Chapter 30

The next morning.

Syl woke up in a daze. What a great sleep! He was fully energized! He felt like a billion dollars!

"Hahahaha! These sleep token things are amazing! Why didn't you tell me sooner Sys?!"

[Haaa… Once again, I already did tell you. Host just never listens to me…]

"Nonsense! I listen all the time! I'm the best host!"

[Whatever host says.]

Syl happily skipped his way over to the mirror. What happened yesterday wasn't even a thought that crossed his mind, he was too distracted by how great he felt right now!

What an idiot!

Syl walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth, but dropped his toothbrush when he saw his reflection.

"Huh?? Who's this sexy guy?!"

[That is you host. You received a body optimization pill yesterday. One of the effects is to increase your looks.]

Syl beamed. "I'm so cute! I mean handsome! Super handsome! Nothing cute about me! Hmph!"

[Host's main benefit with his looks is that he is cute, according to the girls at this school.]

"What? How do you even know that?"

[This is how.]

Suddenly a screen appeared in front of Syl with an article on it.

It read.

[School boys looks ranking. (Survey from all classes and all grades girls)

Rank 1: Nagumo Miyabi

Rank 2: Horikita Manabu

Rank 13: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

Rank 14: Sujin Syl

Rank 100: Kiriyama Ikuto

That's the top 100 boys! If you want more, please like and subscribe! If we get over 350 likes, we will make a top 200 boys list!]

Syl was stunned.

"When was this released?! And how is Ayanokoji above me?!?! He's a dead fish!"

Across the school.

Ayanokoji sneezed. "Am I getting sick? But I should be immune to most illnesses…"

Back to Syl.

Syl clicked on his own name. The top 25 boys had a description written about them.

[Syl is a first year class D Student just like Ayanokoji, who ranked one higher. What a stacked class, I'm so jealous! If only I could watch these boys everyday I wou-]

Syl skipped to the important part of the article.

[Syl is a cute boy with a cheeky smile! He's like an angel who lights up your day and brightens your world with his joyful personality and beautiful smile! His presence in this school must have been a gift from god himself!-]

Syl chuckled. "It actually was!"

He skimmed the rest of the article but it was just a rant that said the exact same things.

Syl looked back up at the mirror. "I'm the cutest boy in the world! Not handsome at all! Who called me handsome? Hmph!"

[You called yourself handsome, host.]

"What? No way! I don't remember doing that!"

He smiled and walked away.

'At least he's in a better mood now' Sys thought.

Syl then poked his head in the door the wrong way, like Chopper. "Sys, what's my status now?"

[Here it is.


Name: Syl Sujin (original name) [Body's name: ???]

Nickname: The Anomaly

Age: 14

Height: 5,6

Weight: N / A (that's rude)

Race: Human

Private points: 167,885

Class points: 523

Physical enhancements: (body strengthening), (Looks enhancement) (Stamina boost), (enhanced flexibility) (Physical enhancement) [All 5 senses (High level)], (Body optimization pill) [medium]

Mental enhancements: (quicker learning), (better memory), (Mental enhancement) [increased thought speed (high level)]

Knowledge: (Middle school knowledge) (elementary school knowledge) (tech knowledge [medium]), (English knowledge) [PHD level]

Skills: (Translation skill) [all languages], (Stealth skill) [advanced], (Kimetsu no Yaiba, Butterfly Style sword technique) [Total concentrated breathing], (Soul soul fruit) [Brook's fruit], (Devil fruit cure), (Indomitable spirit) [Mumen Rider], (telekinesis) [Very low level], (Unlocked Haki) [Conquerors], (Observation haki) [Low], (Makeup artist skill) [James Charles]

Talents: (Hacker talent) [high], (Survival talent) [world class], (fighting talent) [Black widow- Natasha Rominoff], (Cooking Talent) [Soma], (Acting talent) [Yutori Kokorogi], (Hide and Seek talent) [Tony Chopper], (Calligraphy talent) [low level], (Gambling talent) [Yumeko Jabami], (Childcare mastery) [Fatherhood talent]

Magic (No Mana yet): (Size manipulation magic)

Items: Pink bunny slippers! Pink Onesie- with bunny ears! <3 Sleep tokens and caffeine pills, Makeup kit, Hockey rink, House upgrade, Training room, (Dawn's Ballad + Customizable pencil (merged)) [From TBATE - Colour: Yellow], Night Vision Sunglasses, Premium bluetooth earbuds, (6 ply toilet paper) [infinite supply], (Portable cooking set), (Elementary school knowledge), (Middle school knowledge), (1,000,000,000 year old stone)

Luck: Error

Charisma/Charm: S- (SS+ to older women due to cuteness)]

Syl admired his own status for a moment before moving on. His charm even went up! What luck! Maybe now he would rank higher than Ayanokoji!

Syl walked to school with a pop in his step, he even felt a little stronger.

It basically felt like this, you know those days where you just feel better than normal, and where you just feel like you can do things that you couldn't do before. Imagine that, but everyday! That's what Syl was like now!

What a lucky guy!

Syl was stopped by someone on his way to school.

He smiled happily. "Kushida! What's a place like you doing in an angel like this?"


"What's an angel like you doing in a place like this?"

"Hmm, I don't think that's what you said…"

"Bah! You must be deaf! That's definitely what I said. Anyway, are you here to laugh at me for yesterday or something?"

Kushida looked taken aback. Then she looked around to make sure no one was watching.

"What the fuck's wrong with you? Even I wouldn't do something like that! Horikita really went too far. I can't believe you think of me like that."

Syl just laughed. "So false sexual assult charges and destroying an entire class are fine but dead moms are a no go, eh. How was I supposed to know where to draw the line?"

Kushida scowled. "I was just trying to protect myself."

"If a murder tries to kill you and you kill him instead, aren't you… wait no, bad example."

Kushida smiled. "No you're not a murderer, it's self defense."

"I get it, I get it! Bad analogy! This is more appropriate, if someone finds out your secret and you kill them to keep them quiet, are you not still a murderer?"

Kushida pouted. "That's not a fair analogy, I never killed anyone."

Syl grabbed his hair. "Fine, I'm not on point with the analogy's today! Can't a guy have one day off? Gheez!"

He started walking away but Kushida followed him, going back to her fake personality as they entered a crowded area.

"It's totally fine! I just want to make sure you're alright! Horikita was too mean after all! I can't believe she would do that!" Kushida loudly said.

Syl grumbled. "Please don't."

"I just want to make sure you're okay after what Horikita said!" She nearly shouted.

Syl scowled. "Don't use me as a way to make Horikita look bad, at least be creative and do it on your own, you bitch." He mumbled.

"Are you feeling any better?! I hope you are!"

Syl grit his teeth. "I'd feel better if I could hit you with a rock. Might relieve some stress." He continued to grumble.

"Let me know if I can help you in any way!"

"You could let me hit you over the head with a rock." He mumbled again.

"Oh no! How horrible! She didn't even apologize."

"And neither will I when I knock you out with my 1,000,000,000 year old rock." Syl spat as they finally reached the classroom.

Then Syl turned and put on a huge smile. "Thanks a lot Kushida! But I'm really fine! I was just tired after the game yesterday, I don't even remember what you're talking about!" He said loudly so everyone eavesdropping could hear.

Syl promptly took his seat and Kushida went to hers.

Syl sat down with a sigh, it was such a good morning too!

Why did that bitch have to ruin it!?