'Good they are moving as planned'

"we will leave the new army to moubu and his men let's give support to general Ouki!"

Looking around it seems like tou left to support Ouki.'tsk it seems I'll be late.'

We were advancing and then I heard zhao soldiers cheering. Ouki had been defeated I reach the dule ring I see tou holding houken off with anger on his face and the rest of the men just there shocked at the defeat of their general.

Shin jumped on his horse after killing the archer who hit weakened Ouki with an arrow.

The men from ouki's army started screaming at shin to get off until I stepped in.


The men were responding as all eyes were on me they got their moral back but filled with anger at the thought of their lord and generals body Getting in the hands of the enemy. I looked at Ouki and he just nodded at me I gave the order


The men turned and as if possessed by devils they cut through layers of zhao men I was on the side facing Riboku's HQ he had a grimace on his face he didn't expect moubu to have this many survivors. I'm I took my bow which I was training for the past 4 months I wasn't planning to kill him now since this could change everything and I couldn't predict it follow the plot.

Facing his direction and taking aim I let three sting ones loose and killed three commanders. I grinned and again took aim but this time I shot three in the air and then took aim straight at him i let theee loose and he blocked two and got scratched by one. He knew three were falling towards him from the sky but the sun blocking them from seeing the arrow and the started to run and the last three hit some soldiers around him.I sped up and made it next to Ouki while he was talking to shin about a great generals view he looked over to me with a grin and asked if I've seen it.I saw it when I was giving the speech to retreat it was all clear I saw all flags foot soldiers and the cavalry men."


We managed to escape the death trap set up by Riboku but this time we had nearly three times more than the manga the rest of ouki's commanders where here this time since we killed all battlefield commanders except mangoku who retreated and then they easily took bayou city.

"Tou is to take over the army matters and you are forbidden to follow me to death this includes commanders."

"Yes my lord." They all saluted I could see them clench their teeth sand hands do hard blood started dripping.

"Forgive Ouki it is my fault do you have any last words for me." It was moubo with guilt in his voice.

Ouki told him that he will be the new symbol of Qin's might.

"Nfu youngsters Hyuo and shin I promised to train you shin but you should be grateful that I even thought of it kokoko *cough* your talented the both of you make your names roar throughout china . Nfufufu although this is your generation it is also that monsters generation kokoko don't let your light die out."

Ouki spoke his last words and his glaive fell to shins hands. His vassals were fast to move we quickly returned to bayou after we finished sorting everything out we returned to kanyo me and shin made 500 man commanders while Ren and Aoi made 300 and 200 man commander ma respectively there wasn't a big celebration since ouki's died . we won the war since we lost less me and took baou city back.

3 months later

"Shin were you also summoned.!"

"Yeah I can't believe that man is coming to kanyo."

It's been three month since the battle at bayou and ouki's death. Right now we are heading to the place we were summoned by Shk because Riboku will be there and he will be armed.

"Hurry up or you will be late" the messenger was panicking and urging us to make haste

We started heading up the stairs and noticed Shk shin started glaring I pushed his head down as a form of greeting.

"I appreciate the four of you for rushing over. You can leave I want to have a talk between the five of us.

Watch your yo d shin now I talk to you as the chief of military affairs not as Ryo Fui's pillar." Shin couldn't do anything and just kept quite he then went on to explain that Riboku is coming and we are supposed to assasinate him shin tried refusing but he was just summoned out of consideration and that others were willing to do it.

The room was tense me, shin, kyuo Kai and Ren were wearing guards uniform and standing next to the door . The conversation went the same as the manga and Zhao and Qin formed and alliance we also took a city from Zhao

I was in the banquet hall next to Shobunkun i arraigned before shin and kyuo Kai when I left they were still struggling to put their formal cloths on. I started eating and after a few minutes I heard kaine shout at shin asking him what he is doing in the middle of a banquet celebrating the alliance

"Ugh what is that beat doing!" Shk was clearly frustrated .

"Hah I'll get him don't worry." I said with a tired tone but I was really exited.

On the other side just em before I reached I called out


Then Riboku reacted with shock in his voice

"You are shin of the hi shin unit the one who slayed Fuu ki to think you were a child."

I stood next to shin pushing his head down

"Sorry prime minister my brother is a fool."

"Ehh Hyuo why are you apologizing."

When Riboku and his men heard my name they started glaring

" hooh Qin sure does have great talent you killed two of my generals."

"Ehh I'm sure my unit killed three."

"Tsk you cheeky bastard I nearly fell to your ploy."

"Eh sorry one eyed general I'll make sure to personally kill you next time…"

This pissed most of the zhao emissaries but Riboku just put his hand up and they just kept quiet.

Then the conversation went on with shin but I dragged him away before Ryo Fui came. The banquet went on with out any further disturbances. It was evening and the zhao emissaries had already left. Me,shin and sei were on the roof

"Ahh btw sei are you getting crushed by that Ryo guy." Sei just chuckled at him and went on to explain why he didn't attend.

