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It is almost impossible to complete more than a dozen movies in two or three years, which is why Otto dares to say such things.

It's just that these words sounded a little unprofessional to Amber.

Do you, a bishop, go to a film crew for two or three years to hide for two or three years? what? Do you also want to return to the position of Bishop of Heaven after three years? Welcome to the Dragon King? ?

"But... Lord Bishop, who will manage the destiny that you have been lurking for for the past few years."

Otto frowned slightly and said, "I will keep the destiny in a state where it can operate for a period of time without my management. It's not that I haven't done this kind of thing before."

Although Amber didn't know how long ago Otto said, he felt the irrefutable determination from Otto's words, and nodded immediately, saying: "Okay, I understand, Lord Otto, then I will accept What are you going to do next?"

"You first...wait?"

Otto suddenly thought of something in the middle of speaking, with a sinister light flashing in his eyes, and he did not listen to the calculations in his heart.

I have suffered so much from the Herrscher of Constraints, how could I let Amber be an actor so easily for him!

Since he knew Karen's appearance, when he saw Amber's appearance, he would definitely ask Amber to film for him!

Since there are such useful pieces in hand! How can you hand it over for nothing? It must be in line with his character to make good use of this!

Otherwise, I will give him money and give him people again, and there will be no return at all in a short period of time. Wouldn't it be a great loss!

I want to make him bleed too! Let him experience the suffering of the world!

Otto thought fiercely in his heart.

"and many more?"

Amber was a little puzzled listening to Otto's answer.

"I didn't tell you to wait, but I thought of something, and the plan may have changed." Otto explained.

Amber heard something and asked happily: "Are you going to give up this spy mission?"

"No." Otto was very direct to deny Amber's guess.

"What is that?" Amber asked in confusion.

Otto was at a loss for words when he heard the words. He couldn't say that it was because he was tricked and wanted to go back there, right?

Of course, cheating is only one of the goals.

His ultimate goal is to get Xiao Chen's body data, even if it is a part of the DNA sample.

At the moment, Otto said bluntly.

"I need some of his genetic samples for research, so I need your assistance."

"My assistance?"

"Yes." Otto nodded and said, "After seeing you, he will definitely want you very much."

"Want me??"

Amber slowly typed out a few colored question marks.

"Yes, maybe it will stalk you!"


"But don't promise him yet!" Otto emphasized.

He wants to let Xiao Chen also taste the feeling that he can't ask for!

"I understand, this is a common move between men and women. In the words of the Heavenly Dynasty, it should be the so-called lust, right?"


But why use between men and women?

At this time, Otto hadn't found the problem of cross-server chat, and continued to say: "You have to induce the target step by step, let him hand over his genetic information a little bit unprepared!"

Induce? The bishop must be trying to talk about temptation, right?

Amber nodded understandingly, tried to show her thighs on the other end of the phone, and at the same time tried to make a charming pose, and looked in the mirror.

She had never done such a thing, but all the female agents she watched in the movie were like this, and she didn't know if she was doing the right thing.

"And what about the specifics of the target?"

"The other party is a director and the owner of the company I asked you to fund."

Her goal this time is to be a director or a big boss, and the identity she wants to hide is an actor, Otto-sama also said that she wants the other party's genetic information.

Then the result is already obvious!

Otto-sama's script must be like this-

Let yourself get close to the director. The director is attracted by his beauty and starts to approach him under the pretext of filming. Then he was defeated by the other party's hard pursuit, and something... can't be said with him!

In this way, we not only obtain the genetic information of the other party, but also become an actor of the crew logically!

Although I will sacrifice myself, but for Otto-sama, these are nothing!

Just when Amber showed a generous expression of sacrifice, he heard Otto on the other end of the phone suddenly say, "It's not too late, you will go to work at the nearby mobile blood donation station tomorrow."

"Blood donation station??"


"How can I reasonably obtain his genetic information without going to the blood donation station? Although I also really want to collect all his physical information, that kind of thing can only be done in the laboratory, but even disguising the laboratory as a hospital is too conspicuous. Now, he will definitely be prepared. Besides, he will not go to the hospital if he has nothing to do, and the mobile blood donation station is just right." Otto asked with some doubts, and touched his head at the same time.

I don't know why, he just had the illusion that he was wearing the hat of the crew again, but fortunately that feeling has disappeared now...

Is it possible that I miss the feeling of women's clothing before? ?

12 He gave too much!

No, no! Otto, you are the bishop of destiny! How can you be addicted to women's clothing! Must be delusional! illusion!

Otto, who did not know why, hypnotized himself in his heart, and then heard Xiao Chendong's voice coming from outside the door and window.

"Oh, by the way! Where's the women's clothes you're wearing? You'll be wearing them tomorrow! Don't get dirty!"

"Uh..." I seem to have discovered something incredible!

There was a moment of silence on the phone, only Xiao Chen outside the door continued to output.

"Hello? Why didn't you answer me? Did I bring headphones? Go and collect the women's clothing and keep it for yourself."

After hearing the voice outside the door, the embarrassment on Otto's face deepened.

