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Amber naturally also knows the relationship between Karen and Otto, but she only knows about the things that year, and she is not clear about some details.

"Then I'll tell you about it in detail." Xiao Chen heard the words and asked, "Do you know what happened to Karen in Destiny?"


"Do you know what happened after leaving Tianming?"

Hearing Xiao Chen's question, Amber shook his head.

Otto, who was outside the door, also frowned.

Even Otto didn't dare to say how familiar he was with this history, and Amber only knew that the bishop hated a pink fox named Yae Sakura.

As for why he hated the person named Yae Sakura, although Amber had some guesses in his heart, he didn't dare to say it. Every time he mentioned this, Otto's face became gloomy.

"Let me briefly talk about the plot after Karen left. Karen brought a black box to avoid the pursuit of destiny and came to a certain place in the Oriental Fusang. In the process of being chased and killed by destiny, Karen unfortunately fell into the water and was killed by a She was rescued by the witch in the village, and under the careful care of the witch, Karen recovered quickly and had a good impression of the witch."

Is this content so cool?

Is this really something I can hear?

Amber's face, who had never been in contact with these, suddenly turned red. Although she was a little sorry for Otto-sama, she said that she couldn't help but get excited.

She may not have the blood of the Kaslana family, but it is clear that she has inherited the spirit of the Kaslana family!

"It may not last long, the witch hides the unimaginable tragic past of Karen, and the black box brought by Karen also brought disaster to the witch and the village.

The cruelty of the Black Box Herrscher seduced the witch, the witch was infected by the Honkai energy, and the whole village was almost destroyed. Finally, she witnessed her beloved being infected by the Honkai, and Karen could only reluctantly use the oath of Judas to seal her beloved witch. "

Say one more word! Believe it or not, I put together this soul steel body to expose myself and I will die for you!

Wait, did I say this somewhere?

"In the end, you also know what happened to Karen. After sealing her beloved Karen, she was disheartened. In addition, the battle with the Herrscher consumed most of her stamina. In the end, she was caught by the people of destiny and died on the execution ground. Honkaikai is in the midst of a riot."

Otto gritted his teeth. This was the injury of his life, and it was also the sin he needed to bear in his life.

When Karen was captured by destiny and was about to be executed, he made a fatal mistake.

He believed in a person he shouldn't believe, his sister Lisa, for which he was willing to give up the chance to become the next bishop.

It's just that Lisa gave Otto a bad idea, which is to release the Honkai Beast on the day Karen was sentenced, and then let Otto take advantage of the chaos to leave Karen, and after they escape, they will go through the program's wanted card. Lotus and Otto.

It's a pity that neither of them thought that Karen would sacrifice herself to protect the people. Karen's death also started the wolf smoke of the people's rebellion against the destiny, and finally, with his help, a new destiny was established.

The girl who was rescued by Karen led everyone to victory.

And Lisa's sin Otto has helped her settle, and finally gave her a decent death.

Now all he has to do is to reckon with his sins...

It is a pity that there are no followers of Karen who can bear witness to the end of my sinner.

Otto leaned against the wall with a low face and listened to the sounds coming from the room.

"Even if she was regarded as a sinner, Karen chose to stand in front of Honkai Beast in order to protect innocent people before her death. She is a well-deserved saint."

Otto's favorability +1, +1, +1...+1!

Although you are not a good person, I have to say that your eyes on people are really good.

No matter how many crimes he had suffered in Xiao Chen's hands before, but only at this moment his favorability for Xiao Chen was directly full.

What Otto didn't expect was that Amber had an expression on his face that opened the door to the new world in the room.

The Forbidden Love of the Holy Maiden and the Miko! I'm ready!

I'm sorry, Otto-sama! But their stories are so touching!

It doesn't matter, Otto-sama, I will still support you!

But now let me be capricious!

"Director! Please let me play the role of Karen!"

This is my loyalty to Otto-sama!

Otto, who was outside the door, couldn't help feeling a little moved. There are still people in this world who understand Karen and him so well, and he still has such a good follower. The world that was still desperate doesn't seem to be so desperate now.

Before Otto was moved, he suddenly heard Amber ask in the room.

"By the way, have you found Yae Sakura's actor?"

? ?

Amber you!

17 is more or less a little ignorant!

"By the way, have you found Yae Sakura's actor?"

? ?

Amber you!

Thank you for trusting you so much!

Are you worthy of my trust in you!

No, no, Otto, you have to give your subordinates more trust, Amber may just be concerned about the progress of the filming.

Otto hypnotized himself in his heart, and then heard Amber ask: "Where is the actor who played Yae Sakura now! I want to see her!"

"She is still at a shrine in the east, and when we shoot that part of the plot there, it will naturally fly over to find her." Xiao Chen waved his hand to stop the excited Amber.

Otto couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. Given how picky Xiao Chen was about characters, if the other party didn't look quite similar, he wouldn't let the other party play the role of the fox.

However, if they really look exactly the same, it's hard not to imagine whether the other party is the fox.

Could it be that her seal has been lifted?

No, this matter needs to be investigated!

Otto made up his mind and slowly retreated, then contacted the nearby Valkyrie to investigate whether Yae Sakura's seal had been loosened.

"Sorry, I'm a little too excited. However, please don't get me wrong, I don't have any hobbies, I'm just curious about who will play this role." Amber waved his hand a little embarrassedly in the chair and said.

"I can understand." Xiao Chen waved his hand indifferently, and finally stood up and said, "Welcome to my crew, Miss Amber, if possible, is it convenient for you to come to the audition this afternoon?"

"Of course there's no problem, Mr. Director." Amber said very simply, and at the same time reached out and shook hands with Xiao Chen, the two of them looked at each other and smiled.

