Cold sister, but weak against her older brother

Alex startled and turned around to see his new sister in this life.

Her name was Celia Relish, she was the fourth Princess of the Kingdom of Talis.

She was 9 years old, only 1 year younger than Alex, by chance of fate they had their birthdays on the same day. She had long straight golden yellow hair with bangs across her forehead, she had her hair down so it fell down her back.

Although her face was truly charming and cute, her expression was icy cold. Her eyes that were golden yellow were expressionless and gave off coldness. Just one look from her could make an ordinary person's blood run cold.

But as soon as she saw her brother who had red eyes due to crying and her body all bruised, her little heart shrank and she flipped over seeing him in that state.

"H-older brother, w-what happened?" Celia couldn't help the small tears forming in her eyes and she ran to help her brother.

Alex couldn't answer her and just stared at her face.

'How cute.' Alex couldn't help but think, it was the first time he had seen such a pretty young woman, but he didn't have any questionable thoughts because after all the FBI can read minds and he didn't want them in his house... For now. Alex was just appreciating the cute, teary, worried face on her face.

"S-surely it was that idiot John, wasn't it?" Celia asked her angrily, her eyes burning with rage at the thought of that person hurting her beloved older brother.

Alex took a deep breath and cleared away his old existential crisis.

"You don't have to worry Celia, it wasn't Jhon, he was just training and this happened." He lied to her and answered with a slightly cracked voice from earlier crying.

Celia looked at him in a strange way, but decided not to ask more and help her brother, but she already knew that this was not because of the training and later she will investigate who was the culprit.

She after picking him up from the floor she laid him on the bed and tucked him in after checking that all the bandages were fine.

"Big brother, you know that if you have a problem you can ask me for help, fter all, the two of us only have each other, we are family, don't forget that." Celia said with a serious voice as she looked into his eyes with a slightly sad look because her brother never told him about her problems and he keeps them just for him.

"I know, you don't have to worry Celia." Alex answered while also looking at her and he knew that she is sad because he didn't tell her his problems or how he felt, well that was actually the old Alex, but at this moment he couldn't say anything because he was very lost at this moment due to To all the confusing memories I had. And she didn't want to make a fuss either because Celia's personality was very volatile, although she was cold towards everyone, when it came to Alex, she exploded like an erupting volcano.

Celia could only nod, but she knew that her older brother would not tell her anything, she was frustrated, angry and disappointed, but not with her brother but with herself because she did not have the power to protect him.

'I swear big brother, when I am stronger I will protect you and take revenge on everyone who ever hurt you.' She swore in her heart, as she gripped her brother's hand tightly, she didn't know it, but a small flame of determination and a quest for power had ignited within her.

"By the way, big brother... Why do you call me Celia and not sister?" Celia asked with a tinge of anger in her voice because Alex always called her sister or little sister, but this time for some strange reason he called her by her name and she didn't like it at all.

Alex hearing it from her got confused, but after investigating her new memories, she began to sweat a little because the old Alex always called her sister, but this time he called her Celia.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm just tired and I didn't realize it... H-sister." Alex made up an excuse instantly and answered her.

"Ahhh, that's why huh, I hope it doesn't happen again big brother." Celia said with a smile, but still looked at him suspiciously.

Alex only nodded to what Celia said, but he felt threatened for some strange reason.

"He's fine big brother, rest, tomorrow when I finish my studies I'll come see you." Celia said, then she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran like a scared rabbit out of Alex's room, she didn't even wait for Alex to react or respond, she just left with her face red as a tomato.

Alex just froze on his bed, then he put a hand to his cheek where he was kissed, he smiled a little because of how mischievous her new sister was, even though she was cold with everyone, when she was with Alex her personality and way of being took a hundred and eighty degree turn, completely changing to a more tender, shy, worried and attentive.

"It's just the two of us, we're family... It doesn't sound so bad if my new family was just Celia and those 3 girls." He muttered and his eyes turned somber as he thought of the rest of his new family who thought that power was everything, although they were right, power was everything in this wild world, but the way they treated old Alex was very cruel.

Alex's father hardly spoke to him and hardly considered him his son.

His mother Margaret was very sad the first year because her first son who was Alex had been born without talent, but with the arrival of her second daughter who was Celia, Margaret began to put him aside, but she was still close because although Celia did have Talent wasn't much after all, but as soon as her third son named Gerard was born, she simply put Alex aside, Alex's mother simply focused on Celia and Gerard and forgot about the existence of her other son.

This, although it infuriated Alex, the one who was furious the most all the time and the one who ended up becoming someone without feelings was Celia.

Celia was always furious with Margaret for how little she paid attention to her older brother, but she still forgave her because she didn't put him aside and sometimes she cared for him too, but how much she stopped caring for Alex just because of Gerard's birth. he just grew cold and stopped loving his mother, although it wasn't Gerard's fault that his mother was that kind of person. Celia also hated him because Gerard didn't love Alex either.

"Sigh, what a troublesome family, should I just leave this place?" He asked himself.

"If I go I'd have to leave Celia and my other three half-sisters in this shitty castle." Alex showed a hesitant look at this fact.

"No, I have to stay, I can't be such a coward and just think about my safety and leave without thinking about them and Celia, if I leave I'll break their hearts."

Even though Alex had just met Celia and hadn't even seen his other 3 half-sisters in person, he had feelings of wanting to protect and care for them, but the feelings came from his new memories, but even if they weren't his true feelings, he couldn't make up his mind. turning a blind eye to this, after all he was not that kind of person, besides his sisters always took care of him and tried to cheer him up when he was down, they were good people unlike his father, mother, stepmothers and other half-siblings.

"In truth, if I'm stupid to worry about people I barely know, but I do it for old Alex, I don't know if the previous Alex died because of Jhon's beating, and thanks to that I was able to usurp his body, or just I killed him when I mysteriously entered his body. Whatever the reason, I am no longer Kai, but simply Alex Relish." He said Alex with a bitter taste in his mouth because he didn't want to have someone else's name.

"Sigh, m-mother, really... I'm sorry, I was a lousy son, I don't know if I'll ever be able to see you again, but... I promise... that... in this new life, I will become into a person you're very proud of." Alex promised himself, even though he knew he had no talent for magic because some of his magical channels were clogged, he would work twice as hard as old Alex to become stronger, no... He would work five times more, and... If it wasn't enough... He'd try a hundred times harder.

His yellow eyes for a moment shone with ambition and bloodlust, but he suddenly shook his head to get those thoughts out of his mind and decided to calm down.

"Calm down Ka- Alex, you're not like that, you can be the best not being 'that' kind of person... I think." He convinced himself and closed his eyes to sleep although he was less than an hour in this world he felt tired and his whole body ached.

Although Alex convinced himself that he was different from 'those' people and tried to sleep to get rid of bad thoughts... a part of him... of his true self... was waking up... No... He was breaking free... And he... he wasn't even realizing it.


Author note: sorry guys for not uploading these days, a spaceship in the shape of a penis kidnapped me. When they were undressing me they saw my parts and apparently they got angry for some strange reason. I could only see their envious eyes when they saw my pizza tower, because of that they decided to experiment with my body. But they didn't achieve anything and they left me in my room again, but after a few days I got the flu. And that's why I couldn't upload chapters, I hope you forgive me.

What did you think of today's chapter? When I was listening to music and writing the last part I got goosebumps, it sounded so epic in my head, I hope you guys do too. Haha.

- Question, have you ever been hijacked by a spaceship?