You Win

When El made her move, Robb stopped for a moment. Let's see what this nun can do first.

Although he was powerful, his understanding of this world was insufficient. The people in the real world did not have a data panel floating above their heads. They did not have stats or datas to draw from. If they wanted to understand the strength of others, they could only observe their battles.

The HolyNova released by El instantly enveloped the three adventurers. The three adventurers felt a wave of warmth brush past their bodies, and a portion of the wounds on their bodies immediately healed.

The three of them were taken aback. They were not used to it. The last time Robb had hit them with a Holy Nova, they had recovered instantly and were still alive and kicking as if nothing had happened. But this time, after eating the Holy Nova, they only felt a little better. They had not fully recovered. It could only be said that they had been saved from their serious injuries to moderate injuries. At least, they would not die for a while.

In fact, this was the normal power of the Holy Nova!

Right, there was also the two-headed ogre. It was also enveloped by the Holy Nova, but it only felt like it was being tickled… Therefore, it was still focused on the two soldiers who had shot it twice on the hill.

The redhead on the right opened its mouth and spat out a ball of fire the size of a football. It flew across the sky and smashed towards the two soldiers on the hill. One of the soldiers took out a small leather shield and knelt on one knee, using the shield to push forward.


The fireball exploded on his shield, and the magic power surged to both sides. The soldier fell back and rolled more than ten times on the ground before stopping. The leather armor on his body was charred black.

Another soldier turned to look at his companion, then shouted in the direction of the barracks, "Someone, come quickly! We can't withstand this thing."

Another large group of soldiers ran out from the hill. These soldiers were not in a hurry to rush up and face the ogre. Instead, they nocked arrows on the hill and shot at the two-headed ogre. The two-headed ogre used the huge stick in its hand to slap the arrows flying over. A few arrows were knocked down by it, but more arrows still hit its body. In the blink of an eye, more than ten arrows hit it. However… These arrows did not seem to have penetrated the clothes and thick skin on its body. It did not even bleed. It did not seem to be in pain at all. Instead, it roared at the soldiers on the hill.

The blue head on the left also opened its mouth. An ice arrow shot towards the hill. This time, no soldiers foolishly came up to block it. They rolled to the sides at the same time.

The Frost Arrow hit the hillside, and a large area of flowers and plants was instantly frozen into ice.

The two-headed ogre strode towards the hill and attacked the group of soldiers.

The three adventurers finally breathed a sigh of relief. They turned their heads together and glanced at El, who had just cast a spell to give them space to breathe. Then, they turned to look at Robb. Clearly, they did not understand what was going on here.

Robb was about to wave a healing spell to heal the three of them, but then he glanced at El and gave up. He spread his hands and asked, "What have you done now?"

Gorda struggled to get up from the ground. As he stood up, he said, "We completed the villagers' request in the White Birch Forest and killed five to six ordinary ogres in exchange for the reward. Then, we left the village. I didn't expect to encounter the Boss who came to take revenge halfway. Then… as you can see… Fortunately, Snow Dew has an instant teleportation scroll. It's astounding that she has such a valuable thing on her."

Snow Dew did not dare to say in front of others that Robb had given it to her. She shook her numb left arm and said, "This is a life-saving scroll given to me by my teacher. I've kept it for years. I didn't expect to use it here."

Kik shrugged. The archer doesn't talk as much as his two companions.

Before Robb could continue, El pushed past. "You still have time to talk? Grab your weapons. I'll heal you. We have to take care of this ogre as soon as possible. If it runs into the town, the consequences will be dire."

After saying that, she began to recite the incantation again because she knew very well that her Holy Nova just now was not enough to heal all the injuries of the three adventurers. She still needed a few more healing spells with better effects.

Snow Dew looked curiously at the nun in front of her, who was chanting magic spells with a cold face. She asked curiously, "Who is this?"

Robb threw up his hands. "As you can see, a nun from the big city. Before you came, she was going to compete with me in restoring magic. We were going to go into the forest, find a bunch of goblins, beat them up a little, and then we'd see who could heal faster and better."

Snow Dew was surprised. "Compared to you? Wouldn't that be asking for trouble?"

Gorda's perspective was different. He did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Then why not treat us? We urgently need treatment now."

Robb said, "Indeed! Now that you mention it, there's no need to beat up the goblins. We can use you to fight. Let's see who can heal you first, me or this stinking nun."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard El chant a long incantation and finish the sentence. "Group Healing!"

Holy Light enveloped the three adventurers!

The healing effect this time was very good. The three adventurers felt that their injuries were quickly recovering. The effect was much more powerful than the Holy Nova just now. In the blink of an eye, their injuries had healed.

(To put it simply, Holy Nova was a spell that could be cast very quickly, and it also had AOE damage. According to the general rules of Western Illusion Magic, this kind of spell that was fast, functional, and comprehensive would have less power. It was usually used to save the three adventurers. Therefore, El started with a normal Holy Nova to save the three adventurers. AoE Healing was very slow and did not have the ability to attack the enemy, so the healing effect was better. It was usually used when the battle was not urgent.)

El gave Robb a haughty look. "Clearly I've won!"

"Hey!" Robb protested. "We didn't even talk about curing them. You took the chance to heal them with two spells. That's cheating! Cheating!"

"It's not that I'm cheating. It's just that you lack the good habit of using the Holy Light to bless all living beings and heal the people around you at any time," El said expressionlessly. "This is precisely the manifestation of your insufficient cultivation of holy magic and your lack of devotion to the God of Light."

Robb thought to himself, "Nonsense. I was supposed to ask them what happened and heal them with a healing spell, but I was worried that you would suspect my identity when you saw that I wasn't chanting, so I didn't heal them. I was going to pretend to chant a few words before throwing the skill. Who knew you would be so cunning."

Well, a man of temperament should be a gentleman and give in to a petty woman. Robb threw up his hands. "Fine, you win! I lost. Are you happy now?"