2 years later

It been two years already nothing much

happened in Qin after that but a lot happened in chu and zhao

In zhao after the loss of their great heaven houken the court became a battlefield Ri boku has been stripped of his prime minister title he was almost executed but the princes faction opposed it

In chu with the loss of their three strongest general and future talent . They started raising new talents and training their army also the prime minister lost his rank as well but wasn't exiled like the original since they had no one they used him as the chief of military affairs his rank as prime minister was taken by the tiger of chu

While for Qin after their win in the coalition took two castles on by Ousen and the other by me.

"My lord we have arrived at the castle." Looking behind me was 14 thousand men. After the battle I was promoted to general

I lead

Hyuo 10,000 men

5000 cavalry

4000 infantry

1000 archers

Ren 2000 men

1000 cavalry

1000 Infantry


1000 cavalry


1000 archers

The infantry was divided into two. 2500 led by Izumi while the other half led by sora.

"All troops advance to our fortress."

I asked for a holiday which was surprisingly accepted I guess the chief has thoughts of joining sei. Looking at the castle the three walls were completed and had 250,000 citizens guarded by 90,000 soldiers. We took formation for the parade to enter the city we haven't been here in about half a year hell I can here the soldiers cheering from here.

The gate was opened and we marched through the cheering was getting louder so we sped up. Moving forwards I noticed a carriage at the first gate and a woman standing next to it. I sped up and stopped next her

"Hi sui it has been a while." I looked down at her she has grown even more beautiful in the last 2 years

"It has been a while ehhh."

I pulled her up before she could even say anymore. I placed her i front of me on my horse.

"Hold tight."

She asked To let her down but I ignored her and made red hare speed off. When the citizens saw me they cheered louder I raised my halberd and waved it. I looked down to see hi sui bury her red face in my chest. We passed the parade and entered my estate it was much larger now. I got of my horse and carried hi sui like a princes to my favorite part of the house. It was a back garden with a pond I made my way there

"Ohh Alfred have some refreshments sent to the garden." I could swear there was a tick mark in his forehead. We sat down on a table which is placed in the middle of the pond it had a beautiful design. We sat down and talked

"So how is the castle I hope you aren't bored."

"I love it the people are nice but I have to much security."

"But of course this flying general has many enemies." I chuckled at the moniker I was given.

"You never told me how you got that name."she was leaning on my shoulder and looking up at me i had to look away before I lost control.

"Uhmm didnt I tell you. There is actually two reasons for this name.

When I had my duel with houken I jumped off my horse and flew a few meters before I killed him

Secondly during the coalition and others battles I would appear on both the zhao and chu battlefields killing commanders and generals." She was awestruck at my story but before she could say anything a few maids walked in with trays

"My lord here are refreshments."

"Hm ok." The maids left and we just talked for a few hours until we retired at night.

This went on for week just spending time with sui.


"My lord just as you planned the prince has launched a coup."

"Hmm what about the men I told you to plant."

"Yes we have some spies who snuck into the castle while some joined the rebel army to blend in."

"Good we will move out secretly we don't want the capital finding out."

"Yes my lord.

We also have reports that a subjugation army will be sent out in 3 days.

"Wait try to stop any information of the coup to spread out."

"Hmm it is achievable no merchant or normal person will be traveling in the region we just have to stop them from sending information out."

I gave Akira a nod and he left to start we will leave tomorrow to ambush the zhao army.

I made my way to the garden where hi shi and few girls were laughing together. They saw me approaching they all bowed down and excused them selfs.

"I see you made friends."

"Yes they are nice. I met them in the market they are noble ladies from around here."

I sat next to her and pulled her on my lap.

"Is that so." I whispered in her ear teasing her

"S-stop you always do this." She was trying to pull herself up but she was to weak

"Hahaha I don't think you should move like that." She looked at me with a confused face at first than blushed.

"I will be leaving tomorrow there is a coupe and I need to help suppress it."

"Oh my god a coupe I didn't think there is such tension in the court."

"It was used to frame the prince." We talked for some time and there Ren informed it was time to depart.

"Be safe and make sure to come back soon." I stood up and placed her down

"Heh you don't have to worry about me.!" I gave her a kiss on her forehead and left.

After putting my armor on and taking my sword and halberd which the system gave me. It was a beautiful black and red halberd which was about 60kg it was so heavy at first and took me about 2 months to perfect it.

I got on red hare which had some massive growth almost bigger than houken's horse. I have also grown to about 6'4 and could ride the horse perfectly.

"Are the men ready."

"Yes my lord all 14 thousand men are outside the castle and waiting to move out."

"Good let's leave."

We were moving out now it was me and the other 5 men they all took on their main weapons as Ren was now a bit taller than me but much bigger while I had the physique of shoheikun he had the one of moubu a power house.

"Alright let's move out!."

10 days later

"My lord we have got reports of the 20,000 zhao army returning to ambush the subjection force."

