The third day started and the men were tense. Last night the zhao launched another attack using half there men this time they were prepared to fight against the fire they had shield troops at the front to block the fire and then put it out with water. This went on for a few hours until they retreated. Now they were using half there men while the ones who served at the night attack were resting.

After a stare off they started advancing to the castle I looked around the men mine and shins unit had a determined look while the malita were were shook.

The Zhao soldiers started climbing the walls after tanking multiple volleys of arrows. We wouldn't let any of them pass us I told my men to give it all they got. The battle went on for about two hours and the momentum started slowing down

'He should come about now."

And just on queue a man dawned in golden armor cut down a few men

"Y-your majesty please retreat we will fight." I heard a few soldiers and milita men try convincing him to fall back


The malita were dumbfounded they couldn't say anything and stood there frozen sei didn't stop fighting. Soon after they broke out of their state and with tears running down their face they cheered and with a burst of moral they cut down any enemy soldiers like demons.

Some tried to rush to sei and kill him but they couldn't even get close to him.

'Heh he isn't half bad I guess he didn't stop training.'

I made my way to him while killing a few soldiers

"Sei make one round around the castle then I'll call for them."

He gave me a determined look and went of. Soon after I heard more cheering around the walls. I looked over the edge of the wall and saw Riboku call for all the men I guess he wants to kidnap sei.




They let out a monstrous scream



I looked back and gave Akira a signal to send all the reinforcements up. Sei was on shoubunkun's wall and he was making his way here. I went to shins side he was covered with blood but so was I.


"Hyuo what the hell is sei doing."

"Hahaha you will see shortly. Can you still fight?"

"Of course I can."

Sei reached us and he was looking tired

"So sei shall I do the honors or you."

"It was your idea you do it."

Shin was looking at us with confusion I ignored it and climbed on the ledge I took a horn and blew it


"Oi Hyuo what are you doing." I looked at him with a smirk in my face I put my finger to my lips and then moved it to my ear


"Stop joking there is nothing."


"We have reinforcements shin come with me will assist them."

Like the manga the mountain tribes came to assist but this time they had nearly 30 thousand men.

The walls broke into cheers at the sight of a miracle.

"Let's go shin."

Shin was ecstatic he followed me we got on our horses and had 2000 cavalry behind us I gave the order for the southern gate to be only opened. Yotwana split her men in two the first would liberate the other three walls while the other would destroy the HQ. The wall opened and we rode out the Zhao infantry were confused and didn't k ow what to do. Shins unit joined us as there was less infantery climbing the wall. We got split up shortly after leaving the walls.

"Tsk where is he." I was looking for houken but before I clouds look further I heard a loud roar which froze all the horses.

I looked at red hare while patting his head

"Don't worry that bastard will die today."

I rushed to the circle where shin and houken were dueling. Shin was already in tatters

"Damn it shin you should've waited."

I rushed into the circle to assist him. Some zhao soldiers tried to attack me but houken killed them

"You two I remember you, you were there at ouki's death." I ignored him and made my way to shin I grabbed his hand and pulled him up

"Can you still fight."

"I can hold out."he had a tired smile on his face some of his men tried to stop him

"Don't bother this stubborn bastard won't back down. We have a debt to settle anyways." I turned to shin and we bumped fists.

"He only has one hand you go for the left I'll take the right." We split up and started to move around him this side of the battlefield was quite since all the people were watching.

I rushed at houken and started thrusting at him at an impossible speed but he managed to block all of them he did so with shin at his back slashing him. We exchanged blows untill he knocked me back and turned to face shin. He grabbed his arm and tossed him like kyuo Kai.



shin wasn't conscious anymore houken tossed him to the mountain men behind him. I rushed at him on my horse and I sent a barrage of attacks at him not giving him anytime to react. I noticed his large black horse rushing at me I quickly avoided and he got on it. I saw an arrow flying towards me I quickly blocked it with the blunt side of my halberd.

"Hetsu if any of those bastards move out one in their head." I didn't wait for a reply and just rushed at him

'Tsk Im lucky he hasn't landed a solid hit I'll just have to use my superior horse riding skill and kill him like Renpa.'

He was sending a slash form my right I quickly pulled my reigns to the right until I was near the floor I saw it pass over me I used this time to stab his hand. I was aiming blindly so I had to improvise. I felt my blade cut something.

"Tsk to shallow." Houken had a deep cut in his dominant arm. I heard cheering from the Qin men.

'Idiots I won't be able to handle even one strike.'

I can get one more hit until he sees through my horse riding skills.

'I have plan but it is risky.'

I rushed at him again and dodged but this time I landed a deep cut in his shoulder but this time he quickly sent the blunt side of his glaive and pushed me back. I landed a few steps back I circled back and moved to a position where my back was to Qin soldiers. I raised my halberd and pointed at him gesturing I would finish with this last move. I kicked red hare in the side signaling to him to go his fastest. Houken prepared to receive this blow I went as fast as I could. Grinning I pulled on red hare's reigns and turned him sharply to the left I let go and jumped towards houken I threw my halberd at him with all my strength I sent it to him left shoulder so he would twist to block it. I quickly unsheathed my sword and stabbed him through his neck.

"AHHHHH." What a monster he is still alive.

I pulled my sword out and cut his head of. I jumped back on my horse every one was quiet dumbfounded at the move I pulled of. I raised my sword and they all started cheering I pointed forward with my sword and they all advanced like demons.

After all the zhao troops retreated we started cleaning the battlefield I made my way to sei and yotanwa. Shin was there but his hand was broken.

" yotanwa-sama how have you been." I said my greetings but clasped bajio and tajifu's hands. We exchanged greetings for a while.

"Oi Hyuo I heard you killed houken." Shin said with relief in his voice

"Huff I got lucky to be honest if he landed more than one hit I would've been a goner." Most people looked at me with shocked expression

"Your right, your amazing horse man ship saved you." Yotanwa seemed to have noticed as well. Before every one left heki asked a question .

"Before you leave can you tell us how you came so fast."she pointed at me and said

"He sent a letter to me on the first day of the coalition asking me to stay put." Everyone looked at me with wide eyes and opened mouths only Sbk recovered first

"H-Hyuo did you know that a army would pass through here all this time."

"Eh don't joke around of course I never knew i just kept a few cards in my pocket." I lied I k ew this would happen but I wouldn't tell anyone about my knowledge.

"EXPLAIN AND WHEN DID YOU FIND OUT." Ugh this old man won't take no for an answer.

"Fine fine I figured we could have them help us since no one knew of our alliance with them.

And the detachment I figured it out after we killed kisha and she. The coalition stopped making any movements I don't know how the chief forgot about this pass."

I looked around and. I one moved

"Ahh look at the time I have to sleep bye." I ran before anyone could stop me.

"Heh I guess this is finished."