
Looking behind me I saw 100 men on horses and in perfect formation . We were placed on the side of the reserve forces of the 5th army all the way at the back. I don't know why but it seems Ouki has something planned

"Nfufufu are you enjoying the view."

"Ohh general Ouki. Yeah it really is amazing but can I ask why I was placed here?"

"You will be made into a special unit and ….. I will add you a hundred cavalry men from my army."

"Mhmm when you say special unit do you have a job for me or should I move as I see fit."

"You will move as you like but you have to bring me a generals head I will grant you a gift HI RYO UNIT (flying dragon)"

Flying dragon Hmm that's a good name

"I will not disappoint you general Ouki!"

"Nfufufu I will be watching."Ouki said as he left for the left army I guess he is going to give shin the mission to take Fuu Ki's head

Then I heard cheering and then the floor started vibrating. It seems like the fourth army started moving.

The end of the day we got news about the death of general fuu ki and it was shin who slayed him. The second and third date went the same and the last day of the battle we will join I never pointlessly moved since I wanted my men and the horses to have good rest.

It was time we moved to the battle field but I k we by now Riboku would be on the watchtower with them so I decided to single them to watch me

At the watchtower

There were two groups of people watching the war between Zhao and Qin and then there was a flickering light coming from behind the fifth army

"Ehh is that's Hyuo look moki that's Hyuo."

"Is it the one sensei was talking about."

"Ehh I think so he is the only Hyuo I kno.. look he is going with 200 men."

"What is he doing with only 200 men is he an idiot tsk."

"Shut up kaine he will be okay"

"Alright advance"

With cheering me and my men went in a triangle formation we were charging at shou mou's army which was fighting the 2nd Qin army. Half way there I hear cavalrymen rushing at us looking to my right I see about 100 of them

"Ren take 50 men to the right and kill them and make sure you catch up!"

"Yes my lord 50 ON ME"

Looking back at my men I shouted to ignore them and that Ren would take care of them.

We hit the enemies flank and started breaking through easily when we were like 300 meters away from their general his lieutenant saw me and charged at us looking behind me I grinned.


Turning right and circling around the lieutenant making my towards him his HQ

Took notice and started coming towards with his men and then Ren came into my eye sight


I clenched my sword and made red hare go as fast as he could he was swinging his glaive carelessly that he was even killing his men his form gave me an idea on how to strike and then I heard his annoying voice

"Pwahahaha come you vermin I'll cut you in and then take oukis head" At this point Ouki made his move and left his HQ it was about time he killed this pig

He was going for my neck but I saw it first I pulled my reigns sharply to the left and his glaive passed right above me I used this chance to quickly cut his wrists


"Shut up your nothing but a stepping stone"

Some men tried rushing at me but they were all killed Ren who finished clearing up

"Have we lost any men"

"No but we have 7 injured men non fatal the rest are just tired."

"Good we haven't lost of our men we will fall back we need to rest so we can come back stronger ahh by the way could you announce the death of their general."

"As you wish my lord…"

He took a spear and impaled his head lifting it


And then cheers went all over the battlefield. The enemy started retreating and the HQ army started advancing. I went forward I came face with ouki and his men. I also saw shin I was surprised he had almost 150 men it seems I wasn't the only one who had been promoted to 200 man commander.

"Nfu you did good young Hyuo."

"Of course I gave my promise didn't i"

"Nfufufu I was wondering why you didn't move until today some of my men wanted your head for lazing around."

I looked at rokou mi he returned my look with a glare and a threatening 'Oi'

I just laughed it off and went to rest.I looked at shin and gave him a firm nod. Ouki's army started heading out after taking formations. I looked at my men and grinned.

"Let's disappear."


"Tsk that idiot is running right into the trap all right let's go save that idiot Ren and Aoi you two take 100 men and climb the left hill the rest with me to the right."I split the force I two I was already behind the army so I could make it in time.

