woman who has been standing by Otto's side, often giving orders to Otto.

For decades, he has been in charge of secretarial work as deputy to Bishop Otto Apocalis.

In fact, amber is based on the genes of Karen Kaslana and synthesized by mechanical means. The appearance is exactly the same as Karen, and is deeply trusted by Otto.

"I understand, Mr. Otto, I have instructed the company that Tianming operates externally to discuss the investment with the company you mentioned."

After arranging what Otto said, Amber asked Otto curiously on the other side of the phone: "In addition, you asked me to perform a spy mission, what is the specific content? Where do I need to get from the target? "

"Don't worry, it's just a simple disguise mission. I need you to sneak into a crew to become an actor, and I'll be with you. When we pretend we don't know each other, you just need to cooperate with me to perform." Otto opened his mouth.

"How long will it take?" Amber asked with a frown.

"In terms of time...it may be a little long, I will try my best to end the problem within two or three years." Otto also asked with some headache.

amber:? ?

After all, there were still nearly thirty stories before the plot he wanted to know started. Although not every chapter can be made into a movie, even if there are two or three chapters and one movie, there are more than a dozen.