Just like the original they were coming back to ambush Heki only to be stopped by shin.

"Alright we will face them head on send a messenger to shin and heki to focus on the rebels."

The messenger left to inform them shin would arrive at tonryuu in 2 days by then the Zhao army would be defeated and we would siege the south wall.

"Hyuo the best way is for you to face them head on while Aoi and Ren pincer them we will have Hetsu with his unit behind a layer of infantry raining arrow's on them."

We discussed for a while and decided to follow his plan. After taking formations we heard rumbling and the Zhao army arrived they quickly took formations there were flags showing the name of Mai Kou the general of the zhao army. We were fighting on a plain field.

"They aren't showing any movement is it a trap." We we're at our HQ observing the enemy. But contrary to our broiled they didn't attack and retreaded


The men broke in cheers since repelled them with out any blood shed.

"This is troublesome I would've liked to crush them so they wouldn't return but it seems we will have to split up here.

Akira and Aoi you two will take 9 thousand men and chase them until the border the rest will follow me to support the subjugation." We quickly moved out it would takes us nearly one and half days to reach there

'If we move quick enough we can pincer the rebel army.'

We quickly set out while Akira pressures the Zhao army we will take tonryuu.

At tonryuu castle

The 6,000 man Hi shin unit and the heki army were sieging Tonryuu city. I took a horn out of my strap and handed it to a soldier next to me this would announce our arrival but this wasn't the main point.


"All right have the infantry spread out and the Hetsu unit follow with their archers."

My men quickly took positions and started latching ladder to the walls . Just like sanyuo the archer unit would take out the wall guards untill we got good footholds.

"Send a messenger to the Hi shin unit and the Heki army tell them to keep all the generals and Nobles alive. They should focus on clearing the streets of soldiers we will handle the main mission."


After a few volleys of arrows we got a foothold the men on the walls took positions the shielded men with shirt swords made an outer layer while the long spears stabbed at them through the gaps with this the footholds expand.


Me and Ren were at the front with about 5 thousand men behind us the wall shin was sieging hasn't fallen yet so they would most likely follow us.

"My lord the hi shin unit has started coming here with 3 thousand men." Just as I thought at this point there isn't a castle we can't siege and destroy

"shin, ten and sister in law~."

I said the last part in a teasing voice I knew at til his point they talked about climbing the mountain. Shin turned red so did kyuo Kai who was trying to kill me luckil she was being being held back by ten. All the men were laughing and so was kato his lieutenant who was a thousand man commander looking at him now he also had the same physique as Ren.

"Alright all jokes aside as my messenger told you we will handle the matter with the prince you should clear the streets up."

They all turned serious and nodded.

"Hyuo it looks like you have half your men what happened." Ten asked with concern and confusion on her face.

"We ran into a 20 thousand strong Zhao army but they retreated without a fight I had Akira and Aoi follow them so they wouldn't ambush us."

There was shock on their face but that could wait the gate started to open.


We rushed in slaying anyone in our way I noticed a commotion in the city lords estate and we rushed towards the location.

I saw soldiers trying to break in through. We rushed towards them it was my personal unit this time shin went to capture the generals and nobles. I started cutting through rebel army who turned to face us. After we managed to break through I saw about 300 men protecting a door. A man who is their captain came forward and knelt.

"My lord we have a managed to keep the prince and his fiancé alive!."

Yes this was my soldier I had him sign up for the rebellion to have men in their army I had him protect Sei kuyo and his fiancé sine he was a talented man and I would like him to replace Ryo Fui in the future.

"You have done good you should rest for now my men will secure the castle and then join us." I walked past them and entered the door. I saw sei kyuo his vassals and Rui

"I'm glad to see you well your highness."

The men broke in cheers with the news of them being saved Rui even broke into tears.

"You should rest for now we are still capturing the generals and soldiers and I will ask you to join our meeting later I have found something interesting."

I left the room without waiting for his reply. I started riding around the city with my men looking for soldiers. I sent a messenger to Akira to return with the men . The sun was setting now and we were all gathered me , ten , shin ,Kyoukai ,heki ,Ren,kato ,Rui and the prince.

"I have documents showing that the hokaku worked with Zhao to take over the city and disguise it as a rebellion."

Every one was shocked except Sei kyuo who probably figures it out he voiced out a question which shocked them once again

"Ryo Fui is somehow involved in this but I can't see why this was a waste and nothing good would come out of it."

"Your mistaken he did this to weaken the influence of the royal family and once they have lost it they would look to him to lead them."

"THAT BASTARD Hyuo we have evidence don't we let's kill him."

Shin was outraged he would manipulate commoners to his advantage I simply shook my head with a sigh

"It won't work he made one of his high ranking vassals to take the blame even if his influence will just let him get exiled but he would still have a following."

We continued talking about the events they captured a Zhao general