1 year later

Kei city

It has been a year since the war with Wei and just as expected most units on the border are wary of us. Now we were heading to kei city to reinforce them. I tagged along with shin to enter the city before the rest of the units we were eating in the same restaurant he met the lady of this city.

"EHH Hyuo I don't have my wall…"

"Oi old lady this brat dosent have money to pay he is a freeloader."

I had a grin on my face while shin was shocked shortl after the old lady started shouting at him and kicking him until the door. I decided to head out and save the Hi sui. Heading out I man in armor pulling a well dressed lady. I walked up to him

"Hehh what do you want be…."


I sent him flying but realizing that hi sui was falling I held her waist and pulled her to my chest.

'Beautiful' I murmured.

"C-can you let me go.!" Looking at her face which was very red I chuckled

"Ahh sorry." I let go and scratched the back of my head.

Looking back I see shin still arguing deciding I had my fun I paid the lady and walked away with shin following I noticed someone following us but I ignored it since I knew who it was. We were on the roof talking when I noticed black eyes peeking through the hallway

"Haha are you just gonna stare we're not gonna bite."

It was hi sui stalking us she slowly walked up to us

" I wanted to thank you for saving , but you shouldn't have hit that man I am the lady of the city."

"Ehh but he would've R….."

I smacked shins head before he could've said any more he started grumbling but I ignored him.

"I get it but why are you out without any guards."

She became flustered but slowly started telling us about she has never left the castle and she was a locked bird the sun started setting and we parted as she head back home while shin and me went back to camp we agreed to meet at the grannies place tomorrow

The next morning we heard news of Hi shi being married of to the enemy general as a peace deal. I got angry although I knew this would happen I didn't like the idea of that bastard touching her

'Heh I guess I took a liking to her.'

"Tell shin about the news and tell him to meet me "

Shin and karyoten came together shin was angry while Ren was concerned for the poor girl. We made our way to the castle we weren't met with much opposition and entered . We made it to hi suit's room but when we entered I saw HyuoRai holding a blade to her neck

"Haha you fools drop your weapons or I'll kill her."

I nodded to the men behind me to drop but this was also a signal to ten to use her dart and just as I thought the dart hit his eye and with reflex dropped the blade and grabbed his eye. Taking this chance I rushed to him and unsheathed my sword stabbing him in the chest.

I pulled her to my chest while she was sobbing she stopped after hearing an old woman who was her nanny.

"We thank you for helping us but that man had connections to the Ryo Fui faction." We frowned hearing this but an idea formed in my head and I smirked.

"Oi Hyuo your not thinking of doing what I'm thinking of right." Shin must've figured out what I was thinking of

"What are you guys talking about." Ten was confused at this point.

"Ryo Fui will try to make problems for sei so the best way is to marry her." I was met with silence they were all baffled but shin broke the silence with laughter

Without waiting for anyone I dragged hi sui out of the room

"I'll have a word with my fiancé there is till an army outside the castle go make plans I'll be with you." The old woman tried to follow us but was stopped by shin and ten

I found a random room and entered it just when I was about to talk she snatched her hand

"W-what are you doing we can't marry."

" ohh why."

"you don't l-love."She said that in a low voice like she was hurt.

"I won't lie to you. It's true that I don't love you but when I heard that man would marry I wanted to kill him. I like you Hi sui and I'm sure I'll grow to love you."

"I Understand but why is marriage the only way out."

"Most people don't k ow this but me and shin are part of the sei's faction ."

She looked at me with confusion

"Sei is the king."

"Stop lying you don't know the king."

I went on to explain how I was his body double and how me and shin we at his

"You and shin-dono were slaves.?"

She was shocked at the revelation I knew she wasn't going to mind but I decided to tease her. I got closer to her face

"Yes do you mind.?"

She was blushing at how close I was

"W-what of course not." She stuttered while pushing

"We should go the rest are wai ah."

