2 months later
Aoi returned around two weeks after they left and now we were glaring at a unit opposite us much like shin did with the chu force.
"My lord there is a letter from the spymaster." I took the letter and went through it.
'Hmm they started moving there armies and resources to the border castles I guess it's about time.' I passed the letter to Akira
"We won't move or we will raise suspicion that we know although they won't know that we know it's best to catch a small army of ten thousand trying to destroy a castle of guard."
A few days later
The unit is starting to retreat just as we thought. I summoned a messenger
"Send word to HQ that the Wei unit retreated."
"Yes lord Hyuo."
"Akira prepare the man we will disappear."
And just like that the coalition started forming and we started falling back I got more letters informing me that the rest of the states started moving.
"Lord Hyuo an army of 10 thousand Wei soldiers is advancing towards a small castle."
"Alright fall back Ren take 10 men and head to the castle you will command the men to flank from both sides we will face them head on MOVE OUT."
"I WILL NOT FAIL YOU LORD HYUO 10 MEN ON ME." Ren broke of and rushed towards the castle they were moving in smaller numbers so the were ahead of us.
We were marching for half an hour and we caught site of the castle and the army moving towards it we made our way in front of the castle and took formation.
"Akira you take over the center and deploy the 8 golden gates. Izumi you take the left while sora takes the right Aoi you take the front I will flank with Ren."
"""yes lord Hyuo."""
And with that they quickly took formations they Wei commander wasn't talented so he wouldn't be able to see through it.
"Hetsu you surround the outer layer of the HQ don't let anyone through."
"Ye lord Hyuo"
The battle started and a wave of 6 thousand men came forth they passed through the first layer due to weak spots we purposely left they started scrambling and there was no formation to be seen they were getting massacred and the general sent 3 thousand men to the sides I looked behind me and two units from both sides came out of the castle and Ren was leading the left.
"Hetsu change of plans take your 400 men and kill the thousand men when they retreat ." And with that we moved out I went to the right to kill the thousand men who were attacking there were 3000 men in total from the castle I had 1500 while Ren had the other half.
I left the HQ with a hundred men I had them carry my flag so the troops would recognize me. I head to the front and grip my halberd and raise it raising the morale of the men and with a roar we collide with the second wave.
At the Wei generals HQ
"General the Hi Ryo unit has flanked the second wave and overwhelmed them we need to attack them or we will lose all our men."
"Shut up you idiot I know that is the same man who slayed Renpa there is no hope we will fall back and report to great general gohumi. ALL TROOPS RETREAT!!."
And with that the one thousand men retreated with their first loss as a coalition army. After falling back and rushing back to their main army they forgot to check for any ambushes.
Hetsu pov
My lord ordered me to kill all the Wei soldiers who retreated and it seems his prediction was right looking at my men who I personally trained I knew we wouldn't miss
"Hetsu sama they are coming this way."
"Alright we shall aim for the general, strategist and commanders so they have no hope to escape
I coked my arrow back and let it loose it hit the general and one after the other the soldiers fell due to my men's overwhelming accuracy and like that they all fell.
"Alright he'd down and make sure they are all dead."
Back to the Mc
Fohhh finally we took them down.
"Send a messenger to Akira count all our losses and begin cleaning up." The man saluted and left to give the order. I looked to my left and saw Hetsu unit returning. I heard a rumbling sound approaching us.
"This better be the dukes army or were dead meat. TAKE DEFENSIVE FORMATION."
All the men quickly took formation they knew it would be hopeless to an army of that size but they are veterans and it's better to die fighting then being chased like pigs. Ren and Aoi came to my side and when the army slowed down and the dust settled we saw the dukes banners."
"Hahh thank god, Alright on me we will greet the General."
We made our way to the army which settled down and we could hear people from the castle cheering for the Duke
"Tch ungrateful bastards." This caused the men around me to chuckle.
"I am glad to see you come to our assistance Duke Hyuo."
"Bwahahaha stop lying brat shouldn't you be saying I'm late." I just chucked at this Duke Hyuo was my favorite in the manga but if everything goes according to my plan he will live I don't care about the plot since I have bigger plans but we will see.
"Is there a reason for this Wei invasion."
"It is abnormal there is an army of another 90k men approaching Qin we will go fight but this war is giving a fierce smell. You and your men shall join us."
'Heh what an instinctual talent he can even tell that it is much bigger than it seems.'
I just nod and leave we were given some wine as a gift for defeating the detached army. We soon got ready to leave and join the dukes 40 thousand men. We haven't lost any men but we had a lot of injuries but they would soon be able to fight again.
We were chasing the Wei army for a few days now and we had a few skirmishes they only sent a few u it's to slow us down but we we're slowly catching up and I'm sure we would clash tomorrow. We have gotten reports of the other states moving and kanyo realized that we were facing a coalition I'm sure we would be called to kankou pass in a few days.
Finally the Wei army turned to face us we didn't split our army as we don't have enough men. The Duke personally led the first charge we didn't move since we were sort of reserves the battle started with an echelon formation with the Duke leading at the head of it he advance with 10 thousand men. The first two days went without a hitch as we joined on the second day we pushed further in there was movement on the Wei side preparing their chariots it seems like shin will arrive shortly
The Duke charged forward to the left side after noticing shins men rushing down the hill. Taking advantage of this I commanded my men to follow the dukes lead and with that we crushed the chariots and with that we fell back after dealing a massive blow to the Wei.
"Yoo shin ten how have you been." I made my way to the hi shin unit they had fear on their faces it was normal when being invaded by multiple states.
"Hyuo Im glad you're doing well." Even shin was felling down well not much I can do
" so did you see anything on your way here."
"Yeah we saw a zhao army and cities burnt down."
"Armies from every state have passed Qin borders except Qi."
This shocked his unit and they started to panic
"Panicking is useless if we don't fight then Qin will fall." I said and turned around not waiting for their response