Past Experience Was Not Enough

"Aren't you annoying?"

"Resentment as a perpetual motion machine?"

"Isn't it just borrowing your body again and again? Is there a need to vent your indignation?"

"I said this thing is useless to me. Even if I become a desert, a cement road, a swamp, and a lake, I'll still exist. You want to make me like you, don't you? I advise you to dismiss the thought. You don't even know what I am or where my limits are."

After saying a few indignant words in his heart, Xiang Ye ignored the resentment that seeped out of his mind again and controlled Jiang Xiaocheng's body to come to the willow tree.

Half a month had passed since the last time he crazily dug up the willow tree.

In the past half a month, Xiang Ye had been completely helpless. Because he was restricted to this acre of land, he could not think of any way to remedy it.

He could only break a few branches from other branches and use the leaves to nourish the hole that Jiang Xiaocheng had bitten out of the tree.

It seemed to have some effect.

The branch had completely grown together with the gap. At a glance, it looked like an additional branch of the willow tree.

Moreover, because he was worried that the willow tree would recover slowly, he controlled Jiang Xiaocheng more and more times during this period of time.

It was mainly to clean up the pests on the willow tree.

It could be said that Xiang Ye's care for the willow tree had been displayed to the extreme.

As a result, the willow tree quickly grew taller, reaching a height of nearly eight meters.

The tree trunk, which was originally as thick as a thigh, became even bigger. It was now a little thicker than Jiang Xiaocheng's waist.

Of course, he had a price to pay for continuously possessing Jiang Xiaocheng's body.

Now, the resentment on Jiang Xiaocheng's body was getting stronger and stronger. The rich resentment was about to become as sticky as water.

There was no need for Xiang Ye to feel it, the resentment was as oppressive as a tsunami.

Xiang Ye was fine, but the small creatures on the ground were implicated. From time to time, insects rushed out of the soil, rolled to their bellies, and stopped moving.

Initially, there were only a few occasionally, but soon, there were more and more. If Xiang Ye did not think of a way to resolve this resentment, it would probably not be long before this land became desolate again.

Xiang Ye definitely could not accept this.

He would not sit back and watch this land become a desert. He still wanted to try turning this area into a forest. How could he let Jiang Xiaocheng be?

Therefore, Xiang Ye exerted all his strength and absorbed all of Jiang Xiaocheng's resentment into the ground.

He would absorb as much as he could.

He did not believe that Jiang Xiaocheng's resentment was infinite. Even if he turned Jiang Xiaocheng into a zombie, he had to abide by the law of conservation of energy.

Compared to Jiang Xiaocheng's brainlessness, this willow tree was much smarter.

After taking care of it for a while, the willow tree seemed to understand something.

At the very least, it recognized Xiang Ye.

Every time Xiang Ye possessed Jiang Xiaocheng, the willow tree would take the initiative to wake up from its sleep and fill the land with a joyous mood.

It would gently swing its willow branches to welcome Xiang Ye.

It was also for this reason that Xiang Ye cared more about the willow tree.

Such a smart willow tree was much better than Jiang Xiaocheng.

Climbing onto a branch of the willow tree, Xiang Ye controlled Jiang Xiaocheng's body to completely break a willow branch. This willow branch was filled with aphids and was hopeless.

If left unchecked, the aphids would quickly spread to the entire branch.

"Stop fooling around. I'll add some deep-fried meat for you today."

With that, Xiang Ye stuffed the willow branch into his mouth.

"Tsk, tsk. Try it, even this willow tree has your taste. The entire wasteland has been filled with your resentment and has become your country. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

"If you behave better and don't vent your anger for no reason, I'll capture that family of voles for you to eat. Recently, that family of voles has just given birth and the rat cubs have grown quickly."

Because of Jiang Xiaocheng, everything in the wasteland was infected by resentment.

However, the resentment they were tainted with was very light and would not have much of an impact, so Xiang Ye did not pay much attention to it.

"If the resentment is increasing, the vegetation shouldn't be growing, right? Why are there so many willow trees growing here?"

Xi Hongshi looked at the compass in his hand, then at the willow tree in front of him. For a moment, he could not think straight.

Following the compass's guidance, Xi Hongshi brought Tang Long and Tang Hu along, but the scene before him was different from what he had imagined.

"Resentment lingers and the plants are far away. Snakes and insects are retreating as evil beings reveal themselves."

"This resentment does match, but the plants aren't far away and neither are the snakes and insects retreating."

Looking at the lush willow forest under the moonlight and the cries of the insects, Xi Hongshi was confused.

The thing in front of him was a little beyond his imagination. At the same time, a strange aura spread from the bottom of his heart.

As a proper corpse herder in Miaojiang, Xi Hongshi's knowledge was completely different from others. Generally speaking, strange things were normal to him.

The growth of resentment meant that plants did not grow. This was not only the teachings in the books, but also his insight after experiencing many demon slayings.

However, this time, he found that his experience had failed him.

"Something's wrong!"

Xi Hongshi's expression tensed up as he carefully put the compass away and picked up the bell.

"Tang Long, Tang Hu, this resentful land is a little strange. We have to be careful."

Regardless of whether his experience failed or not, Xi Hongshi had to take a trip here. The resentment could help Tang Long and Tang Hu, and eliminate the Heavenly Thunder Vital Energy in their bodies. At the same time, the evil creatures in the land of great danger were also a great tonic for them.

Xi Hongshi's group headed north. The route he chose headed towards various dangerous and haunted places.

Along the way, neither ghosts nor mutated beasts could escape their punishment.

This was the path Xi Hongshi had specially chosen. He relied on Tang Long and Tang Hu to nurture battle.

Not only was he honing his skills on the way, but he was also honing the standards of Tang Long and Tang Hu.

"Let me see what kind of demons and ghosts are cultivating here on this strange land!"

"Ring~ Ring."

As the bell rang again, the group carefully walked towards the willow forest.

This time, it was no longer Xi Hongshi leading the way in front of Tang Long and Tang Hu. Instead, they escorted him on both sides.

The three evil-warding paper talismans that were his last trump card were clenched tightly in his hand.

Normally, he would not take it out easily, but this time, the strange scene forced him to treat it seriously.