Guarding Our Secret

It wasn’t the first time that we broke the silence about our relationship and revealed it to someone else. Elizabeth, Kyle, as well as Ace’s father all knew that we were dating. However, this was the first time that a close colleague and friend of mine had found out. Unlike the other three that had found out before, I didn’t see any reason why Jeremy needed to help us keep our relationship a secret.

“It’s fine, Rina. Sooner or later, people will find out the truth. It’s all just a matter of time. Plus, I’m sure that you’re going through some tough times trying to keep this a secret from everyone,” Ace said empathizing.

He was right about it being hard; however, it was a burden that I didn’t mind carrying. I found myself biting on my lower lip as I found countless emotions flooding my chest and stinging the back of my eyes.

“You two can’t keep this a secret forever,” Jeremy stated coldly.

“Please don’t tell anyone!” I pleaded desperately.