She stated to turn around but I pulled her back and kissed her. Her lips were trembling and her body was melting into me

'Heh I knew I wouldn't regret it '

"Mph we should go back their is still an ar.."

"No, you still haven't said yes."

"You never asked."

"Hahaha I guess you right….."

I got on one knee and held her hand

"…..Hi Shi will you marry me and make me the happiest man on this world."

Her eyes started tearing up



I said as I got up and wiped a tear of her check and kissed her again. I heard the door opening and I saw shin walk in

"Oi Hyuo ehhhh uhm excuse me continue."

Shin without waiting turned and left . Looking down I saw Hi Sui grabbing me and her face was as red as a tomato.

"I need to go now there is some planning you should stay it's been a long day."

She just nodded and when I was turning to leave she grabbed my hand and told me to be safe.

"Don't worry small fries like these can't hurt me."I said as I kissed her hand and then turned to leave

I made my way to the camp and when I entered all eyes fell on me

"So what is the plan."

"Ehh don't worry about it you should spend some time with my sister in law the Hi shin unit will tsk scare of it." Shin said with a smug smile

"Heh as if I would let you take any of the credit."

Ten started explaining the plan she is much better than in the manga although shin was barley having any problems leading the troops I convinced him to get ten to be his strategist.

We discussed our plan the enemy had 10 thousand men while we had 8 we would face them head on with 7 while shin would flank.

We made our way out of the castle and took formations I knew he would depend on his archers so I had hatsu with his men at the front their bows were superior and stronger. It all went as planned they didn't have any soldiers of note. Shin came in perfectly and killed the commander.

The next morning

I had just woke up and I was hungover we partied last night due to my engagement I decided it's better to be engaged first then married. I was heading to the castle to talk with Hi Sui. I was on my horse passing through the streets people were waving and greeting me they accepted me as her husband since I saved her and the castle although there were a few glares from boys who liked her but I shrugged it off.

I made it to the castle and just passed through with a few soldiers greeting me. I was shown to a guest room. Hi sui came in shortly after with her nanny. She came to sit next to me but I pulled her to my laps

"H-Hyuo stop nanny is in the room." She whispered while covering her face with her hands.

"Hmhm I will leave you love birds for a while and you don't get any ideas." HI Sui tried to stop her but she was ignored poor girl.

"Hi sui you need to leave this city and go to mine." Her face turned serious and she tried to get up but I held her down.

"Listen I know you don't want to leave your people but my city is safer."

"But my people won't hurt me."

"Fohh I know that but I have a few enemies they will try to get to me through you I'm sorry but you will visit you people anytime you want and I plan to make your city bigger and stronger."


"Would I lie to you."

She shook her head with a smile

"Alright you have a few hours to get ready you will be escorted by Aoi and a hundred men I already sent a messenger to shika city."


It's been a few hours and we were getting ready to leave I was next to Hi Sui's carriage

All the people in the city came to say goodbye . I walked behind her while she was talking the citizens

"It's time to leave."

She took a few minutes to say goodbye and then I grabbed her hand. I escorted her to her carriage she had two one for transport and one for her luggage I told her not to take everything since my tailors would make much better cloths for her. She climbed the carriage and then looked back at me I took her hand and put a kiss on it

"I'll see you soon." I heard some whistles especially from shin and his unit I looked up at her and she was blushing.

I turned to see Aoi with his men ready to escort her to the city. I took 2 letters from my pocket and handed them to him

"One is for the financier and the other for the spymaster. Make sure you get her there safely." I said the latter part louder for the men to hear they all saluted and swore to protect their lady. And with that they set out and so did we

"Fufufu I can't believe you refused me to talk to my sister-in-law." We we're facing each other now and our units were behind us.

"Eh I'll allow it when you marry that girl what was her name Ahh kyuo Kai I think HAHAHA"shin turned red and everyone was laughing at him after everyone calmed down we said our goodbyes and we left to our respective battlegrounds I was put on the Wei border.