WebNovelBYE BYE71.43%


? ?

This kind of offending people is looking for me to talk about?

And why didn't you be so subtle when you were training me!

Otto glanced at Xiao Chen, then turned his head helplessly and said to Amber: "Amber, your expression just now was really too stiff."

"I'm sorry, Otto..."


"Mr. Otto."

"Well, it doesn't matter. After all, it's your first time acting, so you have a little responsibility for not guiding me."

When designing Amber, Otto didn't expect that there would be today. Originally, he just wanted to design a secretary-like android that looked similar to Karen. Later, he added a combat function to Amber.

Although Amber also has her own emotions, Otto did not take the initiative to add this function to her. Amber's feelings are entirely due to the existence of a long time, so a little emotion was slowly born.

Emotional aspects are still developing in a somewhat distorted direction. Of course, that's not the point right now.

The question now is how to make Amber look surprised!

Otto's method was to adjust Amber's pain system so that Amber would look surprised even if there were some slight bumps because of the pain.

Other than that, Otto had no other choice.

It's just that it will take a little time to add a pain system, at least at this stage, Otto can't make Amber naturally surprised.

Otto subconsciously turned his head to Xiao Chen, who also found the problem, and did not blindly ask Amber to try again, but thought about the solution with a contemplative look on his face.

This not only made Otto secretly slander in his heart.

snort! Indeed, in the previous wits, I Otto lost to you! But I don't believe there is any way you can solve this problem!

If you really want Amber to show her feelings naturally, I can even give Amber to you! This can also be regarded as finding a home for Amber after I left!

Wait, why did I decide that the top of my head is suddenly a little heavier...

When Otto was thinking about this question, Xiao Chen suddenly made a gesture, and the surrounding employees knew what the gesture represented, and they didn't even need other words, and the people around them moved naturally.

As if they were filming, even the little boy's actor pressed his hat and stepped back.

This can't help but make Otto have an ominous premonition, Amber was also taken aback by the neat movements of everyone, and then shifted her attention to Xiao Chen's words.

"Let's talk a little bit off topic."

"While discussing the plot with a friend recently, she asked me an interesting question about what it would take for Otto to pursue Karen again."

I would also like to know this question.

Otto complained in his heart, and then his eyes darkened, but he quickly recovered to look at Amber.

He probably also knew who asked Xiao Chen this question...

When Amber heard this question, she couldn't help but sigh, because this question was asked by Xiao Chen when she was investing before.

As an investor, she had reason to take a look at the script. Xiao Chen sent Amber the story of the break between Otto and Karen and the previous story.

Amber can be regarded as worthy of Otto. He couldn't bear to see that Otto's unrequited love for five hundred years has not resulted, so he asked Xiao Chen this question.

At that time, Xiao Chen did not answer this question directly, but just said a few words casually.

"It's difficult from a general rationale. After all, Karen likes women, unless Otto also becomes a woman, maybe there is a chance."

Xiao Chen was just joking. After all, games are games, and movies are just movies. He just said it was a possibility.

In case there is a timeline where Otto stops being a man, and finally resurrects Karen's old lover, it may be revived.

But speaking without intention, smelling intentional.

Amber really believed after hearing this answer, so she suddenly prepared women's clothes for Otto, ready to help Otto!

Otto: It turns out that it was me who trapped you again! Ruin my reputation!

Amber believes that Otto's ingenuity must have thought of this, but because of his identity, he can't save face! That's why she needs her as a boost to help him in the back!

It's just that Amber doesn't know that Otto's IQ has always been negative when it comes to Karen.

He even pricked up his ears when he heard Xiao Chen say how he should attack Karen.

"Otto just needs..."

"A pair of donkey ears and a witch costume."

"Ah?!" Amber heard the words with a surprised and confused expression, and then there was a sense of impact on his waist.


Xiao Chen waved the script in his hand, and Amber then noticed the little boy who fell to the ground and the apples scattered on the ground.

"Don't move the apple group, and the children will maintain the falling action for the time being, and we will start the next episode immediately."

? ?

That's it? That's it?

I thought you, as an old Honkai fan, came to the front of the battle and faced the Bishop of Heaven. There must be a high opinion, I didn't expect to say such a vulgar language!

What a waste of my feelings!


Amber also expressed that he could not accept this answer, and asked, "Master Director, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"Are you curious?"


"It's right to be curious. You're not curious about how I took pictures. Of course, if you want to listen carefully to this matter, I can also chat with you when I find time. For now, filming is the priority."

Otto was stunned when he heard the words.

I'll send the amber to you another day! Preparing for a pair of donkey ears! A witch costume!

What sells mates? I am willing to bet and lose!

19 Fu Hua: You confused me

What sells mates? I am willing to bet and lose!

I'm just preparing to leave my most trusted subordinates to my friends who know me best!

Definitely not out of curiosity about the previous question!

Not because the amber has changed! Absolutely not!

Otto emphasized in his heart.