I watched moubu chase houken into the valley luckily we are close to him but I don't think I can save all his men rushing right into the hands of zhao. There is about 500 men on this side of the cliff ,rushing towards them with my sword and the men behind me they managed to let a few of the boulders drop but we soon maxed through all of them general moubu stopped and looked at the hills wondering why they stopped.

"Let's head down and talk to the big idiot."

Running down the hill all eyes were on us Ren copied up and did the same from the other side.

"General moubu I…"

"we will continue advancing."tsk how did this guy even become a general even now he lost about a quarter of his men.

"Can you at least listen to what I have to say."

His men started shouting at me to shut up while he just glared at me

"Just listen I'm not asking you to fall back."

"Speak then"

"We can have general Ouki's men fake a retreat while you advance and the. Circle around the cliff and kill any people trying to ambush or trap you."


"Shut up Any louder and they will hear our plan what do you say general."

"How many men do we have?"

"General you can't serio…." Moubu glared at him this caused him to shut up

"We have just above 8 thousand."

"We move according to his plan 1500 on both cliffs and the rest with me."

Good at least he isn't a total idiot we started retreating which left the zhao forces confused but they couldn't watch long since when we reached the end of the valley moubu started charging and we quickly split up

Surprisingly they choose me to command the right cliff they liked me since I was acknowledged by Ouki. I decided to split the forces into 3 with 500 men each I took one and then Ren and Aoi took one each. We kept rotating while Aoi took care of one trap or an ambush squad I'll go in front of him while Ren takes the next one. We moved like this and surpassed moubu's army and it was like ouki's commanders were almost catching up.

I caught up to Ren and joined him and then soon after caught up in total we had about 1200 men and looking down at moubu he had around 4500

"Good let's keep moving we can get to the two generals around here."

It was the end of the trap I sent down 500 men with a 500 man commander while ouki's commander's descended with the whole unit.

Advancing forward I saw a camp with around 1000 men turning back to my men I gave an order to slowly spread out and attack at my signal


This caught them off by surprise we made sure to clear the area of scouts I also had Aoi surround their exits. I watched Ren and Aoi kill the generals Rihaku and Kouson Ryuu. I let them take the credit since I wouldn't get a direct promotion to 1000 man commander most likely 500 and with their accomplishments they will get 300 man commander each. We made a few flags from cloth a few days back and now we left them around the bodies of the generals. Looking around and seeing my men waiting for orders with a grin I said.

"let's disappear."


I was watching Ouki fight houken from above the hill right behind the zhao army they are clueless . The tou cavalry finished clearing out the archers and now are heading for the main HQ I knew it was about time for the end of the battle looking at the 500 men behind me

"Alright men we will wait for the zhao commander to change formation to defend against tou."

I watched as tou cavalry cut through the defense lines from 5 different directions.

"Alright they've started changing formation. ADVANCE!!"

We caught them from the back and started to cut through them he just made to the defense line it seems he will get there before me.

After tou slayed the strategist we heard a rumbling sound

'Tch they are here faster than I thought well it doesn't matter.'

With a grin on my face I took a horn that was strapped to my horse.


This was unexpected and all eyes were in my direction tou looked at me with a questioning gaze I just kept quite and held my hand near my ear gesturing him to listen.

At Riboku's HQ

"Riboku-sama should we send the second wave."

"Yes send the third as well. 'something feels of like we're being watched'"

"Are you alright Riboku sama."

"I'm fine something feels off"

And just as he said that he heard a horn coming from the other zhao HQ

"Damn it there is a surprise attack DEPLOY DEFENSIVE FORMATIONS!."


"REPORT we have found generals Ri haku and kouson Ruu's body there was a flag indicating a unit called HIRYO."

"So that's how they managed to sneak behind us who is the commander of that unit."

"It is not known but he is the same man that killed general shomou."

"It is Hyuo that ten was telling us about