It was Amber on the other end of the phone who first said, "Sir Bishop, don't you have to reply to him?"

"Cough cough." Otto coughed a few times and said, "Amber, there is a reason for this, you first listen to my explanation..."

"I can understand Lord Otto, explain it to me better than me, you should reply to the person outside the door as soon as possible." Amber's inorganic voice made Otto a little crazy, and the voice outside was like a life-threatening ghost.

However, Otto was still Otto in the end. After a brief gaffe, he quickly calmed down and replied in a vibrant voice: "I have taken good care of the women's clothing! Director, don't worry!"

After Xiao Chen outside the door heard Otto's answer, he relaxed slightly, and then said, "After chatting, return my computer, and delete the records in the browser, don't use my computer for anything. strange things."

"Do you think I'm you? You're a prude! Damn sulky! Do you have to tell me what the game you're playing looks like? Bah! Disgusting!"

Otto scolded Xiao Chen in his heart with high-speed divine words without any dirty words, and then pretended to be a good gentleman on the surface, saying: "I see, Director!"

"Oh, then I'll go back to the room first." After Xiao Chen instructed Otto, he didn't say anything more.

He wasn't afraid of what Otto would look at. Of course, the superficial work of deleting records should still be done. Who would have a little adult at home who could restore computer records.

Xiao Chen now regrets teaching Bronya so many things. If he hadn't slipped a little, I'm afraid he wouldn't even know that the other party secretly restored his computer records.

Fortunately, I usually lend my computer to an employee. If I am found, I can use the employee to cover it.

plan pass jpg.

Xiao Chen thought about it, and suddenly saw the message sent on his mobile phone. After seeing that someone wanted to invest in his movie, he was stunned for a moment, and then his first reaction was that it was someone else's prank.

After all, he knew what his movies were like.

The plot of Ziyuan is not very good, and it is not easy to change games and comics into movies. This is likely to be a stable and unprofitable business.

However, he has confidence in his own strength, and even plans to make the Honkai movie into a multi-world like the Marvel Universe.

In this way, after the main line is finished, you can also take a side shot of the game.

There could even be Honkaikai Gakuen 2.

When the time comes, there can be a wave of dream linkage.

For example, she disappeared in Honkai 3, and then ran to the Shibao of Honkai Academy 2. It is not difficult to see in the game that after she left Shangxian, her body had an obvious second development.

This not only gave Xiao Chen the feeling that a child has grown up.

However, these are all things to come. He intends to slowly film and make money to realize his plan, but suddenly accepting such a large investment made him a little overwhelmed.

He made a lot of money from making a few movies before, which was enough for him to shoot the previous scenes that didn't cost as much. If he wants to shoot a scene with more special effects, the money in his hand may not be used a few times.

For example, it is unlikely that he wants to film the second collapse because he is financially now, so he intends to accumulate popularity and economy.

It was just the sudden investment that disrupted his plans.

However, Xiao Chen was not overwhelmed by the sudden investment. If he wants to wear this crown, he needs to bear this weight. Such a huge investment will definitely bring some restrictions to him.

Before he opened his mouth to ask, he had made up his mind. If the other party made a series of requests to change the script, change the actors, etc., then he would immediately refuse!

He does not allow the collapse of the plot to be destroyed in this form, although he also intends to make up for some regrets on the basis of the original work, and give this imperfect world a perfect ending without modifying the original work.

Even if real swords and tragedies are more attractive, he will not abuse for the sake of abuse, nor will he take decisions that go against his heart for the sake of the huge economy.

Of course, Xiao Chen didn't know that he had changed the real plot over and over again without knowing it.

If you really want to make money, there are so many excellent cases and scripts in the previous life, Marvel, DC, and other low-cost and big box office movies.

He didn't need to choose collapse, this game ip is difficult to change into a movie.

Just because of the love in the past life, I can't see some regrets in this life...

As for why not make a game directly, it's just because the technology of this era has not yet been able to make that level of 3D level, and making games... don't you need to spend money!

poor, cry.

Although Xiao Chen has no money, it is the so-called poor can't be poor in ambition.

He has already replied to the investor, and his attitude has not changed. As long as he dares to propose to change the script or change the actor, even if he gives a lot, he will refuse!

Then he received a reply from the other party—

"We already know your request and plan. We don't know how long it will take to finish the series according to your plan."

Don't talk about the actors and the script?

However, the issue of time is also a flaw. After all, according to his calculations, it will take at least ten years to complete part of the filming...

"About ten years?" Xiao Chen had basically given up when he said this.

"No, it's too long."

Surely not! It seems that this investment is doomed to miss me! Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel some regrets in his heart.

"I can invest more on the original basis and compress the time for me to complete it within two years."

Xiao Chen: "No! It's too late!"

"Additional technical staff and special effects staff."

"But the venue application."

"Let's fix it."

This, is this what it feels like to have thighs?

But two years is too short...

"Food and clothing, trains and planes..."

"Let's fix it."

"Hey—give me five years!"

"Two years..."

"Four years!"

"Three years at most."