Sect Leader's Breakthrough

Zeng Jing wasn't in a hurry to set up his own Spirit Gathering Formation after hearing Bai Yan's words. He wanted to see the Loli Sect Master breakthrough first. It might be very beautiful.

The Spirit Gathering Formation seemed to be spinning crazily. The three-colored golden lotus and the two pieces of Icy Jades were all desperately gathering the surrounding spiritual energy. This spiritual energy seemed to solidify. It formed blue lights and gathered on the Loli Sect Master in the center of the Spirit Gathering Formation.

All five hearts of the Loli Sect Master were facing the sky. Spiritual energy rushed out at the same time and lingered around her body from her two palms, two feet, and the Baihui acupoint on her head.

Needless to say, it was quite the scene!

Time passed minute by minute. After an unknown amount of time, the Loli Sect Master suddenly exhaled and shouted. With a light shout, a dark green light exploded, and her entire body floated up.

Zeng Jing's naked eyes could not see the substantial spiritual energy, but he seemed to see a strand of spiritual energy suppressed by thick layers rushing out of her body. Layer by layer, it knocked away the spiritual energy that bound her and finally broke out of her body.


All the surrounding scenery seemed to have shattered. The Loli Sect Master rushed out from a pile of shattered spiritual energy fragments and somersaulted in midair before landing in front of Bai Yan and Zeng Jing.

"Haha! Success!" The Loli Sect Master was overjoyed. "I've broken through the bottleneck and entered the Core Formation realm. My lifespan has increased by 50 years, and my tolerance for heat and cold has increased by 30 degrees. The capacity of my Purple Mansion has also increased greatly."

"Ah! Congratulations, Junior Sister." Bai Yan was overjoyed. "In that case, Junior Sister's cultivation base will be the same as mine."

It turned out that Bai Yan was only an early-stage Core Formation cultivator. Now that the sect master had reached the Core Formation stage, she was basically the same as Bai Yan.

"Come, give it a try!"

The two women raised their palms at the same time and went for each other. One of their palms was glowing with green light. It was the Loli Sect Master's wood-attribute cultivation technique. The other hand was glowing with blue light. It was Bai Yan's water-attribute cultivation technique.

The two palms struck each other in mid-air. With a soft thud, both blue light and green light exploded at the same time. The two women retreated a few steps. It seemed that their skills were almost equal.

Bai Yan rejoiced, "As expected, Junior Sister, your cultivation is not inferior to mine."

"That's great, I've finally caught up to Senior Sister." The Loli Sect Master also said happily.

Bai Yan said, "You are only 11 years old this year, but you have already cultivated to the early stages of the Core Formation Stage. You are simply a genius. In the future, the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect will definitely be able to regain its glory under your hands."

The Loli Sect Master was overjoyed and said, "This is all thanks to the Senior Sister's constant care. Ah, right, it's also thanks to you helping me set up the Spirit Gathering Formation just now. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to break through for the time being."

Bai Yan smiled. "Speaking of this Spirit Gathering Formation, We have to thank Junior Brother. He made a trip to Jinguan City and found the Three-Colored Golden Lotus and Icy Jades for you."

The Loli Sect Master turned towards Zeng Jing with a smile on her face. This little loli had always carried a heavy responsibility on her shoulders since the destruction of the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect. Therefore, Zeng Jing rarely saw her smile. In fact, she smiled even less than Bai Yan. It was rare to see her smile. He thought it was pretty cute now that he saw her smile.

Her smile came from the joy of breaking through the realm. Every breakthrough meant that she was one step closer to reviving the Immortal Sword Sect. The heavy pressure on her body was also reduced by 30%. She smiled at Zeng Jing and said, "Thank you, Junior Brother. These Heavenly Treasures of yours came at the right time. I happened to reach a bottleneck last night, and you brought them back today, allowing the Spirit Gathering Formation to be effective. Without these three Heavenly Treasures, I would have to consolidate my cultivation and adjust my state of mind before I dared to break through. But I broke through so quickly with them."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "There is no need to thank me, it is not only the Sect Master's responsibility to revive the Immortal Sword Sect. I am also a disciple so I am also responsible."

The Loli Sect Master shook her head and said, "I understand. Senior Sister Bai and you sacrificed your cultivation time for my cultivation. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to cultivate in peace. Food, clothing, and accommodation were enough to annoy me to death. I will remember how well you treated me."

"Alright, alright. You've only broken through to the Qi Refinement realm. Don't look so serious." Zeng Jing gently patted the head of the Loli Sect Master. "Good luck!"

Ordinary children would definitely be very happy to have their head touched by someone, but the Loli Sect Master covered her head and jumped up. "Hey! Why are you touching my head? I'm your Sect Master after all. You Junior Brother is too lawless."

Zeng Jing did not reply to that again.

The Loli Sect Master shouted aggressively, "I'll punish you by getting you to clean the toilet!"

Zeng Jing spread out her hands. "I was the one cleaning."

The Loli Sect Master said, "Then I'll punish you to carry water for us."

Zeng Jing spread her hands. "I'm doing that too."

The Loli Sect Master: "I'll punish you by giving you the cooking task."

Zeng Jing shrugged. "I'm also the one doing that."

The Loli Sect Master would not muster a counter to that.

She suddenly pouted and turned to Bai Yan. "Senior Sister, Junior Brother bullied me, but I have nothing to punish him with."

Bai Yan gently patted the sect master's back and whispered into her ears, "Junior Brother isn't bullying you, he's just concerned about you."

"He touched my head even though I'm the Sect Master! He doesn't respect me at all."

"Even though you're the Sect Master, you're still young. Actually, I really want to pat your head too."

The Loli Sect Master looked up and said, "I'm not afraid if Senior Sister touches me. I want Senior Sister to pat my head."

Bai Yan stretched out her hand and gently touched the head of the Loli Sect Master. The loli's tears turned into a smile and a blissful smile appeared on her face. "Praise me a few more times."

Bai Yan said in a gentle voice. "Junior Sister is truly amazing, reaching the Core Formation stage at such a young age. You will definitely be able to revive our sect in the future."

"Senior Sister, You mentioned that already. Is there nothing else to praise me about?"

"Junior Sister is so smart! Junior Sister is so cute."


The little loli's face was filled with a smile that she had not seen in a long time. Her little face was pink.

Zeng Jing did not reply to that again.

Such a little loli had to be the sect master to revive a sect. Wasn't the burden on her shoulders a little too heavy?

Zeng Jing looked at the little loli's pink face and then at Bai Yan's expectant gaze. He couldn't help but shake his head as he sighed in his heart, 'We are all humans, I'll try my best to help you guys.'

He had joined the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect to learn the sword control technique and the Myriad Sword Techniques to show off. However, for some reason, he suddenly wanted to be the nanny of two girls… cough… no, a bodyguard!

Aiyo, men are really simple-minded.

However, after thinking about it carefully, why couldn't a man be a bodyguard for two pitiful girls?

Wasn't that also a super cool thing?

Bai Yan suddenly waved at him just as he was letting his imagination run wild. "Junior Brother, we should go set up your Spirit Gathering Formation."