Chapter 142. You're Not Allowed to Tell Anyone!

To Char's surprise, Nelwin was very open in this state.

Moreover, her combat strength was more than one level higher than usual.

The only problem was that...

She had more lines!

"Bring it on!

"Is that all you've got?


"I'll use courage and perseverance to make up for my shortcomings!

"[Explosive arrow]!

"[Explosive kick]!

"[Binding Shot!]


"Today will be your last day!"

The battle ended quickly. The Monster was humiliated to death by a crossbow Elf's continuous kicks on his head. He could not even get up, and his face was swollen. In the end, he was shot in the head by an exquisite enchanted crossbow. Nelwin even brought the crossbow close to his mouth and blew on it.

"Hmph, your defeat was already destined!"

Then, she looked around nervously and only heaved a sigh of relief after making sure that no one was around.