Shin was sent to counter the sneak attack and gouhomi deployed a formation which caused the Duke to fall back.
"Akira what do you think of the formation."
"It's just as you said it is to circle the enemy and confuse them to circle into each other and then have them trapped without knowing what happened while picking at them." Heh that gouhomi is really good.
I guess it's about time.I gave the order and we started making our way we passed many refugees they were exhausted and other units we got a few cheers when they saw us.I sent the injured men to the castle to come back with new troops. We saw kankou pass and I was amazed by the size and all the troops arriving.
"Alright we have been placed with the Dukes army let's move the rest of the men will arrive in a day." And with that we fell into ranks and set up camp I never got any orders on where to be positioned it I guess the chief has a plan.
"A message for lu Hyuo of the ahi Ryo unit."
I heard a messenger calling for me I got out of my tent and saw some soldiers directing him to me."
"Commander Hyuo a message from the chief."
"Speak then."
"Yes you are to be an independent unit and move between the battle fields of chu and Zhao. You are only to move when you can make a crippling hit. Please excuse me I have to report."
"Kukuku tell the chief I accept and i won't disappoint."He nodded and left
'I couldn't ask for anything better i will make sure to deal a blow massive enough to weaken both chu and Zhao.'
1st day.
The first day was about to start I joined the tou army which would face Rin Bou Kun.
I watched as the first wave went forth and collided with the chu's first army. They battled for almost an hour and I saw Rin bou make his way to the general.
"I guess it's about time we moved Akira send word to general tou we will deal with Rin Bou Kun. Ren And Aoi you will follow me we will charge with a thousand men." They started getting ready I got on my horse and looked back to see 1000 cavalry behind me.
With a roar we advanced we charged through the right side since I didn't want to run over Qin soldiers we advanced while cutting through chu soldiers I noticed a commotion up a head
'Hmm must be where ohoun and mouten are.' I continued making my way there until I noticed the archer brat aiming at me he let one loose and it cut through the air making its way to my head.
"Kukuku you are to weak for that." I broke into the circle opposite them looking to my sides Aoi and Ren we're right there.
"Fuohhh alright Aoi Ren kill these two and catch up I'll deal with the bald oaf."
"Shut up you brat your overconfidence will be the end of you." Keh it's the loud one screaming he rushed at me with his famous sword in hand. I looked back and said
"I'll go ahead finish your job." I rushed at him while tightening my grip on my halberd a few steps later I made contact with his sword
"Fuhh you aren't bad but you are too weak." And with that I sent him and his horse flying into the soldiers I didn't even look back as I kept on moving forward.
I heard some clanking and saw men gathered in a circle
'I am closing in.'
All of a sudden the clashing stopped and I saw the bald man glaring at me
"Kukuku if you keep on staring at me I will blush."
"Hoh it seems like the tales of the man who slayed Renpa being a child weren't lies."
"It seems like you know me but I have no idea who you are." This caused a few Qin men to laugh while most chu soldiers were shocked or glaring at me with rage.
"I AM THE GREAT GENERAL OF CH…." I didn't let him finish and just rushed at him with my halbred he reacted fast and raised his war mace but I used my superior horse riding skills and tilted red hare to the left to avoid his strike when it passed by me I quickly swung my halberd to his lower shoulder.
"Tsk to shallow."
I stuck 2 inches in his shoulder and made a small slash.
"Hmm your not bad but are you forgoing to only avo.."
I rushed at him again and with all my might swung at him
I sent him flying backward abit
"This is my first battle with the chu but it seems like your all bark and no bite."
"Come then O great general show me the might of the superstate called chu."
It seems like I got on his nerves he raised his mace over his head and struck me we enemy back and forth with dozens of strikes I was starting to feel fatigue and so was he. I took a few steps back and rushed towards him again I went with my strongest attack but this time I aimed for his weapon to knock him back just like shin did at sai I knocked him back and quickly thrust forward stabbing his heart I pulled my halberd out which was dripping with his blood the Qin soldiers with a burst of moral started cheering and soon the battle started again. Ren and Aoi came back while covered in blood
"Apologize my lord we failed to kill them but ohoun and mouten killed them."
"Heh those bastards stole our merit l right we finished our job let's fall back."
We retreated to our camp by and I looked towards the hill which our hq was located tou just nodded towards me I returned the gesture and returned to my tent.
The next few days went in without major developments only kankoku pass burned a few siege towers down. It was time for Han to use their poison to waken the wall's defense also time for kanmi and Karin to advance.