Go to the castle library

The next day.

Alex's eyelids fluttered and he woke up with a confused look, again, but as soon as he remembered everything that happened the night before, his eyes lost a bit of a shine.

"So...it's not a dream." He murmured to himself as he got up from the bed a little sore.

Still a bit dazed, Alex decided to plan his next moves.

First of all, Alex decided to go to the castle library first to get information from this world because the previous owner of this body put this topic aside, because he concentrated on working his body and practicing swordsmanship.

Alex left his room and headed for the library.

During the tour he couldn't help but look at the architecture of the castle.

The walls were white like ivory, the tapestry on the floor was dark red with gold embroidery, hanging on one side of the walls were lamps that inside them there was no fire but white stones that illuminated the entire corridor.

Walking a few minutes, I come to a wooden door, Alex pushed the door with a bit of difficulty because his body was sore.

In front of him, there was a rather simple library, with a couple of wooden tables and chairs and behind them were shelves with books.

As Alex browsed the shelves, he too read the book covers.

When he found all the books he was looking for, he went to one of the tables, sat down and began to read.


After a few hours of reading, Alex finished his latest book.

"Sigh~ who would have thought that this world was so crazy." He muttered with a surprised tone.

When Alex remembered all the information he had read, he knew that this world was called Razlad, in this world there was no technology like in his old world, this was a medieval world where there were Emperors, Kings, Princes, etc.

That was not the only difference, this world contained an energy called mana, with mana living beings could cultivate it and thanks to this they could prolong their life expectancy. The stronger you were, the longer your life would be.

Thanks to manna, there were magicians and knights with powers.

This world 489 years ago had suffered a great cataclysm, leaving it in ruins. This event was known as 'The Great Disaster' and from that day a new era began.

The years had passed and all the races were recovering.

Now, as of today, it was the year 489 A.D. and Alex had turned 10 a few months ago.

This world is built by 5 Continents, where Alex was in the Human Continent that was located in the southern part, the Continent of Demons was in the southeast, between these two Continents there was a cliff that separated them, the Continent of Beastmen it was in the northern part and was connected to the Human Continent, the Elf Continent was in the northwest which was connected to the Beastmen Continent, and the Fairy Continent was in the east connected to the Demon Continent.

Each of these continents was governed by a single Emperor and the territories were divided into various Kingdoms and each ruled by a King.

On each continent they prayed to a different God.

On the Human Continent she was the Goddess of Light.

In the Demon Continent he was the God of Darkness.

In the Beastmen Continent he was the God of War.

On the Elf Continent she was the Goddess Life.

On the Fairy Continent they did not pray to any Deity but rather believed in the Tree of Life from which they were born.

There are many types of races in this world, but they do not have an Empire or a Kingdom, some of these races are Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, etc. Although they have intelligence, they are not a great threat, although they are very annoying, because they rob and kill travelers and merchants, so there are always missions to kill them.

There are also beasts which are not right and attack everything that moves, these beasts are called Magical Beasts, these beasts are a real threat, because they can absorb mana and become much more powerful than a human, demon, etc.

The bodies of the beasts are valuable for their delicious meat and nutritious mana, their hides can be used as armor, and their magical cores can be used for Alchemy or mages spell enhancers.

Where Alex was located was on the Human Continent in the Kingdom of Talis, where he was near the cliff called 'Mouth of the Mouth Cliff' that separated the Human Continent from the Demon Continent.

The Kingdom of Talis was ruled by his father, King Matthew Relish.

Matthew had 4 wives, his main wife who was his queen was called Malak Loughty and she was the first princess of the Kingdom of Lucemare, the Kingdom of Talis and the Kingdom of Lucemare were neighbors and on good terms.

Matthew had two children with Malak Loughty, and one of these was the first prince of the Kingdom of Talis named John Relish, he was Alex's older brother and he was the one who beat and bothered him.

Alex sighed thinking about that bastard and began to think about his next moves.

Alex's current body was crap, although he was in good shape, he had no talent for mana cultivation and that's why right now, only 10 years old, he was at the Level 1 One-Star Mage Realm.

Unlike John, who at that age was already at the Level 4 One Star Mage Realm. And now that he was 13 years old, he was at the Level 2 two-star Mage Realm.

'Surely there must be a way to unclog my magical channels.' Alex thought.

"Sigh~" Alex turned his neck and looked behind, all the shelves full of books greeted him, he couldn't help but sigh again, he would have to read a lot, but he would have to if he wanted to get out of the crippled state he was in and to protect your loved ones.

"Will the other two be alright? And if they died, would they have reincarnated or usurped someone's body just like me?" Alex couldn't help but think of those two as he stared at the ceiling of the library.

"But if they reincarnated, maybe I have a problem." He thought as he remembered that they also had their good and bad sides like all people. But Alex knowing their personalities knew that if these two were given a second chance they would most likely cause disasters.

"Sigh, even if this happened I can't do anything I'm useless."

"Hehe Even though I've always said that I'm the luckiest of the three, it seems that this time it's not like that." Alex couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Alex had been born with his magical channels plugged and because of this he was unable to absorb mana from the environment. The only way to be able to cultivate normally again was by uncovering his magical gutters.

People who are born with their magical channels clogged are destined to become ordinary people, without power or glory. And Alex would not accept this fact with open arms, he decided to get up and started walking towards the bookshelves that were in the library.

He would find a solution no matter what.

Although he didn't know what exactly happened, he didn't know if the previous owner of this body had been reincarnated or killed, but what he did know was that in this life he would try to be a person his mother is proud of and who knows in some future might even see her again.

Thinking of the latter, his blood boiled with the expectation of being able to see his dearest mother again. He decided to grab the first book of many and began to read.