Chapter 31

Suddenly a shadow covered Syl.

"Sujin, no. Syl. I would like to speak with you."

Syl looked up to see Horikita with Ayanokoji standing behind her, almost like he was her support.


The two walked into the hall and found a private place.

"I didn't know that…" Horikita trailed off.

"My mom was dead?" Syl asked with a smile.

"... Yeah. That."

Syl chuckled. "Don't worry, my dad's dead too!"

"Yes, I already know about that now." Horikita replied.

Syl nearly face planted. He looked at Horikita and put a hand on her shoulder lightly.

When the students from Class D watching saw this they started to sweat, was Syl threatening her? This could end badly.

Luckily for them, Syl was just trying to help her out!

"Listen, Horikita. You need to work on that. When someone says, 'my dad's dead'. Don't ever just say. 'I know'. You always need to at least say 'I'm sorry', or 'I'm sorry for your loss'."

Horikita furrowed her brow. "Why would I apologize? I didn't do anything to them."

Syl sighed. "This is what you need to work on… It's just a common courtesy thing, you don't do it for a reason, it's just to be nice and polite."

"... I see, then. I'm sorry for your loss."

Syl chuckled. "You're improving already! I'm such a great teacher."

"Well, actually I-"

Syl put his hand over her mouth. "Nope. This is when you just say thanks or something. Don't try and brag that you could have done it without the other person."

Horikita bit Syl's finger.

"Don't ever do that again." She said angrily.

Syl waved his hand in the air as if he was trying to shake the pain away. "Yup, I deserved that one. My bad. Anyway, is that everything? Class is about to start."

"No. Also, I'm sorry."

Syl froze. Then he picked his ear with his pinky. "I'm sorry, I heard you wrong. What did you say?"

"I'm sorry. I'm apologizing to you for the thing that I said."

Syl's jaw hit the floor.

Then he pinched himself in the cheek.

"This doesn't seem to be a dream…" Syl mumbled.

"It's not. Then, if you don't need me to do anything to make it up to you, I'll leave first."

"Wait! I do have something!" Syl said.

Horikita raised her eyebrow. "What's that?"

"Let me expel Kushida! She's so fucking annyoying! And a bitch!" He whispered.

"No, she's valuable to the class." Horikita responded without hesitation.

"Bah! Then at least let me hit her in the head with a rock!"

"No, that's obviously not allowed. Are you messing with me?"

Syl pouted, he really wanted to hit her with a rock! "Then, what if it's a 1,000,000,000 year old rock?"

Horikita sighed. "Fine. If you can somehow find a billion year old rock on this campus, then do what you want. Is that everything?"

Syl jumped for joy!


"Then, I'm going. Have a nice day." Horikita replied as she walked away.

Syl then smiled. "I'm such a great teacher! She's already learned so much!"

Little did he know that Syl taught her nothing. It was actually all Ayanokoji…

Well, at least Syl was happy now!

Syl returned to class after Horikita and went about his day normally.

Just like that, a month passed.

[Ding! Host has received 5 spins from the 515 class points this month.]

"Spin please."

[Ding! Host has received. (Mana core- Black) [From-TBATE] x1, (Chess talent) [Hans Niemann] x1, (Duplicates) x3]

"No! I don't want to win with a vibrator!!!"

[That is a false allegation host…]

"How do you know that?! Did you see his asshole during the match?!"


"Then you have no proof!"


"Well, more importantly… does this mean I can use magic?"

[Yes, although it is the weakest magic core, host can now use magic.]

"Am I an augmentor or conjuror?"

[Host has to figure that out yourself. Thought, I think it's pretty obvious, usually conjuror's are more calm, collected and smarter people.]

"I see, so I'm obviously a conjuror then."




"Then, I'll use my size manipulation magic! Make me taller!"

[Size manipulation magic can only be used on inanimate objects.]


[Size manipulation magic can only be used on inanimate objects.]


[My apologies, host.]

Syl sat down in a fetial position and looked like he was about to cry.

[Cheer up host, you can use it on Dawn's ballad along with telekinesis for a cool sword draw.]

"... I'm gonna be short forever…"

[That's why the girls love you! Remember the top 100 boy's in school article?]

"I'm gonna look like a child my whole life!"

[Host can use size manipulation magic to hit Kushida with a bigger rock!]

"I can hit that bitch with a huge rock! Sys, you're a genius! I love you!! HAHAHA!!" Syl said as he jumped in the air with a huge smile on his face.

Syl ran laps around his room in his pink bunny suit while dancing for joy!