Devious Methods I — Virion


I couldn't help but notice that a significant figure was absent from class. Caelum, that hooded figure, was nowhere to be seen. This fact caused a small stir within the class as whispers spread amongst the students.

I too was curious as to where he was, but the classes were growing more hectic with each minute that passed by. I had to keep my focus so I wouldn't get left behind.

Our duels had also grown in intensity. After Caelum revealed his sudden increase in ability yesterday, a fire had been ignited. Everyone felt pressured to catch up.

Especially Lily. If not for our meals together in our "table of outcasts," as well as our classes, it was impossible to even catch a glimpse of her presence.

She was deeply indulged in her training.

Wednesday came, and Caelum also returned, moving quite sluggishly compared to his usual self. In class, he would rest his head on his hand in a manner different from his usual statue-like motionlessness.

He might've fallen asleep at one point in time... I wasn't sure, as he still hid his face underneath his hood.

It was only when our eyes would meet that I would catch a faint glow of mana glowing from within the depths of his irises. Whenever that happened, it felt as if he was staring right into my soul.

Just like everyone, I could see a little bit of his face, but it was always lacking. If he ever took off his hood in the future and he mingled with a large crowd, I would be unable to identify him.

Everything returned to normal on Thursday, and from there, the days passed by. The days turned into weeks as we gradually adapted to the system in place.

Caelum held his top spot with a firm grasp. He was unshakeable and unbeatable. He had even taken the initiative to challenge the second years for the sake of the rewards that the school gave out.

The more he fought, the more he was able to make use of the school's facilities. Seeing what he was doing, I did something similar.

I began challenging the lower rungs of the second years. I won some and lost some. Nonetheless, I profited.

I amassed experience over the course of these weeks, and everything felt great. The harassment and constant ostracisation I experienced had become a part of my routine. They were bothersome, but I figured out a way to exploit them for my own benefit.


Today marked a month since the start of school.

Sylfie was walking beside me as we strolled through the beautiful campus of Aethercaller. Filtered sunlight shone intermittently above us as grey clouds drifted through the sky. A pleasant breeze that smelled of tree bark and soil flowed past my nostrils.

"What are your plans for this weekend, Young master Virion?" Sylfie asked, her cheerful voice ringing in my ears like wind chimes.

"Nothing much... I have achieved freedom from all our recent requirements." I replied with a shrug, "Why? Do you desire the exploration of Aelthrie once more?"

"Yes!" Sylfie's fierce nods made me chuckle. "There's this place I want to try out... but I don't have the money. Can I borrow a few bucks?"

Hearing this, my lips twitched, "You have yet to pay me back, my dear friend, yet you're already asking for more?"

"Hehe," A sly laugh escaped Sylfie's lips. "I'll pay you back one of these days, I promise!"

I rolled my eyes, "You should try getting a job in the city, you know? That way you can enjoy your food tasting even more."

"Cael said the same thing," Sylfie sighed, "I've sent applications to a few places with his help, but I have yet to receive a reply in return."

"So now you're stuck in a quagmire of debt," I shook my head, helpless when it came to Sylfie's hobby, "I hope you get out eventually."

A group of injured students passed us by at this moment. From their clothes, I could tell that they were first years. The cuts and burns on their robes were all familiar. Their injuries had a pattern to them, and I was pretty much certain that they had been the latest batch of people who challenged Caelum.

When they were quite a distance away from us, Sylfie leaned into my ear and whispered,

"Did someone try to ambush Cael again?"

I sighed, "It looks like it. At this point, it is quite clear that someone is pulling strings behind the scenes. It's so... unnatural to see them do what they do."

I gripped my battleaxe. Aethercaller tended to turn a blind eye to scuffles like these, just as long as no one died or was crippled in some way.

It was a combat school, after all. Anything that came with combat was highly encouraged. What they did not tolerate, however, were things like slander and defamation, thievery, plagiarism, and other noncombat offences.

Because of this, rumours were usually a risky piece of indulgence. If one spread a negative rumour too much and the professors caught wind of it, justice would be delivered.

It was much safer to simply go around beating people up. Even when it was an unofficial fight.

In fact, 80% of the fights that occurred in Aethercaller were unofficial. As the elders of the world would say, 'conflict breeds hatred, and hatred breeds violence.' With the turbulent hormones of growing teenagers, things would escalate faster than the speed of light.

This was also why the commoners banded together. They moved in groups, wary of the nobles who would vent their anger on them for absolutely no reason at all other than finding their presence an eyesore.

"You need to stay safe, alright Sylfie?" I gave my dear friend a pat on the shoulder.

I heard from Hailey, our healer, that Sylfie still had a few lingering injuries from the time our vehicle exploded. It wasn't obvious at first, but they all surfaced now that a certain time has passed. Symptoms like muscle spasms and gripping pains would assault Sylfie from time to time, rousing my concern for her being.

"I will," Sylfie smiled at me, hiding the pains she was currently experiencing, "I've been learning a new technique recently, so you don't have to worry."

I let out a small, wry smile as I looked at my dear friend. If not for my special body, I might've had the same symptoms as her.