Forging the Mana Core II — Ambrosya

Using tools that augmented the accuracy and precision of my engraving processes, I slowly but surely laid the foundations of my enchantment. I used the thread and needle to pierce into the Mana Core with my mana, creating grooves that served as highways of energy. The grooves were like the veins and arteries in the human body, spreading throughout the Mana Core in an organic structure with seemingly no pattern at all.

Mana Cores were brains made out of mana, after all, and this was a piece of knowledge not even Eve knew of. Only I did. Thus, this artificial circulatory system was vital in breathing life into my future creation, the Halo of Dominance.

Miana's Mana Core was going to be an integral part of that item if I ever decided on taking it from her.

When I was done with the foundations, I began coding. Slowly, I printed out program after program into the Mana Core. I used different tools for different aspects of the spell system created by yours truly.

The pages of the virtual book inside my mind were fluttering at great speeds as I shuffled between blueprints and lines of code. I utilised a few of the special traits of mana while working, exploiting its physics as well as making sure that everything I did was perfect, all the way until the last molecule.

Six hours into working, I stopped to rest. Sweat was dripping down my brow and I could barely feel my legs. I needed to stretch. I needed—

"A cup of coffee," I spoke to the trio standing at the side of the workshop.

King's interest in my work had yet to die down. His eyes were still shimmering with curiosity and pure joy at being able to observe my actions.

Rose had entered a state of flow, wherein my movements and techniques had inspired a certain mindset within her. Her wizardly nature had revealed itself at this moment as she worked on her own symphonies of mana while watching me work.

As for Miana, she was still gazing coldly at what I was doing, unbothered by the depths of the night outside, and seemingly incapable of feeling fatigue.

I coughed, "...You all need to find something else to do while waiting. I'm not going to class tomorrow for this."

"...Your work is rather inspiring, Caelum. I would love it if I can continue to watch." Rose was the first to step forward, directly admitting that she was enlightened by simply observing my actions. Well, it only made sense.

The intricacies of my expertise contained knowledge that no one in this world could ever be aware of.

"I'm simply in awe at how you got to this point without any practice. Isn't this your first time enchanting something?" King added, causing concern to appear within someone else's heart.

"...It's your first time enchanting?" Miana's brows furrowed.

"It is." I looked into Miana's eyes after rolling my eyes at King's talkativeness, "Does it matter though? I guarantee that not even Eve can rival my prowess."

"If you still cannot bring yourself to trust me at this point in time, then you can only cry yourself to sleep." I shrugged.

"No... I trust you, Caelum Phricius. I'm more doubtful of the fact that this is your first enchantment." Miana blinked, "It is simply illogical to be this adept at whatever you're doing with so little experience. Your control over physical mana is... monstrous."

Hearing this, I smiled. That was only what it seemed. In fact, all that I was doing with my mana was pouring it into the Mana Core. The rest was handled by my dexterity and control over the tools I utilised. Only the more advanced engineers and craftsmen would have caught on to this trait of mine.

It was the reason why I had to prepare so many tools beforehand. My Mutated Physical Intuition did not apply to my control over mana, after all.

After my short chat with the trio and a quick cup of coffee, I resumed working.

I worked through the night and into the next day, feeling the darkness dissipate as rays of sunlight beamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows. I took breaks every six hours, either to consume sustenance or simply to close my eyes to rest and use the comfort room.

My three companions never once left their post, their awe towards my actions grew with every passing minute.

When it was all over, they looked at the gleaming Mana Core on the table with a tinge of greed in their gazes. The previously translucent blue orb was now polished into transparency.

It was akin to a glass sphere, perfect and stained with blue. Inside the sphere, one could see mana programs in the billions, gleaming around different blood vessels of dense mana flow. They were like vines, curling around the branches of a leafless tree.

Looking straight into the Mana Core was legitimately dizzying, which baffled the observant trio. Even I couldn't look into the Mana Core's structure without getting a headache.

Optical illusions were a common sight within the Mana Core, making for an even more magical creation.

"I'm done," I said, just as a new midnight arrived. My eyes were quite bloodshot, and I had eyebags hanging from them, but all was well.

I had completed my first enchantment.

As for what I had created, well...

"Miana," I gestured to the woman who owned this masterpiece of mine, "I have completed the enchantment of your Mana Core."

I had engraved my own original spells, reprogrammed a few thousand existing mana programs, connected a specific set of mana neurons together, and even created a circulatory system for the mana within it. A functioning heart was beating from within the very centre of the sphere, looking akin to a set of concentric circles that roughly formed another sphere of their own.

"I won't go into what I did specifically, but the main function of this piece of Mana Technology lies in its ability to function as an extension of your entire being. Watch closely,"

I held the Mana Core in my hand and channelled mana into it. In the next moment, the Mana Core began levitating, floating just in front of my forehead. Near the space between my brows.

I closed my eyes and unlocked the Mana Core's system.

"Link start!" I spoke, and suddenly, I felt my mind bind itself to the Mana Core.

A deep blue, humanoid aura appeared all around my body. A pair of glowing white eyes were then manifested on its face, gazing at the trio in front of me.

"Its powers are for you to explore," I grinned, "I don't have the energy to explain everything to you, and I trust in your own skills."

I pushed the Mana Core into Miana's hands, forcefully dispelling the humanoid aura around me. "Goodluck,"

Goodluck, for I had just given her a sentient body of mana. An artificial intelligence akin to Worthy Adversary, with powers only limited by one's own imagination.