I Only Pass On Good Words About Him

The eight cultivators were all sighing. Someone asked, "Is something big about to happen?"

Another person said, "That's right. There have been several terrifying incidents in a row. First, Old Fiend Baiyue, who had a cultivation base of more than 2,000 years and was in the Essence Soul Realm, destroyed the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect. The next moment, he was blasted into a star by a mysterious expert. Then, there was the Fire Dragon that soared into the sky. Another huge demon beast crossed a mountain with one step and disappeared mysteriously after crossing more than 30 mountains. Then, a mysterious cultivator appeared in Jinguan City who took a full-force blow from a Nascent Soul cultivator without suffering any damage…"

"Something big is about to happen!"

"A great calamity that only happens once in 1,000 years, right?"

"There's a saying that the country is about to fall, and monsters will sprout everywhere…"

"Shh, watch your mouth." A cultivator hurriedly covered the mouth of the person who spoke before and said in a low voice, "Your words are no different from describing that mysterious cultivator as a monster. Can you withstand a slap from him if he knows about it?"

The person who spoke earlier was so frightened that his face turned green and he quickly shut his mouth.

At this moment, they saw the young cultivator who had been sitting at the neighboring table with a basket on his back move a chair over and joined them at their table, as though he was very familiar with them.

The eight of them looked at the person with dumbfounded expressions.

That was Zeng Jing, of course. He waved at the eight of them. "Hey, everyone. I'm Zeng Jing, an inner sect disciple of the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect. I've built my Foundation Establishment! You guys seem to be chatting happily. Can you let me participate?"

The words "Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect" were like poison. The eight of them instantly froze. They were just talking about how the Old Fiend Baiyue destroyed the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect and its disciple actually came over to sit with them in the blink of an eye. How f*cking awkward was this?

The eight of them quickly wanted to put on a sympathetic expression, but Zeng Jing smiled and said, "There's no need for any show of sympathy. Recently, everyone has been using this as the starting point when they see me. It's quite annoying. Can we just chat casually?"

The eight of them looked at each other. They did not know what this Immortal Sword Sect disciple was up to, but they did not reject him directly and could only glare at him. "What exactly do you want to say?"

Zeng Jing said, "I heard you say that if you speak ill of the mysterious cultivator, you will be slapped by him. I have a shallow opinion and want to discuss this with you."

The eight of them did not reply.

Zeng Jing said, "Look, when the incident happened last night, the mysterious cultivator was standing up for the weak Black Mountains White Waters Yellow Flowers Green Willows Alliance. In my opinion, this person has a strong sense of justice. His heart must be as vast as the sea. If you gossip about him behind his back, he definitely won't do anything to you."

Silence permutated the air.

The scene was strangely awkward. The eight of them thought to themselves, Are you f*cking bootlicking him? The mysterious cultivator is not here. He won't hear you even if you lick him with all your might. Is there a need to s*ck up to him so fiercely?

Zeng Jing seemed to have seen through their thoughts and said in a low voice, "Brothers, since you're worried that he'll hear you call him a monster, it means that he might hear what you say. Why don't you learn from me and say good things about him? Don't say bad things. Perhaps he'll hear it and leak some benefits to you. Isn't that enough for you to get rich?"

The eight of them thought about it carefully. Eh? That does make sense.

Zeng Jing continued, "It's better to praise others than to speak ill of them behind their backs. Expand your horizons, broaden your mind, and form more good relationships. Wouldn't that make your life more likely to soar? Let me advise Fellow Daoists to stay away from negative emotions and be more optimistic. Only then can you stand higher and see further."

After a long time, one of the cultivators seemed to have come back to his senses and said, "You're right, little brother from Immortal Sword Sect. This mysterious cultivator seems to be a righteous person. He acts bravely and is very chivalrous. He can't be an immortal without being a hero. Otherwise, he might as well be an immortal ruffian."

The other seven also reacted. "That makes sense! It seems that so many things have happened recently not because of any calamity, but because of great luck. It's a blessing from the heavens that a powerful immortal has appeared."

After saying that, the eight of them whispered together, "We've already su*ked up to him like this. He should be able to hear us, right?"

"If he doesn't hear you, just tell everyone you meet. He'll hear you eventually. That's what I plan to do. I'll brag to everyone that I see. For example, I'll brag to you. One day, he'll know and take care of me when he knows about it." After saying that, Zeng Jing stood up, patted his butt, and walked out of the small hotel. The remaining eight cultivators looked at each other.

They suddenly realized that this disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect was really brilliant. This move was too damn strong! Let's cut to the chase and quickly go out to brag.

Thus, for the next few days, the entire city was filled with people bragging about mysterious experts…

Zeng Jing had already carried the basket on his back and set off on his way back.

This trip to Jinguan City had given him a better understanding of this world. It seemed that this world was not very twisted. Most people were normal. Cultivators were not as cold and heartless as in Xianxia novels.

Most of the cultivators had yet to achieve the level of severing their emotions and desires. Everyone was living quite well.

He didn't like those cultivators who killed and robbed people in Xianxia novels. He felt that they weren't Xianxia, but ruffians. If this world was really that kind of world, he would feel bored, but this place gave him a good feeling.

He walked out of Jinguan City and passed through the plains outside the city. Soon, he arrived at the edge of the mountain range.

Just as he was about to jump over the mountain peak in front of him, he suddenly remembered that he had frightened many cultivators by jumping over the mountain peak like this, making them think that there was a huge demon beast causing trouble.

This was not good!

It caused too much trouble for others!

It was better to go back in a gentler way.

He decided to run instead. This way, he might not be so conspicuous.

He circulated his 4.6 billion years of cultivation slightly and poured it into his legs. At this moment, a toad jumped out of nowhere and landed at Zeng Jing's feet.

"F*ck, this thing is so disgusting!" Zeng Jing was shocked by the toad. When people were suddenly frightened, it was difficult to control their strength well. In an instant, a large amount of cultivation was used on his legs. He did not know how long he had been used to it, but he could not help but rush forward.

The surrounding scenery passed him like a stream of light. He ran too fast and did not even have time to bypass the huge rock in front of him. He hit the stone with a bang and instantly passed through the stone, creating a huge human-shaped hole in the stone…

  1. Xianxia can mean immortal heroes here