Go Into Hiding

The Xiling Snow Mountain was one of the mountains of Shu Mountain. It was 5,364 meters above sea level. Ordinary tourists would climb to an altitude of about 3,000 meters at the maximum. They would write a poem and engrave it on a stone before returning home.

No one knew that a cultivation sect called the Xiling Sect was hidden amongst the snowy peaks, 5,000 meters above the sea-level.

The Xiling Sect was located on a snowy peak. The entire sect was surrounded by dense water-attribute spiritual energy, so most of the experts in the sect cultivated water-attribute and wood-attribute cultivation techniques.

At this moment, two elders were standing on the snow peak and chatting. An elder smiled and said, "Fifth Junior Brother, your Withered Tree Art seems to have improved again. You're not far from the Essence Soul Realm, right?"

Another elder smiled and said, "That's right, Third Senior Brother. I feel that it won't be long before I can break through the bottleneck and reach the Essence Soul Realm."

"Once you enter the Essence Soul realm, there would be only a few who could stand against you in the martial world. When the time comes, you can go down the mountain and train in the mortal world. Wouldn't it be fun to play in the mortal world?" Third Senior Brother smiled and said, "Congratulations."

Fifth Junior Brother shook his head and said, "I can't let my guard down either. Even though the Withered Tree Art is strong, it's countered by metal-attribute cultivation techniques. I'm also a little afraid of fire-attribute cultivation techniques. If I encounter enemies who cultivate metal and fire-attribute cultivation techniques, I can only take a detour. When the time comes, I'll still need Third Senior Brother's help."

Third Senior Brother laughed and said, "Haha, we are brothers of the sect, of course I have to help you. My Xiling Flying Snow Technique is also about to reach the Essence Soul realm. This technique specializes in all fire-attribute cultivation techniques. If anyone who plays with fire dares to bully you, tell me. I'll come down the mountain and beat him to death with my big fists."

Fifth Junior Brother smiled and said, "Senior Brother, you're so cool! Any fire-attribute cultivator is courting death if they were to meet you."

Third Senior Brother laughed and said, "Hahaha, of course."

They were still talking when they saw the clouds glow red in the distance. Then a huge hole opened in the clouds with a bang, and a fire dragon flew out of it. The clouds seemed to burn in its wake, and flames raged everywhere.

The fire dragon bared its fangs and snarled ferociously in the air, then flew on, burning all the clouds in the sky until it disappeared into the distance.

Third Senior Brother and Fifth Junior Brother's mouths opened wide at the same time, unable to close for a long time.

After a long time, Fifth Junior Brother asked while sweating, "Third Senior Brother, what the hell was that just now?"

Third Senior Brother said, "It's… it's a fire-attribute cultivation technique. It condenses into the shape of a dragon and flies into the sky. This… it should be someone practicing a fire-attribute cultivation technique and sending an attack into the sky."

The Fifth Junior Brother was scared out of his wits. He thought for a moment. If his Withered Tree Art encountered this person who played with fire dragons, he would probably be burned to ashes in an instant. He said pitifully, "Third Senior Brother, this… Can you defeat this guy just now?"

Third Senior Brother sweated. "Well… I might need to break through another two or three realms… Oh, no, four or five realms… Uh, I might need to break through another seven or eight realms…"

The Fifth Junior Brother: "…"

After a long while, Fifth Junior Brother said in a low voice, "Let's continue to train more before we head down the mountain. It seems that we should take it slow. It's too scary down the mountain."

Third Brother also said, "Yes, yes. It's so scary down the mountain. Let's just play on the mountain."

The conversation between the two elders of Xiling Sect took place almost simultaneously among the experts of all the sects in Shu Mountain. Of course, there was one person who did not discuss it with others. This person was the owner of the Wolong Manor. After seeing the fire dragon, he stood by the Wolong Manor Lake with his hands behind his back and a stiff face. After a long time, he sighed softly. "The Blazing Sun Flame Refinement Technique is really terrifying."


Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect, back mountain.

Zeng Jing did not expect that he would be able to create such a huge scene with a single swing of his sword. He was shocked. When he saw the fire dragon flying a hundred miles in the sky and roaring, he knew that he had caused trouble. He did not know how many people would see this, especially Bai Yan and the Loli Sect Master. They would definitely see this dragon and panic.

He had gotten into trouble. He had to keep a low profile.

He quickly looked around and found a big tree that was easier to recognize. He dug a hole under the tree and buried the ugly wooden sword so he would not be exposed to Bai Yan and the Loli Sect Master.

After burying it, he quickly ran back to the door and saw Bai Yan and Loli Sect Master running out of the door. They almost bumped into Zeng Jing.

Bai Yan said, "Ah, Junior Brother, did you go outside just now? Did anything happen?"

The Loli Sect Master also said, "He wasn't affected, right?"

Zeng Jing pretended to be dumbfounded. "Affected?"

Bai Yan said, "Fire dragon, fire dragon! Didn't you see it? It was just here. It flew up from our back mountain. Don't say you didn't see it."

Zeng Jing pretended to be innocent. "Ah, I saw it. It's a big dragon. It's quite beautiful. Why? Is there something wrong with it?"

The Loli Sect Master, glared at him angrily. "You idiot, such a terrifying fire dragon flew up from the back mountain of our Sword Sect. It means that there was a terrifying cultivator was cultivating in the back mountain just now. Looking at the power of that fire dragon, this person is several times stronger than Old Fiend Baiyue. If he wants to harm our Shu Mountain's Immortal Sword Sect, we'll be finished. We won't be able to resist at all. Do you still think it's good to see such a dangerous thing happen?"

Zeng Jing said, "Why did they come to harm us for no reason?"

Bai Yan sighed. "There's no need to explain why. It's just like how people sometimes accidentally step on an ant to kill it. It's not that they want to harm the ant. They just accidentally stepped on it."

Zeng Jing said, "Oh! What does destroying you have to do with you!"

"Yes, so you know this too," Bai Yan said. "Let's not talk about it for now. It's very dangerous now. We don't know if the mysterious cultivator has left or not. We might be accidentally killed at any time if we continue staying here. Hurry up and find a place to hide. We can only return after confirming that the mysterious cultivator has left."

Zeng Jing did not reply to that again.

This was very awkward. He had swung his sword randomly, causing Bai Yan and the Loli Sect Master to leave home and go into hiding. This was too ridiculous. It seemed that he had to do less of such things in the future, lest he accidentally "destroy" someone. That would be too embarrassing.

Zeng Jing said, "Okay, okay. Then let's lie low for the time being. Why don't we use this opportunity to hunt in the distant mountains and get some prey? I can bring them down the mountain to sell them for money later."

"That's fine!" Bai Yan said. "It's better than hiding in a small cave and doing nothing."

The three of them flew towards a forest in the distance, temporarily leaving their home, hiding from themselves.