Selling Leather Hides

Standing on the hill and towards the southeast was a fertile plain. There were all kinds of crops planted on the plain, and farmers were working hard.

In the middle of this farmland, there was a magnificent city, Jinguan City.

Jinguan City had a large population and developed business. It was the largest and wealthiest city in the southwest of the Divine Continent.

Zeng Jing walked towards the city. He was wearing the set of chivalrous clothes that Bai Yan had personally made. He looked very different from ordinary people. In this day and age, ordinary people usually wore short clothes made of burlap for convenience. It was completely incompatible with Zeng Jing's impressive chivalrous clothes.

In general, it was just like in wuxia movies, where the extras on the street and the clothes of important actors were very different. The audience could tell at a glance which were extras and which were important actors.

Therefore, even if Zeng Jing had a very old-fashioned basket on his back, no one treated him as an ordinary person.

When he reached the city gate, a young city guard wanted to collect the "entry tax" from him. An old soldier came out from the side and grabbed the young guard. He said in a low voice, "Are you blind? Didn't you see what he was wearing? That's the attire of a cultivator. How dare you collect his tax? Just let him in the city with your eyes closed."

The young guard couldn't help but sweat. "Oh, so he's a cultivator. I can't afford to offend him."

Zeng Jing did not hear the awkward conversation between the two soldiers. He passed through the city gate and entered the city. The streets made of limestone extended to the center of the city in front of him. Simple citizens in burlap clothes shuttled through the streets. This scene was similar to the ancient city he had imagined.

However, his gaze immediately locked onto a man in a warrior suit. This person was obviously not an ordinary person, but someone with cultivation. One look at the clothes on his body showed that he did not blend in with the environment. Of course, Zeng Jing himself was also wearing such clothes.

The man turned around and glanced at Zeng Jing sensing that someone was looking at him. After realizing that Zeng Jing was also a cultivator, he cupped his fists at Zeng Jing.

Zeng Jing could not lose his manners since the other person was polite. He cupped his fists in return.

The man turned around and left. Zeng Jing took a few more steps forward. Unexpectedly, he ran into a group of Cultivators wearing the standard Daoist robe of the Qingcheng Sect. They had just come out of a teahouse when they saw Zeng Jing, who was wearing a warrior's robe, pass by. They didn't say anything and left with their heads held high.

Zeng Jing continued to walk towards the center of the city. Unexpectedly, after only five or six steps, another group of women in Daoist robes and warrior robes crossed the street. The warrior robes did not differentiate between sects, but one could tell at a glance that they were from Emei Sect.

Zeng Jing thought to himself, Eh? There are a lot of cultivators in Jinguan City. I've only walked a few steps and there are already three batches. What's going on? Did something big happen in Jianghu?

He stopped a Daoist nun from the Emei Sect and asked, "Senior sister from the Emei Sect, I'm a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect of Shushan. My name is Zeng Jing. Sorry to disturb you, but I have something to ask."

Emei and the Immortal Sword Sect of Shushan were both sects of the Shu Mountain, so they still had a weak relationship. Therefore, the Daoist nun was not in a hurry to leave. She bowed to Zeng Jing and asked, "What can I do for you, Senior Brother of the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect?"

Zeng Jing said, "I see cultivators everywhere in Jinguan City. It seems like more than half of the major sects in Shu Mountain are here. Is something big about to happen?"

The Daoist nun said curiously, "Eh? Don't you know? A few days ago, a fire dragon suddenly flew up from the Shu Mountain and soared for hundreds of miles. It was abnormally terrifying. There should be an extremely powerful cultivator refining his cultivation technique. All the sects felt that the cultivator is invincible. Even though he might not be an enemy, he might not be a friend either. Therefore, it is better to avoid him. Some people hid deep in the mountains, while others hid in Jinguan City."

Zeng Jing did not reply to that again.

The Daoist nun said, "Your Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect…"

Just as she was about to ask, she suddenly remembered that the Immortal Sword Sect of Shushan had been destroyed by Old Fiend Baiyue a few days ago. The remaining disciples probably really did not know anything.

The Daoist nun shook her head and sighed, "Senior Brother, there's another piece of news that you have to be on guard against. Not long ago, another giant demonic beast appeared in Shu Mountain. Even though no one saw it with their own eyes, it was so huge that it could cross a mountain with a single step. Every step it took would cause the ground to shake and a crater. This demonic beast's cultivation is probably already on par with immortals. The cultivators who remained in Shu Mountain will definitely be scared out of their wits."

Zeng Jing did not reply to that again.

The Daoist nun thought that Zeng Jing was frightened and could not say anything since he kept mum. She could only sigh softly and say, "Senior Brother, it seems that there are only a few people left in your sect. It is extremely difficult to resist a strong enemy. At this critical moment, it is best to hide in Jinguan City and not go out. Now, the people of the various sects are all in Jinguan City. If that huge demon beast or mysterious cultivator attacks, we can at least join forces to resist it and have more protection."

Zeng Jing was speechless. What should I say as the 'monster' that you were prepared to fight together against?

The Daoist nun then said in a low voice, "Jinguan City is filled with cultivators now, and all the sects are gathered here. This situation is like a barrel of gunpowder that will explode at the slightest touch. Now, everyone is acting carefully, not daring to act rashly and cause trouble to avoid bringing disaster to themselves and their sects. You have to be careful too. There are only a few people left in your sect. Don't cause trouble for yourself, understand?"

Zeng Jing cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your guidance, Senior Sister. I'll be careful."

The Emei Daoist Nun shook her head and sighed, walking away…

Zeng Jing continued to walk toward the center of the city. As he walked, he thought to himself. It's good that these guys are all hiding in the city. It's also a good thing for him to have more Cultivators because the things he wants to sell are mainly the five peach wood swords. Ordinary people won't buy Dharma treasures, only Cultivators will buy them. Having more Cultivators in the city will help Zeng Jing's business.

Moreover, he was a little worried that the treasure would be revealed and someone would come to fight for it before he came. Even though he was not afraid of anyone, he was afraid of trouble.

Right now, all the Cultivators in the city were looking out for themselves and didn't dare to cause trouble. It was a good thing for him. It would be best if no one came to cause trouble when selling the Dharma treasures. It would be better for everyone if they completed the transaction obediently.

He slowly walked to the most prosperous place in the city center, took off his basket and started setting up a roadside store, preparing to be a peddler.

This place looked quite lively. There was a lot of traffic and people. There were also many vendors setting up stalls on the street and fortune-tellers walking around. Setting up a stall here would definitely mean booming business.

First, he took out his pile of rabbit skins, fox skins, and so on and placed them aside. He did not know what the price level was here, so he casually shouted, "Selling hides. There are rabbit and fox hides. I guarantee that the market will be at the lowest price."