Rebirth From Fire

The Loli Sect Master returned to the center of her Spirit Gathering Formation and sat down after laughing for a while. Even though she had just broken through a realm, she could not stop. She had to immediately start cultivating and consolidating a new realm. There was still a long way to go.

Bai Yan, on the other hand, led Zeng Jing towards the Wood-attribute Spirit Gathering Formation at the back mountain.

This Spirit Gathering Formation was built in a forest with dense wood-attribute spiritual energy. She placed the spiritual wood branch that Zeng Jing had brought back on the shelf in the shape of the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams. "Alright, Junior Brother, go to the formation eye and sit down to cultivate."

Zeng Jing obeyed and sat cross-legged on the mat in the middle.

Just like what he saw when he saw the Loli Sect Master practicing her martial arts, the entire Spirit Gathering Formation began to spin rapidly. Green light started to spread out from the spiritual wood branches. Wood-attribute heavenly treasure made the entire formation ripple with powerful wood-attribute spiritual energy.

The fire-attribute cultivation technique in Zeng Jing's body was immediately greatly enhanced.

This feeling was something he had never felt before!

It was probably because he was a modern person who grew up under the Red Flag. He had once been superstitious about science, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Therefore, it was very difficult for him to enter the world of metaphysics. He did not have a spiritual root, and the 4.6 billion years of attributeless cultivation in his body rejected strange things. These few reasons caused him to almost not feel any spiritual energy usually. His reaction to the various mysteries in the world was slow.

Therefore, his cultivation progress was extremely slow even after he built the Foundation Establishment. He could barely absorb the fire-attribute spiritual energy, and the power he used was not much.

But everything was different with the Spirit Gathering Formation…

He could feel that the weak fire-attribute spiritual energy in his body had become strong under the effect of the Spirit Gathering Formation. It stood upright in the Purple Mansion and clenched its fists at the 4.6 billion years of attributeless cultivation. It looked like it was not afraid of him. Then, it openly began to absorb spiritual energy from the outside world to strengthen itself.

The fire-attributed spiritual energy in the air was absorbed into the Purple Mansion and merged with the fire-attribute spiritual energy. Moreover, after the wood-attribute spiritual energy entered his body, it would be ignited by the fire-attribute spiritual energy and become a fire-attribute spiritual energy. No wonder wood gave birth to fire. So this was how it was born.

After cultivating for a short period of time, he felt that the fire-attribute spiritual energy in his body had increased a lot. His cultivation of the Blazing Sun Flame Refining Technique had improved greatly.

Zeng Jing couldn't help but exclaim, "Ah, Senior Sister! This Spirit Gathering Formation is really amazing. I can clearly feel my improvement."

Bai Yan nodded with a smile. "Yeah, even I can sense that you've absorbed quite a bit of fire-attributed spiritual energy. Looks like you can finally walk on the right path of cultivation. Just now, when you were cultivating, Senior Sister thought about it carefully. In the future, you don't have to do chores anymore. Focus on your cultivation. I'll take care of those chores."

"That won't do." Zeng Jing smiled and said, "I've said it last time. I'd rather cultivate slower. I'll do what I have to do. On the other hand, Senior Sister, don't you need a Spirit Gathering Formation to assist your cultivation too? I remember that you cultivate water-attribute cultivation techniques. Metal gives birth to water. Let's build a metal-attribute Spirit Gathering Array for you."

Bai Yan shook his head slowly, "It's useless! There was a very powerful metal-attibute Spirit Gathering Formation before it was destroyed. The heavenly treasures inside are not of the level that we can obtain now. Its spirit gathering effect is at least 100 times stronger than the two Spirit Gathering Formation you and the Sect Master have now. However, it's useless for me to cultivate inside. My progress is still slow."

"Ah?" Zeng Jing did not know what to say and could only sigh inwardly. Poor Senior Sister.

"You don't have to worry about me," Bai Yan said. "If you get more money in the future, you can buy heavenly treasures. Don't waste them on me. Use it all on water and wood-attribute heavenly treasures to continue strengthening your Spirit Gathering Formation. Right now, your Spirit Gathering Formation is still very weak, and the effect is also very poor. You still need more heavenly treasures. The stronger the heavenly treasures, the better the effect of the Spirit Gathering Formation This is because the higher your realm, the slower your cultivation will be. At that time, no matter how good the Spirit Gathering Formation is, you will feel that it won't be enough."

Zeng Jing said, "Senior Sister, is this problem of your cultivation speed because your comprehension is low? There must be a way to increase your comprehension, right?"

Bai Yan nodded her head. "Yes! Furthermore, the solution is within your Blazing Sun Flame Refinement Art."

"Huh?" Zeng Jing was surprised. "Does my cultivation method work?"

Bai Yan said, "When you cultivate the Blazing Sun Flame Refinement Art to the Essence Soul Realm, there's a Divine Ability called the Fire Rebirth Technique. It allows you to use an extremely formidable fire-attribute cultivation technique to temper the tendons and marrows of others, and it can change the bones, divine sense, comprehension ability, and affinity of others… To put it simply, it's to rebuild a person's basic qualities."

A look of yearning appeared on her face, "I've always hoped that our sect could produce a fire-attribute cultivator in the Essence Soul Realm. If he could learn the Fire Rebirth Technique, he would be able to help me cultivate my muscles and marrow, turning me from a mediocre woman into a talented person like my Junior Sister… Unfortunately… The Immortal Sword Sect was destroyed in one day, and the fire-attribute Martial Uncle who was most likely to reach the Essence Soul Realm also died in the hands of Old Fiend Baiyue. My wish is ultimately impossible to fulfill."

Zeng Jing grabbed her shoulder. "Senior Sister, don't show such a negative expression! Originally, I only learned the Blazing Sun Flame Refining Technique to fly on my sword and act cool with a myriad of swords. But now, I have a new goal. I've decided that I want to reach the Essence Soul Realm and learn the Fire Rebirth Technique mystical ability. Then, I'll help Senior Sister refine her muscles and marrow."

"Don't be like this!" A wisp of pain appeared on Bai Yan's face. "A few years ago, Uncle-Master said the same thing to me, but Uncle-Master has already passed away. The cruelest thing in this world is to first take away your hope, then give you hope, and then take away your hope once more. Could it be that you intend to give me hope once more, and then take away that hope? Over and over again! Why do you have to do this to me?"

"No, I'm different," Zeng Jing said. "Senior Sister, just you wait. I'll definitely achieve what I say. Moreover, I won't make you wait too long for this day."

Bai Yan didn't dare listen, she shook her head in pain before leaving…

She needed to eat a Mind-Clearing Grass now or her mental state would be unstable again.

Zeng Jing's heart ached as he watched her slowly walk away until she disappeared. Then, he resolutely sat back in the middle of the Spirit Gathering Formation. He sat down cross-legged, cleared his mind, and began to cultivate.

'Come on!'

Fire-attribute spiritual energy!

'Come on!'

Wood-attribute spiritual energy!

Mountains, rivers, sun, and moon, enter my Purple Mansion!

My goal is no longer to ride a sword and look cool, but to reach the Essence Soul Realm!