Chapter 143. He Was Serious!

Nelwin was silent and followed him obediently.

"What's that?" She asked after a while.

"The Mirage Demon is a level 20 Sludge Monster. Its specialty is that it can transform into other creatures. It's like a mirage, which means that Saxson is indeed not far away."

"How did you find out?"

"Didn't you notice that Saxson's posture when he fell to the ground looked a little familiar?"

"Familiar? What do you mean by familiar?"

Nelwin recalled for a few seconds and said, "You're talking about the posture that was imprinted in the DNA?"

"Yes, that was optimized by the Mirage Demon. There must have been other players who entered here in advance and made similar complaints. The Mirage Demon collected this information and deliberately made it look like this when it transformed later." Char pouted.