'Damn' That's all I could say I just finished rereading the Gyou arc all I cloud say was Ousen is a monster using citizen's as a weapon against Zhao . Getting up I went downstairs to my empty house, I've started living alone since I moved out of the orphanage at 18 I never new my parents and I don't mind it I liked the quiet all my friends told me how thief parents nag them all the time. Sighing I went out of the house on my way to the convince store to buy some food.

Walking peacefully on the sidewalk I hear growling behind me my expression turns solemn as I look behind me and see three massive dogs without thinking twice I start sprinting to the the shop the dogs reacting to my movements start barking and running behind me like the damn devil is after them.

Taking a turn around the corner I see the convenience store's lights I almost cried tears of joy as I stepped on the road then *BANG*

I'm flying through the sky and all I could think was "huh" I couldn't feel much of my body I felt something wet seeping out of my chest I landed nearly 20meters away and then everything started getting dark and the cold.

"AHHH huff hufff hufff" looking around and trying to catch my breath I felt like I was floating I tried to move my hand but I couldn't feel it I turned my head so fast I thought i snapped my neck looking at where my right hand should be I saw nothing same with my left and my legs I was about to have a panic attack calming my self down I try to remember what happened.

"Ah I'm dead huh"I said to my self I was happy in my last life I had good friends I was nearly 21 but I wasn't even married shame.

"HELLOOO!" I started screaming to any entity listening I was terrified at what could happen but also exited at the possibility of my favorite genre being real. Then I heard something cracking and whatever I was in being sucked out I started panicking but oddly enough I wasn't moving and then i saw a figure coming out of the portal

"Uhmm so my friend seems to have made a mistake and picked you instead of the original "

"What do you mean, the truck?"

It didn't say anything and just nodded letting out a sigh I couldn't help but ask with some hope

"So what will happen to me now"

"I will give you three wishes and reincarnate you to a world of your choice"

I held in a happy scream this is what I wanted although my last life was good it was dull , boring and repetitive.

"I want to reincarnate in kingdom as hyuo just after shin leaves for the king with his full memories

1) I want lu bu's martial prowess, physique and experience

2)I want to excel in strategies politics and fortress building

3)I want a system like gacha but mostly summon generals and talented people"

"That is acceptable we'll have fun"

"Thank you"

And then everything went dark I felt like I was falling.I woke up in the hut where me and shin used to sleep listening to what's happening outside I heard a sword flying through the air and a cutting noise it seems like the assassins killed the village head and his family there were roughly two men outside opening the system I removed a sword which seams to have been left by the Rob I got to the door and running towards them I jumped to the closet one and cut him from the shoulder down while the other was running towards me

I jumped backwards and parried his sword and slashed his neck getting blood all over my armor.

"Luckily I have Lu bu's experience I would've died for sure haah let's leave before the rest of the assassins get hear"

But before we leave let's check the system


Name:Lu Hyuo

Strength:55(increase with maturity and experience)

Intelligence:100( Even though a hundred doesn't mean you can outsmart Riboku and shk need more experience)

Leadership:99(need more experience)


{get more gacha coins by more achievements or fame}


The Halberd(unlock at 5000 man commander)


Lu bu's armor(unlock at Great general )

10,000 gold

Lu bu's sword


So Rob gave me some gifts I will use the gacha coins later I don't want to explain why I have 5 loyal men with me.

"There is still a week before the go to kanyo I will meet them when they are on there way there I want shin and Ei sei to become friends I'll use this time to get used to my body and these new memories, but first let's summon redhare"

Asking the system to summon it I saw a blinding light in front of me and then it disappeared. I saw a horse which was 1 head bigger than me it had a read mane and tail with red eyes it was fierce and it was still young so it will grow much bigger. I can ride it but it will be a bit uncomfortable because of the size difference I won't be able to ride it in battle for now.

Leaving Jouto I went to find a secluded area to train my sword and get used to my body. After riding Redhare for a few hours we settled next to a lake to let him drink and eat after staying there for 5 days I decided to go to sho bun kun while we wait for Ei sei and the

Mountain men.

The relationship between me and Ei sei was surprisingly like his and shin but I was a bit more respectful towards Ei sei. After half a day of traveling I got near the kings summer house as I was a half hour away I was surrounded by scouts and I put an innocent Amalie and put my hands up

"I come in piece"

"Y-your majesty?"

'I still look like the king it's better this way than them thinking I'm some spy or imposter'

"Mhhm Yess that's me"I said with a mischievous smile on my face and asked"

"where is sho bun kun"

They said to follow them and was forcing my self to hold plum laughter.we went on for 20 minutes and saw the house getting of my horse I entered the house and met sho bun kun.

"Yoo sho bun kun"

"HYUOO? I thought you died!"

"I'm fine general ouki's soldiers disengaged after 30 minutes. Then I started making my way to shin after I gave him the letter I tried leaving the village in case I was being followed then I ran into an old man who cured my wounds then gave me this horse and his sword…"

I told him a fake story I cooked up on my way here I also asked where shin and Ei sei are and he said they went to the mountain men he told me that shin hero and ten went after him yesterday so the shall return tomorrow. With that in mind and the sky turning dark I went to sleep

Waking up in the morning I went out to see soldiers eating and talking most of them recognized me from Hekis story and waved at me I waved back and continued to walk to check on my horse.

After a one and a half hours past I could hear rumbling and new it was time finding a place to sit next to the house I see yotawna next to Ei sei followed by shin who is struggling to ride the horse sho bun kun got out of the house and he with the other soldiers went to greet the king and I just followed behind they got of there horse and looked towards me with surprise and shock shin was the first to react

"Hyuoooo I thought you died?"shin started screaming and jumped at me but I dodged and he fell on his face while others started laughing at him

I looked at Ei sei there was a slight smile on his face" I am glad your alive Hyuo"

"Hahaha me too" which made the rest of the soldiers chuckle and then glare for not bowing to him

I heard what I think is bajio ask "why are there 2 kings?"

Then shin went on explaining what happened how I was taken as a body double and then it was my turn to explain how I was still alive then it was time to head to kanyo