To the Mortal World

Bai Yan went to refine pills. There were not many spiritual herbs in Sword Sect now, all of them were ordinary medicinal herbs that had been picked on the spot. She could only refine some ordinary pills that could clear heatiness and remove illnesses. They probably could not be sold for much.

In ancient times, rich people would seek treatment from famous doctors. On the other hand, poor people would not seek treatment or take medicine. If they fell sick, they would force themselves to hold on. If they could not hold on, they would die. They relied on their lives. These medicines could only be sold to the middle class at most. They definitely could not sell for much.

Zeng Jing looked at the pile of rabbit skin and fox skin in his hand. They were probably not worth much. None of the ancient hunters had made a fortune, so it could be seen that the fur could only be sold for a few coins.

It was very troublesome to leave the mountains even once so he had to earn more.

Thinking of this, Zeng Jing's thoughts turned to the cauldron. The Dharma treasure he refined seemed to be alright. Moreover, the process of refining the Dharma treasure was equivalent to practicing the "Myriad Treasures Divine Power. The more familiar he was with this divine power, the higher the quality of the Dharma treasure he refined in the future. He could use it to exchange for some useful natural treasures and make a good Spirit Gathering Formation. It would also be beneficial to his cultivation.

He would do it when the Loli Sect Master was cultivating and Bai Yan was refining pills.

Zeng Jing casually picked up a few pieces of peach wood and cut them into ugly peach wood swords. His carving skills were really not good, but it did not matter. Men paid attention to practicality. It did not matter if they looked good or not.

He stuffed another handful of chili into his mouth. It was so spicy that he was on the verge of death. Only then did he sneak to the front of the Weapon Refinement Cauldron and refine the ugly wooden swords into Dharma treasures.

He also knew that his 4.6 billion years of cultivation was very terrifying and shocking. If he used all his strength to refine treasures, even if he was not familiar with the "Myriad Treasures Divine Power", he could still refine very terrifying treasures. Therefore, he deliberately suppressed his cultivation and only used a small amount of spiritual energy to inject into the Weapon Refinement Cauldron.

He practiced blindly while familiarizing himself with the usage of the "Myriad Treasures Divine Power".

It didn't take long for the five extremely ugly peach wood swords to be refined.

These five swords were much inferior to the ugly wooden sword he had first practiced.

This was intentional.

If it was refined too well, it would not be convenient to sell it for money. It might even attract the attention of others. Zeng Jing understood this principle.

He took out a large basket and hid the five peach wood swords at the lowest level of the basket. The top was covered with rabbit skin and fox skin. This way, no one would know that there were Dharma treasures hidden under the basket.

After doing all of this, Bai Yan had also finished concocting the medicinal pills. She wrapped the medicinal pills in oil paper and handed them to Zeng Jing. "Junior Brother, I can only concoct these medicinal pills now. These are medicinal pills used to treat ordinary colds and fevers. This is to clear the heat and reduce the heat. This is…"

Zeng Jing noted them down one by one. "Alright, Senior Sister. I'll try my best to sell them for a good price."

He kept the medicinal pills and carried the basket on his back. Right, he also carried the peach wood sword that Bai Yan had made for him. He was about to leave the mountain.

Bai Yan was a little worried. "Junior Brother, you don't even know how to ride a flying sword right now. It's tiring to walk out of the mountain like this. It's better for Senior Sister to ride a flying sword to send you down the mountain."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "If you send me down the mountain, it's not safe for the sect master to stay here alone. Even though her cultivation level is higher than mine, she's still a child. Her mind is still immature. We can't leave her alone."

Bai Yan could not refute.

Zeng Jing said, "Don't worry. I walked into the mountains myself to find the Immortal Sword Sect of Mount Shu. It's not difficult for me to walk out now."

Bai Yan had seen Zeng Jing use his hands to dig through the ruins, casually grabbing a huge rock and throwing it around. He knew that Zeng Jing's body technique was very powerful, and he should be considered a powerful martial master in an ordinary world. However, it shouldn't be a problem for him to go down the mountain and take a look at the mortal world, so she didn't force him. After all, the young junior sister of the sect master was more worrying.

"Junior Brother, you have to be careful." Bai Yan instructed in a soft voice. "You have to know that the world is vast, and there are all sorts of strange things in the world. There are countless capable people, and when you travel in the mortal world, you shouldn't take things too lightly. Otherwise, you might lose your life for no reason. The sooner you earn money, the sooner you can come home and cultivate. Don't stay outside for too long."

Even though it was a little annoying, the deep concern warmed Zeng Jing's heart.

"I'll listen to Senior Sister!" Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Then I'll leave."

Bai Yan sent him to the entrance and watched as Zeng Jing left. His gaze was filled with concern as he waved his hand repeatedly…

Bai Yan treated Zeng Jing very well even though they hadn't been together for long. In this Xianxia world where he didn't have any friends or relatives, they felt family. He was really touched. Patting the basket on his back, he said, "Alright, I also have to work hard and let Senior Sister live a better life. Good luck Zeng Jing."

He strode down the mountain!

He could still vaguely remember the path he had taken up the mountain. In the past few months, in order to find the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect, he had walked through the mountains of Shu Mountain previously and he was very familiar with it. He had also met hunters and herb gatherers in the mountains. After chatting with them, he had a general understanding of the cities at the foot of the mountain.

He walked southeast from the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect, they walked southeast. After crossing 32 mountains of various sizes, he would arrive at an extremely prosperous city called Jinguan City.

He should be able to sell the things in his basket!

He didn't know how to use the sword control technique yet, so he couldn't use his Dharma treasure to fly. He could only use the same method as before. After walking to a place where Bai Yan couldn't see him, he gathered a portion of his 4.6 billion years of cultivation and concentrated it on the tip of his foot. Then, he tapped lightly on the ground…

A huge recoil pushed him off the ground and sent him flying like a cannonball. With a whoosh, he crossed a tall mountain peak and fell from the other side of the mountain peak. He did not know how to land at all because he did not know Qinggong or movement techniques. Therefore, it was easy to fly, but not easy to land. He could only fall freely.


He landed on the ground on the other side of the mountain peak and smashed a huge pit. He shook his head and got up from the pit. Then, he tapped the ground with his toes again and flew out like a cannonball, flying over another mountain peak.


Another huge pit was created on the other side of the mountain.

After creating 32 craters on the 32 mountains, Zeng Jing walked out of Shu Mountain.

However, what he didn't know was that he had frightened all the major sects in Shu Mountain as he progressed. Countless cultivators heard the sounds of the pits being smashed towards the southeast. They didn't dare to come over to take a look and only dared to listen from afar.

After listening carefully for a while, they judged that it should be a huge demon beast that was even taller than a mountain peak. It was walking forward and was extremely tall, and every step it took could cross a mountain peak. It stomped on the ground with a bang with every step and the ground shook. It was extremely terrifying.

The Cultivators could only tremble in fear, or hide and pray that this giant demonic beast would not step on their house…