Just A Little Stale in the Wilderness

The cold wind blew, the weeds were green, and the sound of insects lingered.

The evening wind stirred the willow branches, making a faint whooshing sound.

No matter who it was, they would say that it was beautiful scenery under the moon.

However, Xi Hongshi did not have the slightest intention of relaxing. He held the three paper talismans tightly in his hands and walked into the willow forest.

Previously, he had not seen it clearly from the outside. Now that he had entered this wasteland, he realized that the distance between these willow trees was very precise and were obviously artificially planted.

"Artificially planting trees? Whose idea was it to plant trees on a dead land? And why are these plants still alive on land with such strong resentment?"

Xi Hongshi carefully assessed the scene in front of him. The question had been running through his mind before, but when he came in, he quickly discovered a new one.

"What's going on? These snakes and insects are actually not afraid of Tang Long and Tang Hu?"

As the group went deeper, the situation in the forest became stranger.

Insects and snacks hid wherever Corpse Soldiers crossed. Tang Long and Tang Hu were no longer ordinary people and had been refined into Corpse Soldiers by him with the secret refinement technique.

Corpses were also dead things.

The death aura emitted by Tang Long and Tang Hu could be said to be the natural enemy of snakes and insects. Generally speaking, these sensitive little fellows could smell danger from afar and avoid it.

However, after entering this willow forest, this was not the case at all.

In just a few dozen steps, Xi Hongshi had already seen many night moths and flying insects flying past him. A few centipedes hunting in the grass even poked their heads out. If not for the sound of their movements disturbing them, Xi Hongshi believed that these moths were not afraid of the two Corpse Soldiers at all.

With all kinds of doubts in their hearts, the group finally stepped into the middle of the forest.

"This is…"

Xi Hongshi's expression froze. A willow tree the size of a person's waist appeared in front of them.

However, what attracted his attention was not the willow tree, but the slightly weak figure sitting on its branches.

The shadow had a beautiful figure and a cheongsam wrapped around her perfect figure. If not for her exposed thigh bones and sharp fingertips, this would have been a scene that made one's imagination run wild.

But Xi Hongshi did not see it that way.

A towering resentment was spreading from the figure, but most of it was sucked underground by an invisible force, such that only a small amount of resentment surrounded her.

"A… wild zombie?"

"No… A wild zombie that can climb trees?"

"That's not right either… A zombie climbing a tree to eat willow leaves?"

Even though Xi Hongshi was knowledgeable, he was shocked speechless by the scene in front of him.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Xi Hongshi would never have believed that a zombie would actually forcefully change its diet and even its behavior.

It was shocking news. A zombie had actually climbed onto the willow tree and eaten the leaves.

Xi Hongshi was a corpse herder in Miaojiang after all, so he quickly calmed down.

No matter how strange the scene in front of him was, the next thing he needed to do was to resolve this source of resentment.

The leader of the evil creatures had been found, so Xi Hongshi did not intend to continue checking.

"Ding, ding, ding!"

Along with the anxious ringing, Tang Hu, who had been guarding him, took the lead.


With another low howl, Tang Hu charged at the shadow on the willow tree.

At this moment, the shadow, who was still eating leaves on the tree, seemed to have just reacted. It stopped grabbing the willow leaf and looked at Tang Hu, who was charging over, in shock.

"Eh? Why would I put the description of dumbfounded on a zombie?"

"Hmph, it's just a zombie in the wilderness. How could it be dangerous?"

Staring at the shadow still sitting dazedly on the tree trunk, Xi Hongshi shook his head in relief.

It was just an ordinary wild zombie. He was scaring himself, thinking that there was some monstrous demon inside.

This was already the territory of Jiangnan City. Even if there were any demons, they should have been dealt with by the espers of Jiangnan City long ago.


Just as Xi Hongshi had expected, Tang Hu rushed forward and leaped hard. With a punch, he knocked the shadow sitting on the tree trunk to the ground. A branch as thick as a bowl was broken by Tang Hu's strength, and then there was the dull sound of his body falling to the ground.


An extremely painful voice sounded in an instant!

"Was it an illusion?"

Xi Hongshi heard a voice that contained pain and resentment.

But it was only for a moment before it quickly disappeared.

Shaking his head again, Xi Hongshi turned his gaze to where the wild zombie had fallen.

Zombies were born from hatred in the mortal world. Their skin and flesh were very thick, and they would not be easily beaten down by Tang Hu's punch.

As Xi Hongshi had expected, the wild zombie quickly stood up after being punched by Tang Hu.

She stared fixedly at Tang Hu. It was also at this moment that Xi Hongshi saw the wild zombie's appearance clearly.

Half of its skull was completely exposed to the airm and its white-framed eye beads were still attached to the sockets. The medulla in the skull had dried up, and black skin was wrapped around it.

"Uh, it's really ugly. Ugly to the extreme. I don't even have the interest to refine a little zombie like you."

Looking at the zombie's face, Xi Hongshi felt a little nauseous. Compared to this zombie, the Tang brothers were much more pleasing to the eye.

Although the two brothers had developed green faces and fangs after being refined, their overall appearance had not changed.

As for the wild zombie, he could not even tell the shape of its face. Outside, it looked like a ghost.

Not only did it disgust others, but it also disgusted Xi Hongshi.

"Hmm? Why do I feel that this little zombie seems to be angry?"

After watching it for a while, Xi Hongshi wondered aloud.

The little zombie seemed to size up Tang Hu again for a while, then looked at where Xi Hongshi was. An emotional fluctuation spread across its face.

"What the hell? Why did I feel jumpy when that little zombie stared at me?"

Xi Hongshi frowned and thought in confusion.

However, a small zombie in the wilderness would not be able to do much.

Even if there was a problem, Tang Long was still behind him.

Thinking of this, Xi Hongshi calmed down. He put the three paper talismans back in his bag, took the bell, and sat down casually.


But soon, Xi Hongshi stood up in shock.

What did he see…

He saw that the little zombie was using its "flexible" fingers to pull up the sleeve covering its arm…?

He saw the little zombie rolling up its sleeve…?

He saw that after the little zombie rolled up its sleeves, it "flexed" its arms?

He saw the little zombie raise its fist and "rush up angrily"…?

In the end, he saw Tang Hu's nearly 1.9 meters tall body being knocked more than ten meters away by the little zombie's punch…?

Xi Hongshi was dumbfounded!