The noon time passed quickly, and Amber pretended to have a staff meal at the crew's hotel, but actually replenished the energy in the room to prepare for the entire afternoon.

After all, this is her first time filming, and she doesn't know what to do yet, she must be fully prepared!

Xiao Chen was busy all day without eating. He was busy receiving the funds sent by Otto, arranging the props with the props team, and planning the content to be shot in the afternoon.

As for why I chose to send it at noon, I don't believe that there is no Otto-sama instructing me.

On the other side, although Xiao Chen didn't have lunch at noon, he thought that as a director, he could grab a few bites of rice at any time when an actor was acting.

When I was eating, I could still watch them working hard in the sun. The food at that time also had a different flavor.

Thinking about it like this, he didn't feel hungry in an instant.

The last time I was filming, I was almost guarded by Otto's women's costume. Now it's dark and I can't play this part.

It just so happened that Karen's actors were also available, and the studio was also taken over by the rich and powerful.

It is just right to play the previous story of women's clothing. This story is about after the defeat of Destiny, Kalen and Otto were shopping, and witnessed Destiny, in order to make up for the loss of the war, began to issue the atonement scroll and began to squeeze from the hands of the people in the name of faith. Such an excess of money.

It is mainly divided into the miserable appearance of the common people under the pressure of destiny. This part of the comic was only taken in one stroke. Xiao Chen felt that this was not very good, so he added a little clip to slightly polish the description, and decided to separate the second one. A film crew is responsible for filming this aspect of the plot.

Shooting at different locations on the same studio. Now Xiao Chen, who is sponsored by the sponsor, has enough manpower to do this. After the shooting is over, he will insist on it himself. If he fails, he needs to reshoot.

If you can't even do this, then don't talk about filming the entire collapse in three years.

The first filming group was mainly responsible for the filming of him and his original crew. It mainly described the part of Karen and the people, as well as some daily interactions between Karen and Otto.

"The narrator went to the recording studio to dub to introduce the background, and the follow-up to Tianming's defeat. The second group went to another street to take their place, mainly to roughly photograph the process of Tianming's oppression of the people."

Xiao Chen held the manuscript rolled up into a ball in his hand, with sunglasses on his face, and a lunch box hanging around his waist to coordinate the overall situation. He pointed at a group of people to take their places, and said to Otto and Amber on the other side: "You are all in this episode. Have you seen it in the script?"

"Forget it, I didn't write it very clearly in the script, so I'll tell you the main thing in person—"

Otto complained in his heart, you also know that your script is not clear?

Please don't add a word with unknown meaning to the script next time, please!

"First, a little boy selling apples came out of the alley and accidentally bumped into Karen who was shopping with Otto. Karen helped the little boy pick up the apple, but the little boy saw the sign of destiny on Karen's body, Mistakenly thought that Karen was the bad guy who wanted to take him away, and ran away without even picking up the apple."

After talking about the general plot, Xiao Chen hammered his shoulder with the rolled up script and asked, "Do you have anything to say about this plot?"

"That little boy is a little bit ignorant!" Otto said with a frown.

Even if the apples that Karen has touched with her own hands are not kept at home for donations! How dare you throw it away and run away! That little boy is a little bit ignorant!


"I didn't ask you to comment on the plot, I just wanted to ask you if you have any questions about the plot." Xiao Chen said speechlessly.

"The director, I suggest you make a story about Otto's revenge on the little boy! In secret, let the people of destiny capture him directly. After all, although the little boy was just unintentional, he still hurt Karen. Otto is the villain. Is your actions normal?" Otto suggested.


Bishop, you are so clear about your position.

But isn't your revenge a bit stronger? It's just a character in the story!

Otto: I don't care! Anyway, I won't let anyone who makes Karen sad!

"Rejected, indeed, the blackened Otto might have done it. But at that time Kalen wasn't dead, and Otto couldn't be considered a villain. As long as Kalen would be sad, he wouldn't do it, as long as Kalen didn't die. Death, the light in Otto's heart is still there.

won't do that. Although your understanding of Otto is in place, please also take into account the time at the time. Don't take my time for filming! "

Otto had a feeling of being seen through for a moment. Although Xiao Chen was only talking about the character in the play, the problem is... he is the character in the play! Otto Bento!

It feels so weird...

Xiao Chen continued: "Okay, every time you talk nonsense the most, do less nonsense and film more, do you memorize your lines? Dare to question my plot? Go back and punish you for copying your lines three times!"

? ?

In terms of holding grudges and being careful, this one is even more of a heavyweight.

18 Sell teammates? Willing to gamble to admit defeat!

"Everyone is in place! The apple is in place! The hero and heroine are in place!"




With the sound of the clatter falling, Karen, played by Amber, was wearing a pure white nun's uniform and walked down the street with Otto, played by Otto.

When he came to a corner, a little boy with an apple basket ran over and hit Amber right under the impetus of the plot.

As a bionic person, Amber was originally very slow in pain, knowing the plot in advance.

After being hit by someone, he showed a very stiff expression, his mouth opened slightly, his eyes narrowed, as if he had lost his mind, and his mouth made a very good reading sound.


Before Amber could make the next move, Xiao Chen waved the script in his hand and said.


On the other side, the inexperienced Amber tilted her head a little overwhelmed. At this time, she didn't realize her mistake.

However, Otto next to him noticed it and covered his face helplessly.

"Master Director, is there any problem?" Amber asked blankly, looking at Xiao Chen who stood up.

Xiao Chen looked at Amber's stunned expression, and said helplessly: "I said... Can't you show a surprised expression when you were hit by someone on the street?"

"Is my expression not shocked enough?" Amber asked with some doubts.

To be honest, Amber's expression is now a little better than the one just now.

"Let Otto speak." Xiao Chen said speechlessly, covering his forehead.