When I was thinking about it halfway, I suddenly thought, wasn't my afternoon plan to collect Xiao Chen's genes?

Bah Bah! It always feels weird to say that.

I want Xiao Chen to repay the debt with blood! By the way, collect some not-so-fresh blood for research.

How could you forget about this!

Immediately, he gave a color to the inner test that he placed next to him, and the two Valkyries next to him nodded understandingly and said, "Director, we are ready, do you want to go to our place to check."

"No." Xiao Chen glanced at the Valkyrie who came over and said, "Are you the person in charge sent by that company? Do you have any experience in making movies?"


"Then you can take care of the things on the Dragon Set, and let me take a look at it when it's filmed. If you can't do this little thing well, tomorrow your company will say, don't use it for me to work here."

? ?

I don't eat your rice! Why are you still so arrogant when you command the employees of other companies? It seems that we are the investors!

The Valkyrie sent by Otto could not wait to punch Xiao Chen on the spot, but she thought of Xiao Chen's identity as a herder and silently put away the extra thoughts.

You can't be provoked, you can't beat it, you can't, forget it, forget it.

The Valkyrie looked at Otto with a begging look, and the latter gave him a wink, and she went to get the props that had been prepared for a long time.

When Xiao Chen was about to sit down and rest after commanding the whole situation, the person in charge of preparing the props said, "Director, you should lose weight, the chair you have been sitting on has been broken by you."

"I'm only over 100 kilograms, where did I gain weight? Maybe it's because of the recent success in gaining muscle?" Xiao Chen said with some doubts, and said indifferently: "Just give me a seat with whatever, I still have lunch. ."

At this time, she left Valkyrie and walked over, holding a large box in her hand, said.

"Director, I heard your conversation just now. I happen to have an unused wooden box here. Can you see it?"

When she said this, she suppressed the smile in her heart.

She knows what's in there, but she's professionally trained! No matter how funny things happen next! Neither will laugh! Unless you can't help it!

Otto also watched the scene here, and he naturally knew what was in the box.

After all, this box is a trap that he designed for Xiao Chen himself.

At first glance, that wooden box is just an ordinary wooden box, and it will not be a problem even if you hammer it a few times with your hands.

As soon as you sit down, the box will collapse. There is a trap prepared by Otto carefully, a rough wooden awl.

He wants Xiao Chen to feel the pain himself!

kind of! He also wanted to let Xiao Chen feel the feeling of losing face under the watchful eyes of his subordinates!

Amber on the other side had already forgotten about Otto's plan to assassinate Xiao Chen.

She was a little unsure about the answer given by Xiao Chen, and she didn't know that Otto had sold her clean in her heart.

Of course, Amber was already prepared for this.

After all, for Otto, everything is a **** to revive Karen, and everything can be sacrificed if necessary.

Even himself.

Although Amber was a little sad about this, he also decided to help Otto-sama with all his strength! She is willing to sacrifice everything for this! District acting is not a problem!

Everyone present had their own thoughts, Xiao Chen glanced at the wooden box handed over by the other party, took it very politely, and said, "Really? Thank you then."

Xiao Chen's polite attitude made the Valkyrie a little uncomfortable. Facing Xiao Chen who suddenly became blunt, he suddenly felt that this person seemed to be a little more handsome... Although it was not her type, he was handsome!

After Xiao Chen took the box, her eyes hesitated for a moment, but after thinking about it, she still handed the box over for the task.

Xiao Chen caught the other party's expression, took the box very calmly, and did it without even taking a pat.

The Valkyrie, who was expecting Xiao Chen to make a fool of herself, closed her eyes at this moment, and couldn't bear to see such a good-looking handsome guy on the stage of the chrysanthemum stage.

It's just that the sound of the broken wooden box that she thought about did not sound.

She just opened her eyes, and then saw Xiao Chen sitting steadily on the box.

At first, he still had two feet on the ground. Later, he seemed to feel that the two feet were not comfortable enough, and even put one back on the other leg, said.

"All units prepare!"

"Act 2, get ready-"


Although Xiao Chen gave an order, the castanets fell again.

It's just that Otto was not in the mood to film at this time, and his eyes were fixed on the wooden box made under Xiao Chen's buttocks.

I kept thinking about why the box didn't collapse.

Could it be that he didn't sit down at all?

But he has one leg off the ground? With one foot in this position, can anyone really do this?

Amber quickly packed up and followed the script's instructions. He squatted down and picked up an apple, and said, "I'm sorry! I was too careless... Are you not injured? Here, your apple."

Amber, who had been conscious of her thoughts in her heart, thought she had an expression like a Virgin, but the voice still rang out.


Surely it still doesn't work?

Still not up to professional standards?

Amber let out a sigh in his heart, then turned to look at Xiao Chen, intending to bow his head and admit his mistake, and let Xiao Chen ask him to come again.

Amber turned his gaze to Xiao Chen, only to see the latter looking at Otto next to her with a confused expression.