Before we left for kanyo they were making plans on how to enter kanyo . Surprisingly no one had an idea

" we can't sneak in although kanyo isn't a fortresse it is secure"

" we have reports of them building an army of nearly a 100,000 men we can't take the risk"

"Let's storm the castle I'll kill all of them hahaha "

That is our idiot shin who was shouting

"We do t have to sneak in or storm the capital"

This caught the attention of everyone as they looked at me

"What do you mean Hyuo?"asked with interested expression on his face

"Well for one Ei seis brother dosent know where we are or if we've made contact with the mountain people!?"

"You're right or we would've been dead by now "

This time it was Heki who replied

"Well we can make it seem that the mountain king wants to make an alliance with them…"

"What there is no reason for them to accept stop speaking nonsense!!"

A no name commander shouted at me I simply glared at him and said

"I was getting to that. They will accept because ryu Fui has an army of 200,000 men and 3,000 mountain men although not many they are still strong"

"Amazing although it is a risky plan it could work"

After I gave my idea they started discussing more and then decided what would happen they planned it the same as the manga.

After the plan was finalized we went out to prepare for the journey I saw shin making his mask which was comical . I just asked someone to make it for me mine was a lack mask with a skull drawn over it with a red line over my right eye. And then I heard shin scream

"Yoshh let's get going!!"

We departed and then one and a half hours later we arrived at the gates of kanyo we had bajio announce our intentions because of sound like flatlanders they would notice it.

We were greeted by an official and he told us to follow him it all went the same as in the manga.

After reaching the gate before the palace we were told to drop our weapons but we started running towards them there were about a hundred of us against two hundred of them so it wasn't that hard to kill them all .Tajifu broke the wall and we rushed in there were almost 500 men guarding the prime minister while he ran away we decided to break into our planned groups . There was 70 of us with the king while 30 went with shin to go around.

Everything was going well until the rebel leader rushed towards the king sho bun kun blocked his spear and then I rushed towards him then cut his head off. The rest went normally with yotowana showing why she was the leader of the mountain people. I decided to go all out and rack up achievements .

The aura around me changed and the air turned heavy I rushed to the enemy soldiers and cut two of their heads off I went on a rampage and killed nearly 100 people at this point all eyes were on me and the soldiers were nearly pissing them selves with fear the dropped their weapons and ran .

we went to the court to see sei kyou running and screaming he is rightful king but Ei sei punched him multiple times until he noticed how bruised his face has become.

Just when everybody started relaxing general Ouki and his men stormed the courtyard and surrounded us and the remaining rebel forces.

"Nfu it's been a while sho bun kun"

" what do you want Ouki?" There was annoyance in his voice

"NfuFuFu I just want to have a word with our young king, isn't that right Tou?"

"Yes my lord"

And then Ouki and Ei sei talked about his dream and how he would unify the 7 states.

Just as they were leaving Ouki looked at me and said

"Nfu your Still alive boy"

"Of course I'm not going to die just yet" I said with a grin on my face but catching me of guard Ouki swung his glaive at me with less than half of his strength I easily blocked it but he kept pushing his glaive and I was being pushed back down I heard shin scream and rush towards Ouki only to be blocked by tou.

I was nearly touching the floor and his blade drawing blood around my lip up to my cheek

" shobunkun this boy has talent it would be a waste to have him as a body double, tou let's leave"

With that all the soldiers withdrew and me shin and ei sei went up the stairs to enter the royal courtroom shin ran to Check up on ten while Ei sei sat on the throne and let out a sigh

"" you sound like an old man""

Me and shin said at the same time and started laughing

Shobunkun de used to integrate seis faction with the remaining sei kyou faction. It is night time now and the mountain men will be leaving tomorrow. Me and shin were on the roof with bajio and a few of his men he was telling us about tens clan and how they had a large conflict but They are willing to take him back.

Bajio and his men left while sei walked in

"So you will both be leaving tomorrow"

"Yeah old man shobunkun set our houses for us"

"Considering your accomplishments I could make you palace guards"

"Nah that would be boring and shin would probably fall asleep a few hours inn anyways we would be more useful if we became generals ain't that right shin"

" HAHAHA Damn right"

This caused sei to chuckle

"The Ryo Fui faction is returning now that my brother failed his coup and his faction members most have been executed and the rest joined us ryu Fui will get much stronger. I will have to wait until I have complete control over Qin during my coming of age ceremony then I will stop him of all his power and then we shall aim for all of china."

And then sei looked at us "Shin Hyuo You must get stronger and climb your way up to me!"

It's the next day and we are getting ready to depart I slhave bandages on my mouth as Ouki cut me thankfully it will leave a scar and I don't have to act as a double he must've done it on purpose I left red hare with sei since He is a bit big for me to comfortably ride I will get him after general Ouki dies.

With that me shin and ten headed to his new home it was a few hours ride there .

Standing in front of a hut and ten freaking out behind us. I asked to be put in another village I knew which would have had a business prospect I planned to turn it into a city after a good time. In three months there will be a war with Wei I decided to stay with shin for now to teach him at least how to read write and basic strategy.


After settling in ten cooked dinner for us

"So Hyuo how long are you gonna stay here?"

Asked shin

"I'm gonna stay for two months and then go to my home in shika village as for what I'm going to do for two months I'm going to teach you strategies"

Shin and ten looked at me with shock on their face " but you will have to learn how to read and write first plus you will have to learn basic math"

"Ughhh no I don't wanna …."

I ignored him as he kept on murmuring things as boring and bothersome

" c-can you teach me to I wanna learn I already know how to read and write "

"Hmm sure" to be honest I never really like ten in the manga but then again she was the only normal main character she wasn't stupidly strong or smart.

It has been two weeks and shin has gotten the bare minimum of writing and reading but Ten is much better she was good at understanding I was teaching her some strategies and leadership by Sun tzu.

Finishing for the day I went out to the lake to wash my face I touched the long thick scar on my chin. Now I barely look like sei I cut my hair it became curly and it only reaches my eyebrows. Remembering my order was due today I started heading into the city to pick it up walking through the town I saw the carpenters shop

"Hello old man I'm here for my order"

" ohh Hyuo I just finished come come"

" hahaa thank you "

" so want to tell me what it is?"

"It's a game I call it Chess it's like xiangqi"

"Hoh I doubt a kid like you could make such a complex cleans like that hahaha"

'Haah I can't be bothered to explain the rules to him'

After leaving the store I headed to shins place I decided to teach them this who knows it could help with strategy.