With that the battle came to an end the Wei troops retreated they were being commanded by Gokeis lieutenant.
"Yoo Hyuo how was your first battle"shin said with a smile
"It was great wanna bet who has more achievements"
As me and shin were chatting normally I didn't notice Ouki came down and was next to Duke Hyuo. They talked like just in the manga but before he left he looked at me and shin
'Nfu' winked and walked away I might have to pry my butt opened because I just clenched so hard
Now it's been one week and we were returning to kanyo although we took less losses thank less time the Duke decided to fall back any ways we were entering the street there was a celebration although we failed to get the castle we came for we got the head of a great general.
Me and shin weren't invited to the awarding ceremony it wasn't worth mentioning two two hundred man commanders. With my accomplishments I could've been a 1000 man commander but the chief of military affairs said I needed to get more experience.
I sent all the guys home except Ren he wouldn't leave saying he needed to protect his lord. I just laughed it the. Shin asked why he was calling me lord then I just told him I saved his life then swore to serve me shin was quite jealous but got over it.I knew it would be the assassination arc soon so I decided to stay behind .
I was right after five days we were called to protect ei sei from the assassins it all went the same as the manga but I was with ten when kyokai was giving her tragic back story.
It was now the next day and Ryos faction was coming there was no difference other than forcing shin to wear proper cloths which took a lot of effort to convince him much to sei and shobunkun satisfaction although it wasn't noble cloths it was appropriate.
We were sitting in the courtroom when the door opened and many men walked in and quickly the rooms pressure changed and we were completely overwhelmed and then Ryo Fui walked in and they as if the practiced bowed all at once
"First allow me to say, there is nothing better than seeing you safe your majesty."
He said that with a smile on his face.
Looking to my side shin was frozen and didn't know what to do I think shin was scared for the first time facing a man of such calibre.
"This might be abrupt your majesty but the o e behind your assassination…"
We already knew it was him the rest we're waiting what kind of bullshit he would spout
"….was none other than myself"
"Enough of your jests chancellor such things are unimaginable"
And then Ryu Fui started laughing and said he will have his vassals investigate.
And then the old man Satiaku intervened and said to ei sei to mature faster since he serves only strong people.
Just as they were about to leave Mobu spoke and said he didn't come to play games but for a royal hearing.
" Very well speak mobu what do you want"
This shocked everyone and shin I explained to him what the six GG System was. Then he went on to explain what power they held and how Qin grew weak after the system failed.saituko brought up Ouki and he will not allow a new generation of the six greats to form but moub said he will pulverize Ouki if he intervened.
"Oi shoubunkun does that mean Mobu surpassed the past six great generals?"
The room was quite so everyone's eyes were on me
Mobu just answered me with a glare and a 'hmph' but what was unexpected was Ryo Fui
"Mhhm and who are you boys?"
I couldn't help but grin
"This is shin and I am Lu Hyuo…."
The releasing my aura
"…..we are his majesty's unbreakable swords"
Shin hearing this had a grin on his face and he unconsciously released some pressure .
"Hahahah""hyo hyo hyo " Ryu Fui and saituko
Both laughed while shk and Ri shi looked at me with curiosity while mobu just ignored me.
" look what you've done Mobu you've talked so much" he choose to ignore what just happened and the rest went on like the manga he apologized for his vassals and left
"Well that could've gone worse…"
"Well you majesty I'm sure you have a lot of work goodbye and I wish you the best of luck"
I sei dismissed us but shin wasn't done complaining so I dragged him out when we reached the bottom of the stairs I let him go and turned to him
"You saw what we are up against shin"
" yeah a bloody monster "
"Haha we need to be much stronger to help sei"
"Hmph I know we could've been doing much more if our ranks weren't reduced to hundred man commanders"
" well you know what excuse they gave us... let's pick red hare up I need I will drop you at your house I need to pick Ren"
Fuuri village
"Alright shin well be off and ten the chess set is yours to keep you better practice or you will never beat me hahaa"
"Just watch Hyuo Next time I'll always be a step ahead of you "
"I'll be waiting then bye shin and see you next time, let's leave Ren"
The trip back home is always troublesome but it's a bit faster with red hare although Ren was struggling to keep up I slowed down since I didn't want to over work his horse. We made it towards the minor city now it had a decent wooden wall. I didn't want to waste material Since I wanted to expand the city this will save me some money walking towards the opened gate the guards recognized me saluted and let me pass.
Looking around I noticed there was a lot of construction going on many houses being built seems like he finished planning the land scape going farther in I saw where my original hut used to be it was a now a decent villa.
Akira along with the rest met me at the door and greeted me I told them to follow me to the sitting room for a meeting.
"Akira how is the situation In the city"
"My lord the population has almost reached 25,000 people we built two thirds of living areas and allocated people enough land to farm."
"Good we will send the request to expand into a city stop taking citizens in after 3 more months what about the guard situation"
" we have about 2,500 men we trained them to fight back against normal people but they won't be able to put up a fight against soldiers "
'Hmm guess I'll have to use all my points
System roll 55 as soldiers and the 5 as blacksmiths and Carpenters'
{ yes host rolling 55 into soldier and 5 into blacksmith and carpenters
Congratulations you have 1,100 soldiers and 6 black smiths and 4 carpenters due to size they will be spawned outside the city and won't Be spotted }
"Izumi you will be in charge of the city defense with sora as your deputy train the 2500 men under you"
""Yes my lord""
"Ren you will be right hand man during war and Aoi will be my left hand"
""Yes my lord""
"Akari for now you have to stay here and take care of the logistics but don't worry once I have enough troops you will be the strategist"
"Yes my lord"
"Good now your dismissed"