New Adventure

I could sense that he didn’t have much time to spend on the phone. Regardless, I was thrilled that he had given me a call and that he was inviting me out for dinner. My mind quickly took note of the date to see if today represented some kind of important day or occasion, but I couldn’t detect anything special.

“Sure, I’m free. I’ll be looking forward to it!” I replied enthusiastically without hiding my excitement.

“Don’t sound too excited, it makes me feel a little pressured,” Ace replied jokingly.

I couldn’t wait until the arrival of the evening so that I could spend time with Ace. After clearing my work for the day, I headed to the toilet where I could touch up my make-up and my hair. I wanted to look decent enough for Ace since it had been a while since we had had a proper dinner date together.

“This should do it…” I murmured to myself after having applied some lipstick to my lips.