We Finally Have A Spirit Gathering Formation

There was another steep mountain wall in front of him after the rock. He could not dodge in time and could only bang into it again. In the blink of an eye, he broke through the mountain wall on the other side of the mountain and rushed out.

Did he just smashed through a mountain?

Zeng Jing could not help but turn around to look at the mountain he had just passed through. However, his speed was still too fast. There was another mountain in front of him the moment he turned around. With a bang, he hit the second mountain and passed through it in an instant…

In the blink of an eye, he had crashed through two mountains, scaring Zeng Jing. Damn, he couldn't continue. It wouldn't be good to shock the world. He quickly braked.

However, how could a high-speed sprint with a cultivation of hundreds of millions of years be able to brake just like that? Zeng Jing, who had scored full marks in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, had always respected Newton. He could only hurriedly use his heels to support himself on the ground as a brake!


The huge force caused his heel to leave a deep mark on the ground. He only stopped after braking for more than 100 meters. When he turned around, his heel had left a long ravine between the two mountains.

Didn't he say he wouldn't shock the world! Now, it was all over.

Zeng Jing was speechless!

Alright, my legend will start spreading in the pugilistic world again in a few days, even though I'm no longer in the pugilistic world.

He put away his messy thoughts and checked if there were any disgusting things like toads and centipedes around him. After confirming that there were none, he circulated a little of his cultivation again and poured it into his legs before running. This time, it was finally normal. Even though it was a little slower than jumping over the mountain peak and crashing through it, it was better than scaring the children.

He sprinted like crazy in this manner for awhile. Not long after, he passed the remaining 30 mountains. The Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect was not far ahead. Zeng Jing hurriedly retracted his cultivation, tidied his clothes, thought of a story, and strode home.

No one bothered about him as he passed by the stone tablet at the entrance of the valley. When he walked further in, he saw that the houses were still in a dilapidated state of ruin. It was like an uninhabited ruin, a stark contrast to the bustling Jinguan City. It was not until he reached the residential area of the disciples at the back that he finally saw Bai Yan. She was sweeping the floor with a broom. The sound of her sweeping was exceptionally ear-piercing in the quiet ruins of the Immortal Sword Sect.

Bai Yan raised her head hearing the footsteps. A gentle smile immediately appeared on her face when she saw Zeng Jing. She greeted from afar, "Ah, Junior Brother, why are you back so soon?"

In reality, Zeng Jing had only stayed outside for a night before returning. In Bai Yan's opinion, something must have happened to his Junior Brother on the way to Jinguan City, so he could only return halfway.

Unexpectedly, Zeng Jing reached into the basket on his back and pulled out a three-colored golden lotus. Then, he took out two pieces of Icy Jades. He flipped the basket over and shook it, shaking out a pile of spirit wood branches.

Bai Yan was shocked. "Wow! Junior Brother, you've only been out for two days. Where did you find so many heavenly treasures?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Yesterday morning, I went down the mountain. I had only taken two steps when I met a disciple of the Black Mountains White Waters Yellow Flowers Green Willows Alliance. His name is Fang Wushang. His sword control technique is very powerful. With a whoosh, he carried me to Jinguan City on his Dharma treasure. He even sent me back. That's why I could return so quickly."

Bai Yan was surprised. "Eh? Why was he willing to give you a ride?"

Zeng Jing said, "Maybe it's because I'm good at making friends."

Bai Yan didn't know much about the ways of the world, nor did she know if Zeng Jing was good at making friends. However, she felt that her interactions with Zeng Jing were quite pleasant. Perhaps he was really good at making friends, so she didn't have any doubts about this.

Zeng Jing said, "I sold the medicinal pills that Senior Sister refined, and also sold all the animal skins we made. Then, I bought these heavenly treasures from the Black Mountains White Waters Yellow Flowers Green Willows Alliance."

This was a little ridiculous. Bai Yan didn't believe it at all. "Can our medicinal herbs and leather be exchanged for so many heavenly treasures?"

Zeng Jing said, "Perhaps we were lucky. One of the foxes we fought was not an ordinary fox, but a rare fox called the Nine-Tailed Fox. A mysterious cultivator recognized this skin and bought it from me at an extremely high price."

Bai Yan let out a cry. She didn't know if she should believe it or not. This was a bit ridiculous. However, if she didn't believe it, how could she explain the treasures Zeng Jing brought back? There was no other explanation other than believing it.

"Junior Brother, you wouldn't have stole these, would you?"

"Senior Sister, it's not like you don't know my cultivation level. How can I have the ability to snatch other people's heavenly treasures?"

"Well… that's true…"

"Alright, Senior Sister, don't think too much. Hurry up and build a Spirit Gathering Formation."

Zeng Jing's words diverted Bai Yan's attention. The current Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect was in dire need of building a Spirit Gathering Formation. The best way to revitalize a sect was to produce a few experts and make a name for themselves in the pugilistic world. Only then would a large number of disciples enter the sect and develop. Everything else was useless.

Bai Yan replied, "Alright, let's hurry over."

The two of them picked up the treasures and walked towards the backyard of the Immortal Sword Sect in search of the Loli Sect Master first.

The Loli Sect Masterwas sitting cross-legged in the middle of an empty Spirit Gathering Formation. This Spirit Gathering Formation was built in a pool. In the middle of the pool was a stone platform with a futon placed on it.

Beside the futon were several storage platforms placed according to the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams. Each storage platform was supposed to have a heavenly treasure or a spirit-gathering treasure in order for this Spirit Gathering Formation to be effective. However, the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect was poor now and had no such treasures. Therefore, her pitiful Spirit Gathering Formation had nothing.

Bai Yan didn't call out to her. She quietly placed the three-colored golden lotus on one of the platforms and the two pieces of Icy Jades on the other platforms, forming an equilateral triangle.

There were finally heavenly treasures in the Spirit Gathering Formation!

The entire Spirit Gathering Formation suddenly lit up with a sparkling blue light. The formation was activated, and the storage platform that was placed in the direction of the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams seemed to have begun to spin. An intense water-attribute spiritual energy that even Zeng Jing could sense was produced from the Spirit Gathering Formation.

The Loli Sect Master mediating in the middle on the futon suddenly opened her eyes and said happily, "Thank you, Senior Sister and Junior Brother."

After saying that, she closed her eyes again. Then, she flipped her palms towards the sky. Her legs, which were crossed, moved slightly so that the palms of her feet faced the sky. In addition, the center of her forehead faced the sky. This was the so-called "Five Hearts Facing The Sky."

Bai Yan was overjoyed, "Junior Sister Sect Leader is about to break through her bottleneck."

Zeng Jing let out a curious "Eh?"

Bai Yan continued, "Looks like Junior Sister was originally trapped in this realm and didn't dare to breakthrough because failure might cause her cultivation to go berserk. But now, she can go all out because she has the Spirit Gathering Formation."