The Three of You Again

There was nothing more to say. Robb realized that El was a very competitive nun. She was as competitive as he had been in the past. If this kind of woman was in the game, she would definitely be a worthy competitor! It seemed that he could make it…

"Hey, what are you daydreaming about? Let's go! Before the sun completely sets and we can still see, let's hurry into the mountain." Else held the wooden staff in her left hand and walked towards the hill behind the church like she was holding a walking stick.

Robb had to whistle and follow.

To be honest, Robb wasn't really looking forward to what was going to happen next. He was just going to beat up a bunch of goblins and see who could use healing magic faster. Robb, who didn't need to chant to cast spells, couldn't possibly lose. It wasn't much fun. If it wasn't for the fact that he wanted to convince this woman, he wouldn't have bothered to do such a thing.

He stuffed his hands into his pockets and took a few steps forward unsteadily.

Two heads suddenly appeared on the hill in the distance. They were the two soldiers brought by the baron. They were wearing leather armor and carried bows on their backs. Swords and quivers were hanging from their waists. It seemed that they were lightly armored soldiers to facilitate easy movement. They were in charge of scouting around the campsite.

They bowed to Robb and El. "Father and Sister," they said respectfully, "Are you two going up the mountain at this hour? The mountains are dangerous! Be careful."

Robb laughed. "It's all right. I'll just knock a few goblins on the side of the hill and come back."

The expressions on the two soldiers' faces were fascinating. They seemed to want to ask, "Are you crazy? Why are you attacking goblins at this time? Only your heads need to be knocked, right?"

However, they were only foot soldiers and did not dare to complain about the priests and nuns of the Holy Church. They did not dare to say anything.

Just then!

A strange blue light flashed on the hill beside the cemetery. Then, a magic array spread out on the hill. The radius of the magic array was about five yards, which was ten yards in diameter. It drew a huge circle. In the next moment, the circle was filled with all kinds of strange magic symbols.

Robb pointed curiously at the magic circle. "What the hell?"

Just as he said these words, El, who was beside him, also shouted, "It's a teleportation magic array. Something is coming!"

"Warning!" Both soldiers shouted at the same time. "Incoming enemy attack!"

The few of them spoke at the same time. In less than a second, the 10-yard-diameter magic array had been fully activated. With a whoosh, a few figures appeared in the middle of the magic array, followed by a huge strange figure.

Then, the light of the magic array disappeared without a trace. In the end, what appeared in front of everyone were three people and a majestic two-headed ogre.

Robb recognized them. They were Gorda, Kik, Snowdew - the Adventurers.

The three of them looked terrible. The heavy armor on Gorda's body was full of holes. It seemed that he had suffered countless heavy blows. His body under the armor was probably covered in wounds. His face and head were covered in blood. The shield on his left hand was gone. He held a one-handed sword in his right hand, but from the way he held the sword, it was obvious that he had no strength left.

Kik also looked terrible. There were burn marks on his leather armor. It seemed that he had taken on a fireball spell. Even his hair and beard were slightly curled from the burn. He had suffered many internal injuries that could not be seen with the naked eye, but the injuries were definitely not light.

As for Snow Dew, the mage who controlled flames, her left hand, left shoulder, and the wand in her left hand were all frozen in a piece of ice. Her right hand was spread out in front of her chest, and she held a used magic scroll in her palm. The runes on the scroll were dissipating, leaving only some faint, blue scattered magic light still lingering above the scroll.

Apparently, Snow Dew had used the scroll Robb had given her to save her life.

Moreover, they could not shake off the enemy when they teleported. They brought the enemy back with them. Standing in front of the three of them was a very tall, powerful, and ferocious two-headed ogre. It was at least three meters tall and had arms as thick as buckets. It held a huge stick in its hand. It had two heads, one blue and the other red.

Robb was more familiar with this kind of two-headed ogre. There was also such a thing in the game. Not only was it extremely strong and powerful, but it could also use magic. The blue head on the left could spit out ice arrows, and the redhead on the right could spit out fireballs. It was a powerful monster that dual cultivated ice and fire and had outstanding physical attack and defense.

The Boss-level two-headed ogre was one level higher than the Elite-level.

The ogre was a little stunned. It seemed that he had suddenly been teleported and did not understand the situation.

Robb took the opportunity to greet the three adventurers. "Why are you fighting monsters above your level every time I meet you? Last time, you fought an Elite-level wyvern. This time, you fought a Boss-level two-headed ogre. It's getting more and more ridiculous. The next time I meet you, will you be fighting an Epic-level Black Dragon?"

The three adventurers heard Robb's voice and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. There was no time for Robb's questions. With the last of her strength, Snow Dew cried, "Mr. Robert, help!"

As soon as she shouted those three words, the ogre moved. The temporary stunned state of the teleportation had been removed. It decided to kill the people around it first. With a whoosh, it smashed the huge stick at Snow Dew. As Snow Dew's left arm was completely frozen, she could not move or dodge at all.

With the last of his strength, Gorda leaped over from the side and blocked with his sword. With a loud bang, his body and sword flew in two directions, drawing two long arcs in the air. He fell quite miserably.

The two-headed ogre chuckled strangely. He waved the huge stick in his hand and prepared to smash it at Snow Dew again.

Robb sighed. 'I can't even be lazy! Forget it, I'll do it…'

At this moment, the sound of bow strings vibrating suddenly sounded from the side. Two powerful arrows cut through the air and shot into the chest of the two-headed ogre. The tails of the arrows were still trembling gently. It turned out that the two soldiers on the hill had attacked. After warning, they immediately helped by shooting two arrows down, stopping the ogre from attacking Snow Dew.

The two-headed ogre's attention was temporarily attracted by the soldiers on the hill. It looked around, thinking about where it was.

At this moment, El's voice also rang out. "Balder, the God of Light, your loyal believer, has dedicated all his piety and faith to you. Please give me the grace of divine power… Ten-yard radius, Holy Nova Spell!"

The nun raised the tip of her wooden staff high, and a holy golden halo burst out. The light screen spread in all directions, instantly enveloping the three adventurers and the ogre in the middle.