"My lord they've come."
"Let them in." The butler bowed and left, one by one they entered the room and they greeted me I noticed that they stopped treating me only as a lord now they treat me as friends but they still respect me.
" uhm now let's discuss how we will form the unit how many cavalry and infantry men."
This made them start arguing and insulting each other
"Hphm we don't need these infants turtles let's just leave with all cavalry." Aoi said with a mischievous smile on his face. Izumi hearing this got up
"Shut up your nothing without a horse and an idiot like you would just fall and break their neck." Sora and Ren were just quiet but chuckling a bit
"Hahaha ok ok enough what do you think Akira?"
"Hmm I think we should balance it out although we would be faster with cavalry only it would be best if we had all the men have experience."
"Hmm that's good how should we split.?"
In the end we decided
300 cavalry led by Hyuo
200 infantry led by Izumi
200 cavalry led by Ren
100 infantry led by sora
100 cavalry led by Aoi
100 body guards/messengers Akira (strategist)
"Alright everyone we will leave tomorrow pick out your best men, you are dismissed .!"
""Yes my lord""
"Ahh before I go the blacksmith finished what you asked for shall I call for him."
"Yes Akira send for him I was going to go my self before how convenient."
( 1 hour later)
"My lord the blacksmith is here."
"Let him in."
"How are you lord Hyuo I have the things you requested."
"Hahaha good show them I've been waiting Hiroshi." This is the leader of the blacksmith I summoned from the system they make weapons for the men they have better blacksmithing techniques than the ones there now.
In front of me was two things a halberd and a beautiful red and black steel armor. Picking up the halberd it was heavy about 36kj (80pounds).
'It isn't too heavy I can carry it but it is uncomfortable and will take some time getting used to.'
"Hmm it's good make another one but increase the weight by 10 kj and add a few more inches."
"Yes my lord I will excuse myself."
I started putting on my armor because I wanted to see how it fits. It was comfortable and sturdy. It was a bit like ouhons armor but a better fit and different color.
"Alfred come in."
"Fohh for the last time my name isn't Alfred it is Haruki." This is the butler I hired to help me handle the house and guests
"Hahaha I know I'm just joking anyways call the new guys I want to talk to them."
" They just came they wanted to talk to you already."
"Hmm good let them in."
Two men walked in and bowed one was a slightly big man wearing a robe which most rich merchants wear he gave of the feel of a scholar.
"My name hiroshi and I am the financier."
The man next to him was wearing cloths for a middle class family he is fit and has the physique of a professional swimmer
"My name is Akido and I am the spy master." The way he speaks I can't even detect if he is lying and he gives a feeling of not being there .
"Good as you know tomorrow me and all the commanders will be leaving for the frontlines I will leave the castle matters to you hiroshi all the military will be left to the remaining strategists and commanders. As for you Akido you will make an information network as well as find and eliminate any spies who enter the city if they do something suspicious or you are hundred percent sure only ,do you understand.?"
""Yes my lord""
"Good you are dismissed."
I should try use the halberd before we leave.
I started making my way to the backyard as I was walking there all the maids were bowing with a smile. Even when I was coming in there was nothing but cheers Heh I guess the people in the city love me I saved them after all. After a few minutes of walking I made my way to the gate of the back yard opening it I saw a small pond and an area for sitting which looks like a hut. I told the maids not to let anyone in unless it's an emergency.
Holding the halberd with my right hand on the middle and my left at the edge of it I started thrusting
( A few hours later)
"Huff huff im so tired" I was laying on my back after a few hours of swinging and thrusting my halberd I finally stopped
" ahh sleep is going to be good today." I was limping to my room on the way there I told the maid to have a meal prepared for me. I ate my food jumped into the bath getting out and drying myself I struggled to get in bed my head touched the pillow and I was gone.
Waking up there was sunshine passing through the blinds. Getting up I dressed and called for breakfast to my office.
After finishing up and getting ready I started heading out I saw the guys talking together waiting for me. Holding my glaive with my right hand and leaning it in my shoulder I asked.
"Are you guys ready."
"hell yeah" it was sora who answered he was exited it would be his first time leading troops we just chucked seeing his embarrassment.
We all got on our horses and made our way to where the men were waiting. We arrived and saw all the men casually talking they saw us and started falling in formation we walked past them and they gave us greetings getting to they front I turned around.
"All right men today will be the day we set out to make our legend we will make our names known through the land and our deeds will be etched into the annals of history, All men advance!."
With a roar we started heading out and we got on the main road to the exit I saw tons of people cheering and waving us by I look behind at the guys they were either smiling stupidly or just avoiding my gaze.