It has been two months since I started teaching them about strategies and leader ship.
"Alright shin I'll be going to shika village I'll visit once in a while or who knows maybe we will go to war together"
"Haahh Hyuo you better not slack off I'll be two times better at strategy next time we meet "
"I'll see you then bye ten"
I started leaving the city making my way to shika village which was a few villages away it would take me a week to get there I decided to live there and start building my fortress.
One week later
"Fohhh finally I made it to my new home"
I let out a sigh of relief as I made it to my new home in front of me was a shack bigger but not any better than shins
"Mhhm I guess it's time to summon my vassals system spin 5 Gacha coins"
{spinning 5 coins
Congratulations host
1) Ren A cavalry commander
Strength: 70 (peak 95)
Intelligence: 60(peak 88)
Leadership:75(peak 90)
Specialty:head on charge
2)Aoi A cavalry commander
Strength:68(peak 93)
Specialty: can lead troops for a perfect pincer and surprise attacks
3)Izumi A infantry commander
Strength:75(peak 89)
Intelligence:50(peak 85)
Specialty:can lead a small amount of soldiers against a large number
(Like Spartans!!)
4)Akari Strategist
Strength:60(peak 78)
Specialty: can formulate plans to topple kingdoms create business and design impenetrable castle's
5)Sora infantry commander
Strength:74 (peak 90)
Intelligence:50(peak 75)
Specialty: sora specializes in sieging and defending castles
5 coins remaining due to your achievements on successfully taking kanyo back
Note- summoned soldiers will be loyal but will leave if you treat them badly or go against their morals
Summoned soldiers automatically have backstories so the fit in}
A bright suddenly shine and I saw 5 figures as the light disappeared
" we swear allegiance to lord Lu Hyuo"
"Your loyalty is accepted …..
Alright let's get inside and have lunch"
After having food I started asking about them about their life their lives are almost similar they are all orphans
Ren is 16 has black hair and brown eyes he is 5'10 his main weapon in sword but will most likely switch to a glaive his parents died after his village being raided by bandits
Aoi is 16 has black hair and dark brown eyes he is 5'9 his main weapon is a spear. He lost his family 10 years ago in the battle of bayou where lady kyou died
Izumi is 16 has brown hair and brown eyes he is 5'8 his Main weapon is a sword and round shield he lost his family like Ren
Akari is 18 has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes 5'10 his main weapon is a sword .He never new his parents and was raised by a old man who taught him all he knows
Sora is 16 has brown hair and black eyes he is
5'9 he uses a sword his father died in a war and he never knew his mother.
" Akari you stay here the rest of you go find the local blacksmith and get weapons"
They thanked me and went out
"Now Akari there will be a war with Wei in about a month we will leave and I don't know when we will return I want you to build a business and take over the village find a way to attract more citizens here and when it grows to the size of a city you will inform me i wail talk to the king or shobunkun to allow me to turn it into a city and then a fortress but try and avoid getting attention at the beginning "
'Hmm I can't afford to leave him with out protection System merge and spin all remaining gacha coins don't summon until I say so'
Congratulations host
20 seasoned spartan guards}
Just like last time 20 men spawned outside the hut
And just like that a month passed and it was time to go to war we have made huge progress the original village which was quite depressing has started booming with business. The village originally had 1000 citizens now had nearly 5000 after I summoned the 20 guards I started cleaning up the village which was actually ruled by a corrupt landlord after we took care of him the people started treating us as the village leaders.
I started heading out with my mean and killing most bandits around the area after news of my deeds got out more people started moving to shika village . Although it was good to have many people move to the village housing feeding and protecting them was troublesome when we got the call for war we weren't even half way through building houses.
Since we had to leave for war I informed the villagers that Akira would be in charge and he has full control until we return
"Akira I will leave you in charge I do t know how long this war against Wei will last but hopefully by the time we return you will have finished the wall around the village and establish a secure line for trade"
"I won't disappoint you my lord"
To that I gave him a nod and we started heading out it was me and five men although there was no need for us to apply for the war I needed to gain achievements I already decided to replicate shins deeds from the left wing to the right . After making our way towards the nearest conscription center we signed ourselves up and luckily enough it was on The right wing.
Marching towards the first battlefield I could feel the people getting tense and scared some poor fools even tried running away but just got killed by the commanders. Stopping at a flat field we were ordered to for our GO( group of 5 ). We already formed our group and I was the leader and the rest went normally group leaders were ordered to stay standing and the rest to sit. We were sorted into the 4th army on the right wing I was under a nice 1000 man commander by the name of fujji.
Today was the fated day and it seems we won't see any action since Wei has the hills they have an upper hand .
The general commanding the right wing started it of by charging in with 5000 men it seems like his lieutenant will pincer from the right side or he is just an idiot .
The sun was about to set and the wei hasn't sent their chariots they seem to want to keep it a trump card . The second and third day saw a mix of infantry and cavalry and today I was on the front line with my men I already gave them instructions to watch the chariots and aim for the wheels .
We got our signal to charge and we speed up when we were two thirds there me and my men speed up and created the opening for the army to enter through we started cutting a line through their defenses . We continued like this until we heard rattling of the chariots the passed behind us and they were circling back to us I shouted orders to use bodies as shields we were covered in dust so they didn't notice we collected spears and started throwing them between their wheels.
After we took care of most of the chariots they started retreating we took up most of their horses and gave orders to rush on as we were going up we heard cavalry soldiers rushing at us. Seems like the Duke noticed the fire we steered a huge blaze
At HQ in the main army
Duke Hyuo was waiting for a fire to spark he had soldiers constantly giving reports and then his instinct was telling him that there was a great blaze starting on the left and then
He felt a greater fire starting on the right
And then he charged head first with the main army behind him.
Right wing
We made past the last defense and we were intro of general Baku ki as looking behind me I saw a few hundred men all the horse men were in armor except for me and my vassals letting out a roar I rushed towards the enemy general as I cut through his body guards.
"You boy how about you join me I could make you 500 man commander and take you under me I can promise you gre…"
"Tch save nonsense for the devil I have no interest in joining a losing state"
I said as I rushed towards him and cut his head of.
All the soldiers started cheering as I cut his head off we replaced the Wei flag with a Qin flag every one started catching their breath standing on the edge of the cliff I saw the left wing take over there was a giant man on the cliff which was most likely Ouki
I watched the exchange between him and shin then I felt the ground shake and saw Duke Hyuo leading his men at the front screaming like a savage. I looked at the men behind me as I got in my horse
"Men the Duke is going for Wei general gokei let's clear a path for him"
They started cheering as we went down the hill I saw a single horse man coming down from the other hill I knew he was shin. I commanded Ren to lead the men an strike from the side of the Wei HQ while I go to kill the vice generals.
Getting near the Wei HQ I saw two men I knew they were ma ki and shu ki. I speed up to shu ki while shin rushed to ma ki
He swung his blade which I ducked under and cut him from the shoulder till his face . Me and shin finished at the same time then looked at either I just gave him a nod and we went on but before I could do any real damage the Duke passed us and split 10 men in half.Then the Duke came in front of Wei supreme commander Gokei and the rest went the same as the manga.