"Shin Hyuo we have six years."

"Ehh six years for what."

"In six years I will have my coming of age ceremony and he will strike before then."

Sei turned and looked at us

"... Hyuo shin you both need to be generals before then." Shins eyes opened with shock he tried saying something but no words came out. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him in and with a grin in my face I said.

"We can do it isn't that right shin"

"Haha Damn right." Shin was pumped up now and sticking his fist out to sei. We talked for some more and then left. Sei went back to a meeting with his faction while me and shin started leaving the palace.

"Ahh I just remembered I have to meet someone shin you go on ahead of me."

"Ehh sir see you later 500 man commander Hyuo"

"Haha see you later 500 man commander shin."


"Ahh tell kyuo Kai and ten I said hi."shin just left while nodding. Me and Ren are going to have a meeting with the chief of military affairs I don't know why he accepted. I told him I want to talk about my rank but I just wanted to meet him.

We were in front of the door which leads to the men who work for Shk. The door opened and we were told to enter. I was walking next to the man who opened the door with Ren just behind me on my left. Most people were looking at me and murmuring to the person next to them

'Isn't he to young'

'There is no way he killed those men'

'Bah he must've got lucky or the report was wrong'

I just ignored them and made my way to the head table making my way there I saw saituko the old diplomat I saw him a few times in the manga he was one of my favorite side characters. On the other side was mouki he was glaring at me and trying to Intimidate me I just chucked and by the time I looked in front of me I was I front of the desk

"Sit" it was Shk who spoke his voice was calm but there was a bit of fatigue in it.

"Hmm so…. Are you going to tell me why I don't have a higher rank?."

He looked up at me and then to the side and just nodded to one of his men they got up and left the room most likely to get something . Shk looked back at me and said

"You don't have any experience and bo one will skip a major rank but….. I'm sure you knew that and let your men take the credit."

I grinned when he said that I knew he would've known

"Hiyo hiyo hiyo" looking around the men who heard what he said were shocked while saituko was laughing mouki was looking at me with wide eyes. Before I could say anything the door opened and the man who left walked in with a box. I turned to Shk with my eyebrow raised questioning what he wants

"Let's play a game before you leave I also want to ask a few questions." He started setting the board up with out even waiting for my confirmation.

"Chess huh, heh I guess ten couldn't hide it."

I looked at mouki with a questioning gaze.

"She taught me then I convinced her to show sensei." I didn't really care if people find out about the game it's good even more people will know about me. More people started looking at our direction to watch the game

"Your move first." He gave me the first move and I went with the queens gambit.

"Ohh you wanted to ask questions?"

"I want to know how a former slave could build a city at 15 without any help." I moved my second pawn up and looked at him and with a smirk on my face

"Who know maybe I'm just a genius Hahaha." After I said that I swear it felt like I was stabbed with all those glares coming at me




We made a few moves in silence

"But to say the truth it wasn't that hard…"

This got his and sitokus attention

" Qin wasn't doing anything there there were corrupt officials and bandits I just beat them and made people move in my village."

"Hiyo hiyo hiyo boy how about you leave the kings faction and join us.!" This caught the attention of everyone as they tried to stop him from making such decision.

"HAHAHA please don't make such jokes saituko-sama. Besides I wouldn't join the side which would eventually loose" This made every one get angry at me but Shk told them to be quiet and sit

"Don't be foolish the king will need at least 10 years to catch up to Ryo Fui." This time it was mouki who spoke up clearly looking down on the other faction I looked at him and then just went back to the game





"Queens gambit.."


"That's what this move is called you dominate the center and then ....

Checkmate." I won this match but I don't know what will happen if we play again it's been only a few months since he started playing and i almost lost.

"Well I should get going." I stood up and walked away Shk was studying the board with Mouki .No one stopped us when we were leaving they all just glared at us.

Looking back at the palace I couldn't help but admire how good it is.

" we should head back now Ren." We we're heading back to the castle we still haven't gone to the front lines we wene given a small holiday and time to arrange our men into a proper unit.

' Hmm I wonder if that will work'


{yes host}

'Can I have people summoned to different locations and with orders as well'

{that is possible it it will cost 10 Gacha coins per person}

"Mhmm alright use 1100 use 100 per person send two warriors to shin and mouten but send a strategist to ouhon make sure they don't know me and are loyal to them.

And summon 5 to the north side of Qin 1 strategist and 4 warriors

( your mission is two spread your influence and strengthen the north join the armies and make your way to general and slowly take over.)

And have one financier and a master spy in the city'

{very well host}


(3 days later)

We reached the city and I couldn't help but admire it the population is just under a 100 thousand and there are 30 thousand soldiers guarding the walls. We started making our way to the gate

"Welcome back my lord"

The commander who was in charge of the gate came down to greet me

"Hmm keep up the good work send a summon to Izumi sora and Aoi tell them to meet me in my office."

"Yes my lord" I nodded and just went on I was passing through the streets when people noticed me they started cheering and waving