Transmigrators Must Be Good at Roasting Meat

The three of them flew up on their swords and left the Sect. They found a valley that was rarely visited and prepared to hunt to subsidize their living expenses while hiding from the danger.

In the original world, there were often homes or tourist attractions even if it was deep within the mountains. There were wires and cables everywhere, and there were fewer animals of all kinds.

However, this world was different. The ecology here was excellent. There was no one living in the large primitive forest deep in Shu Mountain. It was impossible for electric poles to exist, much less a base station. Birds and insects were chirping everywhere. It was an animal paradise.

"Ah, rabbit! Rabbit!" This was the first time the Loli Sect Master had come out to hunt. She felt very strange. As soon as she saw the rabbit, she immediately summoned her flying sword and planned to slash at it.

Bai Yan was quick to react and grabbed the Sect Master's arm. "Junior Sister, don't hunt."

"Ah? Why?" The Loli Sect Master had just asked two words when she suddenly woke up. "Ah, Heavenly Tribulation!"

"That's right, we have to be on guard against the Heavenly Tribulation." Bai Yan said, "In the future, you might attain the Dao and become immortal. You will definitely have to face the lightning tribulation. If you commit too many sins, the lightning tribulation will become very troublesome. Leave this to me, Senior Sister. Anyway, I can't reach the realm where I will attract the lightning tribulation."

Bai Yan activated his flying sword and spun towards the rabbit. How could the poor rabbit escape the flying sword of a Core Formation cultivator? It was instantly cut in half.

Bai Yan walked over and picked up the two halves of the rabbit and handed it to Zeng Jing. "Can this be sold for money?"

Zeng Jing did not know whether to laugh or cry. "We can eat the rabbit meat ourselves. The only thing we can sell is the rabbit skin. But if you spin the sword and the rabbit breaks into two, the rabbit skin won't be able to sell for a high price."

Bai Yan: "Huh?"

Zeng Jing shrugged. "Forget it, I'll do it."

Bai Yan shook his head. "Don't kill indiscriminately, lest you accumulate the heavenly tribulations as well. Let me do it. At most, I'll be careful and not destroy the fur."

Zeng Jing sighed seeing how she carefully protected her junior sister and junior brother's path to immortality. This woman was really a rare good senior sister. What more could he ask for?

It was no wonder that the younger sisters in Japanese comics were no longer popular. Elder sisters were starting to become popular. A gentle and considerate elder sister was countless times better than a willful and irritable younger sister.

Bai Yan changed the way she operated. When she spotted the next rabbit, she did not slash at the flying sword directly. Instead, she flew to the top of the rabbit's head and slapped down with the sword. With a light slap on the rabbit's forehead, it fell to the ground and died without injuring its fur.

She hunted several rabbits and even a fox with this standard operating system.

Zeng Jing took action. He peeled off the rabbit skin and fox skin, washed the bloodstains, and hung them on the treetops to dry. In this way, he obtained a few raw skins.

Raw skin could not be directly used to make leather clothes, and Zeng Jing did not know how processes such as ripen or tanning. In any case, he did not need to know. He could just sell raw skin.

The next step was to deal with the rabbit. Neither woman knew how to handle the rabbit.

This matter could only be handled by Zeng Jing again. Actually, he didn't know how to roast meat, but he didn't panic at all. Since ancient times, transmigrators knew how to roast meat, and it was the best delicacy in the world. A beauty would want to throw herself into his arms after taking a bite. Zeng Jing thought that as a transmigrator, he would definitely be able to do this easily.

Half an hour later…

The Loli Sect Master took a bite of Zeng Jing's roasted rabbit and complained on the spot, "It's so bad! It's burnt outside, but it's still raw inside."

Bai Yan took a small bite and revealed an awkward but polite smile. "It's fine as long as the food can fill your stomach. It doesn't matter if it's delicious or not. As cultivators, it's not a big problem for us to eat raw food. Junior Brother, don't be discouraged."

"What?" Zeng Jing didn't believe this. How could the barbecue made by a transmigrator not be delicious? There must be something wrong with the taste buds of these two women. He stuffed the roasted rabbit into his mouth and froze. Two seconds later, he fell to the ground with a thud. He grabbed his throat and rolled on the ground. "Why is my cooking like this?"

Bai Yan quickly comforted him gently, "Junior Brother, don't be depressed. You're already very capable. We don't know how to roast meat at all."

Zeng Jing snorted. "It's useless to comfort me. I have to roast the meat today."

And so the repetitive roasting began…

Ten thousand times, ah, ten thousand times…

His efforts paid off. After a long time, Zeng Jing finally successfully roasted a delicious piece of rabbit meat. It was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The heat was just right.

If culinary skills were also divided into realms, Zeng Jing's culinary skills should have already reached the Foundation Establishment realm.

Bai Yan and the Loli Sect Master deserved some mention here. The two of them were free anyway, so they might as well learn how to roast meat. However, after they got the hang of it, they realized that cooking was really super difficult. It was much harder than cultivation. The two of them roasted here and there. It was either charred or charred. They couldn't do anything.

The three of them ate and slept in the forest for a few days. The living conditions were really tough. Fortunately, cultivators were immune to the cold and heat, so they would not fall sick because of such an environment.

In the past few days, the three of them had hunted a lot of prey and accumulated a lot of fur. They had also picked a lot of ordinary medicinal herbs. Feeling that it was about time, Bai Yan carefully rode her sword back to the Sect to take a look. After confirming that the "mysterious cultivator" was no longer around, he brought Zeng Jing and the Loli Sect Master back to the Sword Sect.

When they returned to their familiar home, Bai Yan and the Loli Sect Master were very sad.

Bai Yan sighed in a low voice. "We actually had to abandon the Sword Sect and escape when we encountered a powerful enemy. Our Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect has already declined to this extent."

The Loli Sect Master clenched her fists. "That's why I have to cultivate harder. I have to be strong enough to protect everyone. That way we can stand proudly at the door to welcome any strong cultivator instead of hiding like dogs."

Bai Yan said, "Yes! It's all up to you. Junior Sister, hurry up and cultivate. I'll take care of all the miscellaneous matters."

The Loli Sect Master returned to her empty Spirit Gathering Formation to cultivate.

Bai Yan, on the other hand, held the medicinal herbs that she had gathered over the past few days and said, "Junior Brother, I'll go and refine the pills now. When I'm done, please bring them to the city outside the mountain to sell. Even though this will delay your cultivation, no one else can do this except you. I've never gone down the mountain since I was young. I don't know anything about the mortal world outside the mountain…"

Zeng Jing said, "Okay, leave it to me. Don't worry about delaying my cultivation! Anyway, I don't have to become an immortal. It's enough for me if I can ride a sword and look cool."