Withstanding the Storm

“What do you mean? Did he agree not to tell anyone?” I asked as I tried to keep myself from panicking.

“Don’t worry, Rina. He won’t tell anyone,” Ace replied with certainty.

“How can you be so sure?” I asked as I started frowning from worry.

Ace pursed his lips together as a thoughtful look overcame his handsome facial features as he thought about how he should answer my question. I waited impatiently for his answer as I kept on staring at his face.

“Well, it was just a feeling but if I have to put it into words then, I guess I can’t imagine him doing anything to hurt the girl that he likes,” Ace finally replied before showing me a charming smile.

“Is that why you thought that it would be ok to tell him about us?” I asked.

“I guess that was partly the reason. Also, I thought that things might become a little easier for you at work if we just admit to it. As I said before, sooner or later, he’s going to have to find out,” Ace explained calmly.