6 months later

"Alright let's go"

it was me sora Akira and Ren . We were going to kanyo I planned to stay until the beginning of the war I'll send sora and Akira Akira back while I go to war. I would have Aoi lead the men to the battlefield where I would join them with Ren.

It's been six months since we came back from the war with Wei. All the buildings are finished and we are going to start on the wall after we get the permit. Its about time for the war with zhao to start if I'm not wrong I should arrive before shin and Ouki

It took us two days to reach kanyo. I made sure we got good war horses I already started preparing my men for the next war . The cities population went past my expectations we had up to 75k people living there and around 10 thousand soldiers they went through hellos training for the past 6 months but I still need to buy a title since I already have a family name

We entered the palace easily as they knows me as the kings friends. Reaching a waiting area I asked someone to inform shobunkun of my visit. We waited for a while and then the guard returned and asked us to follow him. Entering a room I saw shobunkun take care of some paper work and there were other men around him.

"Yooo shobunkun how are you"

"Yes Hyuo I'm good what can I do for you"

I don't know how to tell him so I just told Akari to explain the situation. Watching their expressions change from confusion to anger. Some random retainers started shouting at me for wasting their time but Shk just kept quite and looked at the documents . I couldn't be bothered to stay and convince them so I just got up and turned to leave

"shobunkun I'll stay in kanyo for a few days you can have your people confirm what I'm saying"

I purposely picked shika village because I knew it wasn't governed well and there was no major city in 100km in all directions so I knew setting this up would be easy.

I didn't visit sei since he would be quite busy meeting with nobles to win them over plus learning politics and other boring things

'Hmm maybe I should buy an estate'

Just like that 3 days passed we haven't done much but explore and spar. we rented a villa rather than booking an inn since it would be more comfortable.

"Hyuo we've been summoned to the palace"

'Hmm good he is getting used to being less formal now and it seems like Sbk has finished confirming if what I said is true'

"Alright let's go"

We were escorted by Sbk's men to the palace walking through the hall ways and seeing Sbk's retainers they seemed more respectful.

We stood in front of the door which was leading to the meeting room with sei's faction

I opened the door and there were a few dozen men looking at papers and making plans to win nobles over at the head table was shobunkun .Seeing me he told me to sit next to him

"First I would like to apologize for not trusting you bef…"

"Hahaha don't worry about Shk it's not every day you see a 15 year old claim to have built a city in less than a year."

Then we went on to discuss the planning of the city we finished in about half an hour but then stayed for a few more hours to help them with what they were doing. Just as we were about to rush in a messenger ran in



"They took Baou city now they are attacking the surrounding villages th-they are ****ing and pillaging under a general called mangokuu their supreme general is an unknown man called houken!"

"WHAT i-i need to inform Ouki there is no way he is a life" this time it was Sbkwho was speaking in a panicky voice with a little anger in it

"I'll go inform him I need to get my men now that there will be a war."

"Alright take my flag so they would let you enter his city and good luck and make haste"

I just nodded and walked out we went to the estate I changed into my armor and took my sword heading out I saw them waiting for me

"Alright mr and Ren will head to oukis castle Akari you head back with sora and begin the construction tell Aoi to prepare the men and march to the battlefield after Qin declares war ohh and have him bring my bow."

"Yes my lord" they all replied in unison I have them a form nod and we started heading out I looked back at Ren he had the flag strapped to his horse

"Let's go do you know how long it will take us to get there"

"It will take a day to get there."

"Yosh let's head out."

After a day of traveling we saw a beautiful fortress that would only fall to an army. Heading toward it Ren started waving the Sbk's flag the guards on the wall noticed and let us in

Heading in there was a lot of commotion so it seems like he got the summon from shoheikun I explained to the guards that we had an important message from Shoubunkun.

They told me to follow them and they took me tou who was watching some men train along with shin.

"Kokoko what can I do for you Hyuo"tou said with his never changing expression

"I brought a message from shobunkun he told me to tell Ouki that a man named houken will be supreme commander of the zhao army"

"Nfufufu is that so youngster Hyuo, I thought you've come to ask me to bed you." I Shuddered when I heard his voice no one could make me as uncomfortable as general Ouki . I just gave a weak laugh and brushed it off.

"Ohh is that you Hyuo and Ren , what are you you guys doing here." I heard a exhausted voice coming from behind Ouki. Looking behind him was a bruised shin his eyes had bags his legs were shaking and his arms where by his side he looked like he was going through a hellish training regime.

"Ehh shin what happened and why are you here." I already knew but I decided to ask as not to look suspicious

"I came here for training but these bastards tortured me." He said the last part in a whisper as not to get in trouble. He also kept murmuring something's but I just ignored him.

"Uhhm so what will you do general Ouki."

"Nfu we will leave for the capital tomorrow follow me tou."

"Ahh btw shin there zhao has invaded so we will surely go to war let's rest we will go with general Ouki to kanyo hand then leave for bayou." Shin was shocked but after a while he started getting exited and started talking about how much better he is after training with Ouki and that he will have better achievements this time.

In the last war what I've noticed is it was shin who slayer the general and then came down to slay maki we both could've been 500 man commanders seems like I was right Shk is holding us back.

It's the next day now we got up early it was only general Ouki , Tou and about 2 dozen men going to kanyo it seems like the rest are staying to prepare the army.

Ouki Pov:

Houken the man who took my soon to be wife kyuo. She was a great general one of the 6 great of Qin. looking back it was a fun time

clashing with the zhaos heavenly generals and Wei fire dragons

'Foh but I guess it's time for a new generation'

Looking behind me was shin and Hyuo and his right hand man. Shin is a muscle head but he isn't a idiot he gets better as he ages he knows a few strategies and he plans a head before he moves in spars but the real monster.

Hyuo the boy is a genius and his martial might is just as good as shins if not better. He built a city in less than a year and he is already starting of the same air as a general but his aura is that of mysterious person it's like he sees through you and he has reliable subordinates this Ren he will most likely surpass even me when he grows up and the strategist who goes by Akira he was the one in charge of building castle.

"Nfufufu this next generation of hero's is going to be interesting."

Back to Mc

Damn it's always amazing no matter how many times I see i. Looking to my right I see shin dazed while looking at kanyo we are climbing upstairs heading to the court room.

Standing outside the castle I could hear Mobu

and Sbk talking about how this is a battle of defense and then the door opened.I was standing next to shin and we just waved to sei

"Get out your disrupting a meeting!." A man who towers over Ouki. Mobu a true monster but an idiot.

"Nfu that's odd since the only reason I'm here is because I was summoned"

"Bill shit and who would do that" Mobu said while glaring daggers at Ouki

"It was me who sent for him so he may accept the role of Qin commander in chief!"

Then they argued and mobu left.

"Now that that is done I would ask everyone to leave." He made a reason about ancient customs but I knew he wanted to pass king shou's words to the young king.